Chapter Seventeen Two Months Later

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Hermione's Point of View

"Good-bye Draco. I'll see you when you get home from class." "Yeah, make something good for dinner." I scoff lightly. "Good-bye." He says. I nod and he leaves. "Ginny!" I shout, and she stumbles out of her room. "Would it be, needy, to go into St. Mungo's to get the bandages off today with Draco there." She laughs, "Yeah." Just then an owl flys in and heads to Ginny. She grabs it and tears it open, reading quickly. "Hermione, how fast can everyone get home." "Just tell me, we'll tell everyone else later." She hands me the letter. I read it, Dear Ginny, We're pleased to inform you that your husband is now our hostage. See you soon. Wishing you the worst, Blaise. "He didn't." "I'm going over to the ministry." "Ginny." I say. "What if it was Draco?" "I'm coming with you." I say after a second, she knows she's right. "God, why is this happening again. It's not like they actually were considerate enough to go, oh Hermione can't fight and can't blah blah blah, we'll fall off the face of the earth for two months." "Ginny, they were probably planning a way to get all of us held hostage or something, we'll get him back, we got you back, and Draco, and Neville. We'll get him back before anyone else is taken." "Alright. But first I'm going over there to find out if Harry's actually gone, they probably took him straight from the ministry, that's gotta take skill. He apparates right into his office, they had to take him from there." "Ginny, he'll be fine." "Yeah, what if they torture him, and kill him." "They won't." "He's leverage, he can be used for ransom or for some of us. Him in exchange for Draco and I. They think you'd want him badly enough to do that." "I wouldn't."  "They don't know that, we have an advantage." "Yeah, not a very good one." "No it's a great one." "I'm gonna get ready. I'll be down in ten." "Okay."
Ten minutes later Ginny and I apparate to the ministry. Ginny marches through the halls quickly, trying be forceful but being stopped by guards. "I need to see my husband." "Mrs. Potter?" "Yes I'm Mrs. Potter. Now let my friend and I through." "Who's she?" "Hermione Malfoy- formerly Granger." I say. "Alright go on." The guard rolls his eyes, done with our games. We walk to his office and push the door open. He's sitting at his desk. "Harry?" "Yeah, Ginny it's me why?" "When did we share our first kiss?" "Sixth year, after you won the quidditch game and I got back from detention. It was in a crowded common room." "Thank God it's you." "Why wouldn't it be?" Ginny shoves the note at him. "Oh, no they don't have me. But could they have meant we have one of your husbands. Your meaning any of the girls." "It said Dear Ginny, your husband is now hostage." "Oh." "I'm going to check on Draco." I interrupt them. "Hermione the letter was talking about Harry." "And if it wasn't Ginny? If it wasn't. And they have Draco, again. He's never gonna pull out of the darkness that still, by the way, plagues him." "His darkness is his own fault Hermione." Ginny says. "Yeah, because his father forced him, and he tortured us, and he was evil and was always doing us wrong. I thought you were friends." "We are, I didn't mean." "Yeah you did." "No." "Yes you did, I'm going to check on him." I apparate away from Ginny, who looks angry, and Harry who looks dumbfounded. She knew she was being irrational the letter had meant Harry but she couldn't shake the feeling that it was meant as a distraction.
She landed at St. Mungo's and told the receptionist some bull crap about a family emergency. She led me to the room he was in to take his test. He wasn't there. "He's not allowed to leave the building, I'll call him to the front desk." I nodded. When she called him, the doctor he had been working with said that he had sent him home because he didn't feel well. "I left quickly telling them thank you." I apparated home and when I landed I found that the house was completely empty except for a note, Dear Hermione, nice job you figured it out, we have your husband not Ginny's.Well, we'll see you soon because you have something we want and we have something you want. You know what I'm talking about, don't you. The others don't even know do they, you'll be absolutely embarrassed if they find out. I expect it too me tonight at midnight, we'll trade. Wishing you the worst, Blaise I sank to the floor sobbing. Ginny came in a few minutes later, and apparently she ignored our fight and ran over, I had the note clutched to my chest, she wouldn't read it no one would. "It was Draco they took, Blaise came here, and took him he left work early he claimed he felt sick. And and I got a note. It said Dear Hermione, You were right, we did take Draco the other note was just a distraction. From, Blaise." "Oh Hermione, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I said." "Neither should I. But what's done is done, were too good of friends to give up on our friendship that easily." "I know. I'll go tell everyone at work." "Thanks, I'll just go put this note upstairs and start dinner." "I'll cook you're to shaken up to make anything worth eating." I laughed, "I'll just take a nap. Wake me up for dinner." "Okay." I walk upstairs, hide the note and fall into bed trying to fall asleep. I don't know when, or if, I fell asleep my thoughts may as well been a dream anyway.

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