Chapter Fifteen Tears

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Draco's Point of View


There is someone standing over Hermione, holding a knife, and she is fast asleep not realizing what is going on. As I watch the person turns to look at me smiling, I see that its Blaise, as they plunge the knife down into her stomach. She wakes up screaming. I run over to her as my friends show up to help me. "Calm down," I say to her even though I'm anything but calm. "We're taking you to St. Mungo's." "What's going to happen to me?" She asks before she faints. "That," I mutter trying to be sarcastic, and failing miserably. "Get her to St. Mungo's now!" Ginny screams. I sigh and Harry comes to help me apparate her there. I hold Hermione's upper body and Harry, got her legs. Ginny screamed that she was going to go report it to the ministry as Harry and I apparated away. We landed in St. Mungo's and practically ran to the front desk. "Welcome to St. Mungo's what's your problem?" The lady at the front desk ask. "Hermione Malfoy has been stabbed." Harry says quickly, because I can't speak. "She's my wife please help me," I say desperately. "Healers please report to room 23 we have an emergency." She lets Harry and I carry Hermione to the room and lay her on the bed before trying to kick us out. "No," I say forcefully, "she's my wife, I'm staying right here." "I'm sorry that's against protocol." "I said I'm staying here." "Fine you can stay in the room just stay out of the way," the lady says impatiently. "Fine." The healers rush in and immediately start working on Hermione, I don't understand the spells or really anything that they're doing so I concentrate on the fact that her breathing gets steadier and the pulse that you can hear because of the amplification spell is getting stronger. I sigh in relief. But then it quickly turns into fear as  her heart beat slowed. The healers worked so much faster then before so I knew my fears were worth something. "You have to leave the room." The woman from earlier said. "Why?" "They're doing a secret healing process that no one but healers can see, you have to leave." "Only if I can come back in as soon as they're done with the process." "Alright one of the healers will let you in when they're done with the process." I walk out and realize from Harry's face that I must show the horror that was going on inside the room. I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, my face was ashen. I sighed it was no use lying, "They're going to do a secret healing process, her heart got stronger but then it allowed and her breathing was getting better but before I left her breath was uneven again." Harry stood and stared at me, "You have to tell Ginny and the others," He says, "I can't do it." "Alright." I walk to the waiting room with Harry where Ginny is arguing with the front desk. "Are you serious? I may not be family but I am her best friend and I'm going in there!" She shouted. "Ma'am sit down and relax we'll let you in when someone confirms that you are indeed a friend." "I am Ginny Potter does that mean nothing." "It means less than nothing because of the Polyjuice Potion!" The woman said finally loosing her cool demeanor. "Ginny?" Harry called. "Yes, that's my husband let me through." Ginny shouts. "Ginny sit down no one is allowed in to see her." "Fine but only because you told me too." She walked to sit down where our friends had already sat down having given up before Ginny. "Look, they're doing a secret healing process to save her I'll be allowed in when they're done, I'll tell you what's going on through mind communication. You all still remember that right?" Everyone nodded as I walked towards the room and straight past the lady at the front desk. "Sir," she called after me and I called back, "I'm her husband." "Ok," she called me back. I turned back to look at Ginny and she glared at me. I tried not to smirk and I almost failed. I walked to Hermione's door and the healer stepped out just as I got back. "You may come in Mr. Malfoy." "Thank you," I said. I started communicated with Harry, Ginny, Hannah, Ernie, Neville, Luna, Pansy and Theo. They all answered quickly and started listening to what I told them as I thought it. She was breathing steadily and her heart was beating strongly. I walked as close as I dared, the healer said, "she'll be fine, one of us will be right outside the whole time. For we'll leave you alone with your wife." "Thank you." I said, quickly. The healers left and I sat down in the chair right beside of Hermione. I was practically crying tears of joy she was okay, she was okay. I was so happy and glad she was okay. I sat beside her until her eyes started to flutter. "Hermione," I said sitting right on the edge of her bed, I grabbed her hand and she opened her eyes and looked at me. "Draco?" She sounded scared, "What happened? Where are we? I had the worst nightmare." "You're safe, we're at St. Mungo's I'm afraid it wasn't a dream. Blaise Zabini stabbed you in the stomach while I was watching." "Oh so it wasn't a nightmare," she sounded sad and hurt. "You've gotta be kidding me, you're not really upset." "I'm upset alright, I"m gonna kill Zabini when I see him but other than that I'm fine I mean my stomach doesn't even hurt." "Oh, well that changes things. And you're also not allowed to exert yourself for two months." "Well than let's hope I don't see Zabini before two months is up." "No you're not allowed to become a murderer because he stabbed you. I'll murder him for you unless Ginny gets there first." Hermione quickly joined into our conversation in our minds because she felt left out of Ginny yelling at me. Soon she was laughing a little until she winced, "That hurts." "Be careful," I said not laughing anymore. "I'm fine it really doesn't hurt much." "Alright." I said not really giving in. She called in the healer and asked if she could see our friends the healer was reluctant but let them in. Ginny hoarded her for at least ten minutes before Harry stole her. Then Luna and Neville talked to her for ten minutes, then Hannah, Ernie, Pansy, and Theo shared her for twenty minutes and then everyone sat down and thought about sneaking in food and making it a party before the healer came in with news. "Do you mind if everyone hears this?" The healer asked. "Whatever you have to say you can say in front of them." Hermione said fiercely even though the healer made it clear by his tone that they weren't really welcome to stay. "Alright." "Go ahead and say it I"m not changing my mind." I held back a smirk as the healer looked offended. "Alright you may not be able to have children Mrs. Malfoy, as the culprit did hit quite near to the organs that allow that." "I see," Hermione said out loud but in her mind she shouted to all of us. Please don't let it be true. Please I'm about to cry make him leave. "If that's all." I say. "Alright we'll leave you be for a while. they'll have to leave before visiting hours are over." "No they're staying here." "As you wish." the healer says exasperated. As the healer closes the door Hermione looks at me, tears in her eyes, with a desperation so intense I have to look away, and I'm ashamed because of it.

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