Chapter Two Did You Hear The News?

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Draco's Point of View


                   I walked downstairs the day after Harry and Ginny's wedding and greeted Hermione, who had been up for hours, with a kiss. "Hey baby, when did you get up?" "Me? I've been up since three, I fell asleep around one. I couldn't sleep very long." "Why not? Is everything okay?" "Everything's fine I just I've got news come here," Hermione said standing. I followed her to the bathroom where she had this weird muggle object in her hand. I stared at her as she held the thing for a minute. "This is a muggle pregnancy test, not as efficient as magic but it works." I stared at her slightly confused why she was using this thing. It finally dawned on me what was happening, "Hermione are you..." I trailed off not allowing myself to entertain the thought. "Maybe I think so, I'm not entirely sure I'm checking with a muggle pregnancy test first like I did before. I want your help for the magic one." I smiled at her. She held out the test and I looked at it as she burst into tears. I pulled her into a hug and mouthed the words father and mother but Hermione didn't see. I gently pulled myself away from her and said, "Let's do the magic test." She smiled at me and nodded. We said the incantation. It came out positive and she burst into tears again. "I can't believe it we're going to be parents, Draco us parents." I smiled but before I could speak she continued, "Can we not tell anyone yet I don't want anyone to know sorry I just want to wait a little while." I nodded and said, "Of course honey. I can't wait to meet our child." She shoved me away gently not being mean about it and walked down to continue making breakfast.

                            I went down after showering and saw that she had made pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and french toast. I sat down and the others followed soon after. We all pulled up our plates and started eating. Hermione kept the food coming, but I forced her to eat too. She grinned and I almost mentioned her pregnancy but I stopped myself. "Wrackspurts," Luna said, "Why is it always them?" No one at the table understood what she was talking about but it was safe too assume that no one would ask. Although Harry choked on his bacon and had to pretend to drop his fork so he could laugh. Wrackspurts get between your ears and makes your brain go fuzzy, I remembered Luna saying. When breakfast was finished Hermione got up to do the dishes and everyone else murmured I'll do those tomorrow or I'll make lunch later. When Harry said that everyone was going to play Quidditch behind the house I passed and said, "I'll help Hermione with dishes and come out later." Harry nodded but looked at me strangely. I shrugged to say what can I do? He got the message and walked out back with the rest. Hermione who had been humming to herself hadn't heard the exchange so when I walked over and wrapped my arms around her waist she started and then turned her head around to look at me. "Draco..." her voice was weak and her eyes were red. "What is it? What's wrong? Hermione come on we are not doing the dishes right now, we'll do them when you are okay. We are going upstairs and you are going to tell me what's wrong." She flinched and I realized my tone was harsher than I meant it to be, "Hermione I didn't mean to be mean but please come on." She nodded.

                      We got upstairs and she fell onto the bed. I didn't ask what was wrong I just let her cry. I didn't know what else to do so I hugged her. "What's wrong?" "I don't know I just want Ginny to know that I'm pregnant but Ron not being here to tell too. It seems so wrong. I know that I should be happy and that I shouldn't be talking about Ron because it's a touchy subject but I have to." She stopped speaking and cried. I tried to think of something I could say but I knew that if I said anything it would sound fake to her and to me. I held her as I thought of some way to tell Ginny. "Hermione what if we tell everyone at supper tonight. We can go out and tell them there I've got a clever idea." Hermione hesitated, "Okay let's go finish those dishes." Twenty minutes later we were walking over to our friends where they were playing Quidditch. I had a broom and Hermione, well, she had a book. I grinned at her and she smirked, "Race you there, Malfoy." Then she took off running. I grinned, "Oh yeah you think you can beat me, Granger?" I called as I leapt onto my broom. I grabbed her around the waist as she ran and pulled her onto the broom in front of me, bad choice because she freaked out. "Draco, put me down." I smiled into her hair, "Not a chance Hermione, would you like to tell them now or later." I could envision her biting her lip as she thought it through. "Now," she said, "I'm feeling reckless." Oh dear, I thought as we pulled to a stop mid-air. Everyone flew over to us. "You're the first one to get her on a broom since I did in my fourth year. How'd you do it?" "That's not important," Hermione said quickly. I grinned and whispered into her ear, "I wouldn't humiliate you like that." She whispered back, "Yeah right telling them now." I smiled.

                "Have you heard the news?" Hermione asked casually, so this is how we're going to play it, fun. "No what news?" Luna asked "Oh well if you haven't I better not tell you," then she turned herself around on the broom, "Draco I thought you told them," she said fake scolding. "I thought you were dear." "No but I guess I will..." she paused. "No don't I will. I just didn't get around to it sorry Hermione." "Okay tell them then Draco, now, or I will." "Alright I'm getting there bloody women." Hermione reached up and started lightly twirling her hair around her finger. "What's the news?" Hannah asked looking amused by our exchange. "Oh nothing really I actually forgot." Hermione sighed, "Come here than Draco." I leaned over and she whispered in my ear, "Tell them next time one of them asks no more playing it out or we won't live to see the child." I smirked, "I don't know I think you should tell them." "For heaven's sake Draco just tell us!" Ernie shouted. "Alright you're as bad as Hermione. It's just Hermione and I are going to have a child." That's when Ginny fell off of her broom. Harry dove to catch her as the rest of our friends congratulated us. "That was a good trick," Neville said, "Playing it out. I mean I hope you were playing and didn't actually forget that you had gotten your fiance pregnant." I smiled at Neville, "Of course I was joking." We flew towards the ground where Harry was calming down his wife's mini rage.

               "Harry don't you tell me to calm down! When I get my hands on him I'm going to strangle him. Hermione cannot be pregnant, no, no, no, no! Not with what is going on Harry did you tell them about the paper. That won't be fair to Hermione if we don't tell her and I can't believe she's pregnant, now of all times!" She turned and stormed towards the house, dragging all the girls with her. Theo, Neville, Ernie and I exchanged glances. "What was that about?" Theo asked. "It was nothing just Ginny going through her weekly rage, she gets it out all in one day. It's quite nice not to have to deal with a rage daily or at random I can count on her rages being on Saturday," Harry said cheerfully. "I meant what was she talking about the paper?" Theo asked. "Oh! That well I guess I can tell you but supper would probably be better. What do you say we go make a picnic for the girls?" Harry walked towards the house without a backwards glance.

                   We follow him and when we get to the house he hands us a newspaper clipping and leaves. I read it out loud: 

                                                       ESCAPED DEATH EATERS FOUR PRISONERS ESCAPE FROM AZKABAN 

                                                                   Four death eaters admitted at the end of the last school year at Hogwarts have escaped. Blaise Zabini, Astoria Greengrass, Gregory Goyle, and Vincent Crabbe. They escaped last night, could this be the dawn of a new era of dark wizards let's hope not. If anyone has any information please contact the ministry by fast owl as soon as possible. 

                       I felt  the paper slip out of my grasp as I fell to the ground with a thud.

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