Special Ops Squad

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***Chapter note the italics means it's in another language***

Eren had officially joined the Survey Corps and I was strangely excited about it, I didn't know him very well but after that electric attraction we had I wanted to know more about him. Levi made every attempt as keeping us apart, if we would walk past each other Levi was right there standing in between us.

We were cleaning out one of the old HQ's that was long abandoned but we needed someplace close to keep an eye on the titans we captured and someplace with enough room for Eren just in case he goes all titan again. I had just finished cleaning one of the many rooms for the fifth time before Levi approved of its cleanliness. I walked into the next room and saw Eren scrubbing the floor, there is no way Levi is going to approve of this room, I can wipe the dust and grime off with my finger.

I didn't realize Eren was staring at me until I heard him clear his throat, I turned and gave him a small smile. "What's up, you look like you can use some help." He nodded throwing down the scrub brush. "Yeah Captain Levi has me doing this room for the tenth time it looks clean to me." I shook my head and pointed to the walls and shelves. "Make sure you clean top to bottom, it will save you a lot of time and stress from Levi," I said sweeping the dust from the walls and failing at reaching the roof and it's cornered.

Eren walked up to me and took the broom from me and reached up dusting out the corners and pulling cobwebs down. "Thanks as you may know I'm not exactly the tallest person around, anyway let's move on to sweeping then we can scrub," I said taking the broom from Eren and sweeping the now dirty floor.

"Armin used to talk about you all the time, he really likes you. I never thought I would get the chance to meet you and here you are. You're a lot prettier than I thought you'd be too." I looked over at him but he was looking down at his feet. "I miss him too and it's nice to officially meet you Eren, I'm Star Smith the only living relative of Erwin Smith," I said holding out my hand for him to shake. "Eren Jaeger, it's nice to meet you too." He took my hand a flow of electricity ran through my body just like the day before.

I pulled my hand away and gave him a small smile, before going back to cleaning. The rest of the day was everyone cleaning and Levi yelling about how "shitty everyone was" because they couldn't clean a room properly. Gotta love Levi and his short temper. I fell on my bed and sighed, what is going on with me? Whenever we look at each other or touch I get this jolt of electricity. Whatever it's probably some emotion I know nothing about, I thought taking off my shirt. The door flew open and Hange ran in with a large smile on her face.

That's the smile that makes me super nervous, what was she planning on doing to me? "How can I help you?" I asked sitting up on the bed. "Nothing just checking in and possibly hoping to get a blood sample. Unfortunately, I dropped the one I got from you when you were younger so I was hoping to get a new fresh vile." Oh, course she that's what she wants. "My dad said I can't give you any blood so you're out of luck Hange," I said laying back down the bed. I heard her huff before she ran over to me and grabbed my shoulder.

"What is this mark on your shoulder? I feel like I've seen this before I'm just not sure where I've seen it. Hmmm, very strange." I ran my hand over my birthmark and shrugged. "It's a birthmark, it's been there since I can remember, anyway I'm going to bed early and I don't want to wake up to you stealing my blood. You should go tell Eren about the titan's I'm sure he'll love that long story." Hange was instantly excited and thanked me before running out of my room.

I rubbed my shoulder where my birthmark was and sighed, dad said mom had the same exact birthmark on her opposite shoulder. I walked over to the old mirror and looked at the crescent-shaped birthmark, before getting ready for bed. I blew out the candle and got comfortable, before passing out.

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