Chapter Eight Blaise

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Luna's Point of View


                     "He... he was kissing her and... and when the door closed he laughed and it was oh it was Lavender. She's not gone she's still alive and they didn't take her she's alive. I don't know, I can't think that this is a trick because I don't know, I think that Neville might do this for something like money or something he thought was important more important than me," I sobbed into Hermione, Pansy, and Hannah's arms. They were holding me and I didn't know what else to say except to tell them what had happened. "I'll go and kill... I mean talk to him," Pansy offered. "No there's a logical reason," Hermione said. "Okay what do we know?" Pansy asked jumping on the idea. "We know that Seamus and Lavender are married. That they were taken by Blaise and the rest. We also know that Neville was kissing Lavender, so that means this is either a trick or Lavender somehow got away," Hannah said. "Okay that's good. So Lavender is cheating on Seamus. Lavender could have gotten away meaning that Seamus could have, too. If they didn't get away then this is most likely a trick used by Blaise. Lavender could be being used as a tool by Blaise. I think we should go and talk to Neville.," Hermione said.

I talked to them for hours devising a plan to get Neville to admit he was cheating. We all fell asleep in Hermione's bed. When I woke up in the morning Hermione was muttering in her sleep, Pansy was standing over her looking worried. Hannah was sitting next to her and I was sitting at her feet. "Draco, baby. Stop denying it. Why must you deny it? I love you but you won't admit that you love me. I want to please tell me you love me. Ohhh I remember, Ginny put some Gin up here. I wonder how long it will take me to forget my worries. Oh right I drank that when I yelled at him to get out and not comfort me. I'll find something to do." Then her dream must have changed. She screamed. I don't know what we need to do. "I think we need to wake her up," Pansy said. "We should," we all agreed. We woke up and she screamed, "Draco! You're home!" When she saw us she sank into her bed again and tried not to cry. "I want to find him for you. Let's try to find him. Don't even worry about Neville, I'll take care of that myself. For now let's get ready to do the plan," I stopped. Pansy gasped, "Oh G*d the plan. The Neville you saw last night is not Neville. It's Blaise, he took Neville than replaced him with himself. And Lavender was actually Astoria. I know it. That means we have to make a new plan. Because Blaise was there through the whole meeting. We need something better for our plan." Hermione nodded, "We do the same plan because they won't expect us to be that stupid, so we kill off the copy and then we change the plan of infiltration." Everyone nodded, "Let's get to work exposing Blaise." We nodded and got to work, as we grasped at straws.

        I walked downstairs for breakfast and saw that all the guys, including Neville, were already eating. In everyone but Neville's mind I said "Meeting outside in twenty minutes DON'T BRING NEVILLE!" The boys all looked confused but they said they would be there so I left to go get ready for the meeting. I apparated to the outside door when I was finished and the guys must have got the hint because when Neville walked upstairs they apparated outside. "What's going on? Why isn't Neville here?" Theo asked. "Neville isn't Neville..." I said and I told them our, meaning the girls, theory about it and they all offered to go rip him to shreds. But I objected and said, "Hermione, Pansy, Hannah and I have a plan, we just wanted you to be aware of the predicament. We are going to obliviate Neville's memory of the plans, and when I see him with Lavender I'll obliviate her memory just in case. Then we'll continue on with the plan as if they don't know, which they don't because Neville didn't leave last night at all." The guys agreed with me and left to go find Neville so they could say I wanted a date in the meadow.

          I waited for Neville to show up in the meadow for twenty minutes, when he showed up I gave him and kiss. He smiled, "Hey baby what's this about?" "Nothing, I just wanted to do something nice. Care if I cast a quick spell around the area?" "Not at all, but be quick I want another kiss," he chuckled and I managed a grin. "Petrificus Totalus," he hit the ground with a thud, "(says spell that changes people back into there own form)" I see Blaise laying on the ground, I can't believe I kissed that, "Obliviate," his eyes went blank. I thought really quick and decided that I could get the information out of him, "Legimens." A rush of memories surrounds me kissing the fake Lavender Brown, not telling Astoria the plan and lastly the location of the secret safe house. I stopped my spell and sent him away. He wouldn't know what had happened. I rushed into the Manor five minutes later and called for everyone else. Two minutes after that I was telling them what happened, I omitted kissing Blaise, and when I was finished Hermione rushed off for the second time in two days. She came back downstairs and said we would start the plan tomorrow. 

      I walked up to my room and switched the bed sheets. I walked into my bathroom and switched on the shower. I disrobed and got into the shower yowling when the scalding water hit my back. I jumped back and turned the temperature down. When I steeped back under my mind went to the plan. I had a lot to do. we'd had to change the plan a little to make it work with only nine of us. Something feels off about this but I guess it's just my nerves. I got out of the shower and dried off. When I walked into my room I knew why. A newspaper was on my bed. I picked it up and it read: 

Death by the River

There has been a woman and man found dead by the river. Seamus and Lavender Finnigan were found dead. There was a letter on their backs that read "You're next mudblood," If anyone has any information about who this could be talking about please contact the ministry by fast owl.

           I fell onto the bad, even though I hadn't talked to Seamus much and hadn't like Lavender much, I wept. I couldn't believe how many people Blaise would kill to get to my friends and I. The more I thought about that the angrier I got, it wasn't loathing, it wasn't hate. It was a thirst for revenge. I told my friends and I could see the thirst for revenge on their faces. We started the plan then, without needing to ask or decide we all got into position and Theo apparated away, right to Azkaban.

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