Female Titan

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I had been sleeping on and off for a few days, and now I was just bored. Levi stopped in to make sure I was still alive but he didn't stay long. He said something about knowing who the female titan was and how they were going to try to capture her again. Of course, when all the fun goes down I'm never around. I was laying in bed trying to sew some new dresses for myself, I was becoming quite the seamstress with my new found boredom. I had even made a nice wings of freedom handkerchief for Levi with the letter "L" stitched on the bottom. I knew he would like that and for daddy, I went out and spent a lot of my allowance to buy pieces for the new Bolo Tie I was going to make for him.

Gold and emerald pieces for the worlds greatest father and protector. I'm sure if I made him a drawing of the sun he would love it but I want something that he's going to love and carry with him all the time. Som... A large crash interrupted my thoughts and stuck my finger with the needle I was using.

It was the same sound I heard when Eren turned into a titan only it was a bit more distant. I got up and looked out the window and saw the female titan, she looked like she was trying to get reach for something or someone on the ground. I went to grab my uniform but stopped myself when I realized how much trouble I would be in if I tried to get anywhere near the chaos. I grabbed my shoes and packed a small bag with necessities before heading out of the house. 

I need to get away from the area and head towards the walls or at least get an HQ. I walked out of the house and civilians were everywhere running and screaming. She was moving, almost like she was trying to get away now. I stopped and watched the scene play out before heading back into the house. I know dad keeps spare gear in this house somewhere. I went into his room and pulled out a dusty box before opening it.

The maneuver gear had the wings of freedom on one side and the letter 'S' engraved on the other side. It was obvious this was custom judging by the rose gold exterior, this belonged to my mother. I made sure I was all ready to go before heading to all the fighting, Eren had now gone titan and he and the female titan were racing throughout town. I saw a few Military Police officers. "Hey, you since you're standing there with your thumb up your ass give me your cylinders of gas." One of them threw their things down before taking off in the opposite direction.

Well, that was easier than I thought it would be. I made sure everything was ready to go before I started following Eren and the female titan again. It looked like she was heading to the wall and Eren was doing everything he could to stop her. I noticed Hange keeping a safe distance so I landing beside her and she frowned at me. "If your papa knew you were here he..." She stopped talking once she saw my maneuver and smiled at me. 

"It looks so good on you." I smiled and nodded to her as she looking back at the scene that was playing out before us. Eren was losing again, and Annie was climbing up the wall. "She's going to climb over the wall." I looked over when I heard Armin and looked a little roughed up but nothing too serious. Jean wasn't too far behind and he looked angry more than anything else, then again this is Jean we're talking about.

I jumped off the building and moved closed to the scene as the female titan was cut down from the wall. Eren was beating her to a pulp and it looked like he was starting to lose control, it made me nervous.  "EREN, DON'T LOSE FOCUS!" I yelled as he stopped for a moment. He tore the female titan's neck open and the person inside was revealed. It was the girl, the one from the training squad she was the female titan. All the countless lives she took all for what? Just to take Eren and she failed. All the unnecessary deaths that happened. 

"Star!" I flinched when I heard my dad's voice, of course, I should've just stayed back where I was. I made my way over to him and he shook his head before smiling at me. "You sure are something kid. It looks good, you should keep it." He said pointing to the gear. "Sorry about taking it, I just couldn't sit at home knowing what was going on out here." He nodded as we walked down to the smokey scene.

The girl I came to know as Annie was encased in a large crystal as Eren was on the side trying to recover from his recent transformation. "Star if the house is not destroyed head back to there and I'll meet you there later today and as for everyone if you're not injured we need to get this crystal out of the streets and underground." Father put his hand up and everyone started to move. He looked my way and I saluted him before heading back to the house, it was still standing but there was a little damage here and there. 

Nothing small repairs couldn't fix, I went inside and sighed. Daddy and Levi are going to be coming home sometime soon, I might as well start some food so they can come home to dinner. As I was cooking I couldn't help but think about Eren, I wondered how he was doing and if he needed anything. He was the reason I was somewhat injured but he just went full crazy titan and was probably recovering like I was. 

I quickly cooked and baked a nice pie for Eren before heading to the infirmary, when I got there Mikasa was walking out of his room and she frowned as she walked past me. I smiled at her before knocking and opening the door. "Hey, I was just coming to check on you. I know going titan takes a lot out of you so I made you a pie." I said putting the pie on the end table. "Thank you and I'm fine I head freakishly fast." I smiled at him and I watched his cheeks flush red.

"Uh, how are you? Levi kicked my ass and said that I hurt you during the expedition?" I shrugged and rubbed the back of my head. There was still a small bump in the back but it wasn't hurting as much. "I'll be fine, it's nothing too serious and I don't have titan healing skills but I do heal faster than the average person." He nodded and an awkward silence fell over the room.

"You know I don't really remember things when I turn into a titan but I remember hearing your voice. Everything was dark but I heard you said "don't lose focus" clear as day." I don't know what it is about you but things feel different when you're around. It feels right." He explained looking down at his hands.

I smiled to myself and I felt my face heat up. "Well, I'm glad I make you 'feel' right. If it does make you feel better things feel right when I'm with you too. Wow, that sounded like a confession. That's not what I meant, I didn't mean it like that just... I don't you I'm going to stop talking before I make a fool of myself some more." I said looking away.

I didn't really know what to say and I could tell he was thinking the same thing. "So, I think I'm going to head home before my dad kills me for leaving the house again." Eren nodded and I stood up. Before I could walk away I felt Eren grab my hand. "Thank you, Star, really. You're are really great." I turned towards him and leaned down placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "I'll see you later Eren get some rest before all hell breaks loose again." He nodded as his face turned bright red. 

I left Eren and took my time heading back to the house when I got there Levi and daddy were still MIA. It's nothing I wasn't used too, they were always working even when they were supposed to be home relaxing they were working. That's probably where I get workaholic attitude from. 

I didn't realize I passed out until I felt someone shaking me, I turned to see Levi staring down at me. "What's going on? Why do you look like that?" He picked up one of the dress I'd recently made and tossed it at me. "Get dressed, and make sure you wear comfortable clothes. There's been an emergency." I stretched and did what I was told before heading out of the house behind Levi. "Is everything ok? What's the emergency?" 

Levi ignored me as daddy rode up to us with an army following behind him. He nodded to me and I saluted him before following Levi to the back where Mikasa, Eren, and Armin were sitting. "Star." I gave the trio a little smile before climbing in and sitting across from them. "Do you guys know what's going on because everyone seems to be ignoring me when I try to figure it out." Eren frowned nodded. "Titans are in Wall Rose." 

Oh, and the plot thickens.

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