The First Expedition

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Chapter 4: The First Expedition

It's been a few months since I've gotten back home and I've seen my father twice since he went to meet the king. Anika and I were sparring at the Survey Corps headquarters. "So you never told me what was written in the letter from Armin, I'm so curious since you keep it locked away with some of your mother's things," Anika said throwing a few punches and kicks my way. "It was nothing that you need to concern yourself with, all you need to know is that we are on good terms and we still keep in touch. Oh and Marco asked about you, asked if you could send him an update on how you're doing." Her face turned a little red and I quickly took my opportunity to counter attack and knock her down.

She frowned at me as I helped her off the floor. "First rule my father taught me was to never let your guard down no matter what because that's how you die." She stuck her tongue out at me and lightly pushed me away. "Star go to your father's office he's waiting to speak with you." Uncle Levi said walking up beside Anika. I feel like in the next few years I would be taller than a man twice my age. When I got to the office my father was standing at the door with a large smile on his face. "What's with the face, did something awesome happen?" asked skipping over to him. "Yes, there's an upcoming expedition and I think it's time you and Anika finally got the chance to go." I couldn't believe it, I was finally going to get to go outside of the walls. "Are you serious, I can finally go on an expedition? Dad, you are awesome." I yelled as I pulled him into a tight hug. I ran out of the office and straight to Anika who singing to herself, she and I jumped in joy at the awesome news of going outside of the walls. Of course, it wouldn't be outside of Wall Maria but it was still a few steps closer and I loved it.

A few days passed and it was finally time, the day of the expedition was upon us and I couldn't be any happier. Like I once said before I had been training years for this and I was a million times ready for anything any titan threw at me. Anika and I had been placed in the squad right behind my father's squad. This is it, here we are right in front of the gates of Trost. I could hear the cannons going off and it made my anxiety level rise along with my blood pressure. "Hey calm down, everything is going to be alright. Your father made sure that I was the one to watch you so I promise you I won't let anything happen to you." Mike said quietly. I nodded as we readied our horses. The signal was given and we all rode out of the little district into Titan territory. As soon as we made it outside of the walls I could feel my anxiety sky rocket as a few Titans off in the distance were coming our way.

"Smith, keep your eyes forward and make sure you don't stray too far." I heard Mike yell as we got into formation. I could feel my heart pounding as everyone began to separate; the smallest sound caught my attention as I expected it to be a Titan but of course, it was just my nerves. A few minutes later a red signal flare shot up from the far right. Red means there's a titan ne... A few seconds' later two black signal flares were shot into the air followed by distant screaming. Something is wrong why would two people send up a black flare right beside each other. Another black flare went up followed by two red ones and more distant screaming. Oh no, Anika was sent over in that corner, if something serious was happening I couldn't let her die, at least not alone.

Despite all of Mike's yelling I quickly made my way in the direction, there was no way shape or form was I leaving until I had my best friend by my side. My heart began to beat faster as I saw about a dozen Titans feeding on whatever was leftover of my squad members as well as chasing anyone that was trying to get away. My eyes quickly locked onto Anika who was riding quickly to the east. She was being followed by two giant Titans that were obviously aberrant and they were hot on her tail. I quickly made my way in her direction trying my best to get the attention of as least one of them.

One of them looked over at me and quickly changed direction to me after while letting out an ear piercing scream. I fired a black signal flare as I made my way to the trees, I remember daddy telling me to head to the trees if I was ever in trouble. I looked over at Anika who was also following in my direction. Good now I just need to get up high and everything will be fine; Mike would never leave me as long as my father was alive. Anika and I were finally together when we reached the treetops we used our maneuver gear and flew to the very top of the trees. When I looked over at Anika she was crying covered in blood that I hoped wasn't hers.

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