Expedition: Failure

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God how I hate waking up early, I was in Levi's squad, besides Eren and according to the plan that no one wanted to tell me, we were going to see if Eren could seal up the holes in Shiganshina and Wall Maria. "Are you ready to go outside of the walls for the first time?" Eren nodded, he had his game face on and I shook my head.

This plan was absolutely ridiculous and if anyone was believing this lie they are an idiot, we were doing something else I just didn't know what it was yet. The gates were opened and we were off. I followed behind Levi's group looking around every so often, it wasn't that I was nervous about the Titans but I was nervous about what was really going on.

What did my father plan that he wasn't telling anyone? About five minutes into our expedition smoke flares where being shot off, red ones and the black ones followed by distant screaming. So far this Expedition was going horribly. "Star, eyes forward. Remember what I told you." I nodded as a bunch of Green Flares when off towards East.

Why are we changing directions? More black flares were shot into the air, this time they were closer to our squad and it made me nervous. What type of abnormal titan was this? If we continue East we're going to run right into the Forest of Giant Trees, is father trying to... No there's no way he would do something that reckless. Well, this is the great Erwin Smith we're talking about so maybe.

I frowned and cleared my mind as the forest came into view, Levi led us right into the forest and I instantly felt sick to my stomach. I don't know if this is paranoia or me remembering that weird dream I had, it did take place is a forest similar to this one. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Eren asking Levi about the forest. He looked over at me and I shrugged as the feeling of paranoia increased. A black flare went up right behind us, I looked back as one of the reinforcements were smacked out of the air by a titan.

She was fast, and there was no way she was an abnormal titan this was a person like Eren, that had the power to become a titan. She was obviously a hell of a lot more skilled than Eren considering she made her way all the way here. "Levi, what are we going to do?" I yelled as Levi ignored me. Everyone was yelling and panicking, and trying to talk Levi into killing this cray titan. There was no way this titan was going to going down without a fight, killing it would take too much skill.

Skills I know only Levi had, no one else even Eren would be able to stop this person, they're too good. As soon as we rode into a clearing everything started to make sense, the plan was to capture the titan. The forest erupted in rounds being fired, I'm sure anyone miles away from here could hear it.

"Star stay here, don't leave Eren's side for any reason what's so ever." I nodded as Levi took off into the trees. I grabbed the reins of his horse and led him beside mine. The feeling of paranoia was still very much alive even though that crazy titan was subdued. "Hey, calm down. Everything is going to be alright, you're with the best of the best." Petra said smiling at me. I nodded and continued forward.

We rode for about ten minutes before heading up into the trees, as soon as I got to the top of the tree I vomited. "Are you alright?" I shook my head and more explosions erupted in the forest. "Something bad is going to happen, I don't care what any of you have to say about being on the best team. It's going to happen and there's nothing anyone can do about it. That crazy female titan is trouble." No said anything as I sat down.

They continued talking and I ignored everyone and thought for a minute, this was the plan the whole time. To draw out another person that can become a titan, what about the armored titan and the colossal titans? If they were just regular titans they would've been wandering around like the others. No, they were like Eren.

An ear piercing scream rang through the forest interrupting my thoughts and everyone's conversation. "What the hell was that?" Gunter yelled. I sighed and looked over at everyone who looked just as shocked as I did. After a few minutes of silence blue flares went up into the sky signaling a retreat. "Retreat, let's fall back and wait for Lieutenant Levi's orders."

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