Chapter Twenty-Four Nott It

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One month later

Pansy's Point of View

              "It doesn't fit right! Someone come alter it before I freak out!" I shout, hormonal and nerves do not go together. "Calm down," Hermione says, "It's absolutely fine. Merlin I swear, this will take all of two seconds." She alters my dress and ducks out to walk down to where everyone is waiting for me to walk down in my wedding dress. I walk down the stairs to where Draco stands with his arm out. "You are going to be just fine, Merlin, Pansy calm down. I'm pretty sure not even Ginny was this nervous." "Shut up, none of them were pregnant when they got married were they?" "Fair point." Draco says as I take his arm. The music changes and I take a deep breath. The doors open and Draco and I start walking. I see Theo and everyone else goes out of focus. I would run but Draco's arm keeps me grounded and not off in space. When we reach Theo, I let go of Draco and grab Theo's to keep from falling. He holds me upright, or maybe I'm holding him upright I'm not sure. The Minister starts talking and I focus on that and also the words Theo's mouthing. I hear his vows, and I hear myself speaking. But I don't really stop drifting until I hear 'you may kiss the bride.' I can feel myself lunge at him, but until his lips meet mine I'm still floating. I feel his arms around mine as the decorations are changed and it's now a reception instead of a ceremony. I hear my friends come up behind us. They're laughing and spinning around, or maybe I'm spinning. After a while I come back from cloud nine and I'm able to be more mature. That's why I sense when something goes wrong. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn in time to see the look on Blaise Zabini's face, but we defeated him, he doesn't have a soul. "I'd say congratulations but I'm Nott it, it seems." Theo whirls and wands appear from somewhere, I notice my friends have their's out. I have mine out. Blaise laughs, "Isn't this just the perfect little reunion. See we're already souless, the dementors couldn't get the souls and without a soul they have no affect on you." I see Draco step up beside me, and Theo pushes me behind them. My friends and I create a wall no one is going to get hurt. I look around and see a barricade surrounding us and see the glimmer of a non-apparation spell. It's too strong to break. I recognize the masks, the people are former Death Eaters. I see Draco shudder in front of me. "Leave them alone, its us you want. Let everyone else go." Draco shouts. "No, because otherwise you'll fight." "We'll all fight," I hear a familiar voice shout. "Ron?" I ask confused, Fred and George, the re-united twins, look around in confusion. "I'm back and I'm not going to let you hurt my friends or family. Oh news flash if you didn't know I'm Ron Weasley and I'm alive. And so is my brother Fred Weasley. So yeah we'll all fight, won't we Freddie you can get revenge." Fred nods and finally understands his brother was smart enough to find a way back. Blaise laughs he must've known they were back. "Yeah, you and who's army?" Neville glares around and says, "Snatchers. That's my line!" "GET THEM!" Blaise bellows. I see spells of protection being cast around the younger kids and the older ones helping protect them. "Expelliarumus!" I hear Harry shout from beside me. He disarms three death eaters before they think to gang up on him. I see him go down and hear Ginny shout, "WHO DID THIS?" out of a part of my mind while I battle with Blaise. He smirks and then grabs me around the waist. I kick him but it's too late he'd already apparated. I looked around before he knocked me out from behind.

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