Chapter Twenty Rescue

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Hermione's Point of View

        I talk to all of my friends, and we make a plan. We'll involve the ministry, all of the others will be kissed and this will be over. We grab all of our wands as we got closer to midnight. I was trying not to hyperventilate in the corner, if I told them my secret it would all be over. I couldn't give them they're wand back either. But I couldn't tell them my secret. I was running out of time to think of a believable lie. I couldn't believe I had never told my friends. I walked away from everyone and started to cry. They're was no way I couldn't tell my friends after tonight. Ginny followed me. "Hermione, we will get Draco back. He will be back." "I know." I say, "but." "But nothing. Come on it's time for you to go." I nod and apparate away. I land in the place I had been told t0. I walk to them and I see Draco, bound and gagged. I don't want to scream. I walk towards them. "Let him go," I plead. "No." "Why?" "Because you're going to tell us first." "How will I know that you're telling the truth?" "We will make a binding oath." Draco shakes his head slightly. "You first." I stall. I hear Ginny link in my mind were on our way. I tell Draco and he tries to smile. A few seconds  later they all appear. Blaise and Astoria, and Crabbe and Goyle are caught off guard but not for long. They raise a knife to Draco's throat and I scream. "Stop! Stop! Please! They'll kill him! Stop! Please!" The ministry freezes. "Blaise please let him go." "Why should we? You tricked us." "Take me instead you can do whatever you want to me, just let Draco go." They undo his gag and he starts speaking in his mind, don't tell them, I'll be back for you. They unbind him as I walk forward. I get halfway to the room and he walks to me. I grab his hand and kiss him, "I love you." I mumble he nods. I walk a little further when Ginny screams now. The dementors attack Blaise and Astoria, then Crabbe and Goyle. Draco grabs me and throws me out of the way. I scream. I turn away from them in time but I hear Blaise's scream and Draco's cry of don't look. I try to block out the sound of the screams but I can't it will stay with me forever. I turn to Draco and shove my head into his chest. I sob into his chest. He holds me close, "They used to be my friends." He says into my hair. I can't say anything I just try to let him know that I'm not leaving. Soon they're screams taper off and I hear the ministry officials shuffle forward to get the, basically, corpses of my tormentors. I can't believe it. They were gone but it was a little bit sad, because they had been Draco's friends. I couldn't help but feel bad. He and I stood up slowly and I saw that we were the last ones there my friends had left. I couldn't blame them. Theo had left first, we were informed when we got home, then Pansy. We all sat around crying. I turned to Draco and I pulled him upstairs. Everyone watched us go without stopping us. I looked at him, "I need to tell them about fourth year." "I know. You can baby I won't blame you." "I don't want to though." "Baby you need to." "I know." "I'll stand with you. And I'll help you explain." "Thank you. I love you. I'm sorry about your friends. I thought that Ginny would wait til you left to have them kissed." "It's fine." "No it's not but let's go tell them."

        We walk downstairs and I stand up in the middle of the room. "I need to tell you guys something." Everyone looked at me, "Please don't judge me." "We won't." Pansy said and everyone nodded. "Thank you. I just need to tell you that during the Yule Ball, in fourth year. After Ron yelled at me and I sat down on the stairs Draco came over and we disappeared for a while. Later on at Christmas I realized that I was, that I was." "That she was pregnant." Draco interjected. "With Draco's kid, and I went to St. Mungo's, they didn't tell anyone. I told them to let someone else have the kid. They did a surgery and I gave the baby up to someone who couldn't get pregnant. The woman felt bad for me so she agreed that she'd take the baby. I was so upset, I never told my mom. I never told anyone." "Hermione," Ginny said. I broke down. "I'm sorry. I was upset and embarrassed and it was fourth year. I never told anyone and Draco agreed and that's why I just can't." "Hermione," Draco said, "No ones judging you it's okay. It's okay. Come here." "No ones going to judge you we already said we wouldn't and we didn't." Harry says. "Thank you, for understanding. I was threatened by Blaise to tell him that so that he would give me Draco. I was willing to. I'm sure it would have been released into the news. I'm sorry you found out this way. And Pansy, Pansy I'm sorry." "For what?" Pansy asked softly. "For making you listen to this, I know you used to love Draco." "I was infatuated I love Theo and I loved Ron. I'm fine." "No you loved him, you just went about it the wrong way." I say, "I know you did. Because you still do, it's just tamer and different." "Thank you." Pansy says, tears forming in her eyes. I turn to Draco and I lean into him. I start to cry. Everyone leans into there partners. I hear Ginny whisper to Harry, "She's so brave I never would've been able to do something like that." I lean up to Draco, and kiss him softly. "I love you so much, and I'll be able to have a child, I know I can. I can feel it, I think that they were wrong, before I wouldn't have been able to have kids because of my surgery. I think they just didn't realize it til now." Draco looks at me and I see the tears in his eyes, "You know, I don't regret anything about that night, the only thing I regret is getting you pregnant and not asking you out then." I feel him crying quietly but I've already turned my head back into his chest. Everyone slowly walks up to me, Ginny first. "Hermione. I admire you courage and strength. And I would never have judged you ever." All of them are something like that but Pansy and Theo tell me that they would have teased me but now they would regret it and they regret teasing me at all. I nod and say I expected nothing less or more of them they laughed and everyone drifted to bed. I looked up at Draco in the light of the rising sun and he led me to our room, he rolled over onto me and I let him, we didn't sleep that night, at all.

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