Chapter Seven We Have To, Before They Die!

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Neville's Point of View


             For a few days we keep with the fifteen minutes of grief at the end of the day rule. We check the paper and keep busy. One day after supper I can't take it so I stand, slamming my hand onto the table in the process. "What is the benefit of what we are doing, checking the paper, keeping busy. What is the benefit?" Everyone thought for a second before whispering to Harry their answer. He nodded and said, "Everyone agrees that the benefit is not grieving." "That may help but it's not helping our family. We have to find them before they're dead. We have to save them, or go to the land of the dead and get the people we all know are our ONLY hope." Everyone nodded, none of us had said the names aloud but we all know who Draco had been talking about when he had told us that only two people could stop Blaise and that those people were dead. "We have to go to the land of the dead and save them," I said again. Everyone nodded. "We'll need to prepare," Harry said. Only he can be so obvious in a time when everyone knows what we need, it's his gift, besides being able to love. I sighed not one person disagreed with him. Hermione stood and walked to her room. She'd been doing that a lot lately. She came back fifteen minutes later to total silence, with a list in her hand.

         "We need to find Ginny and Draco. Then go to the land of the dead. I just researched it and they said the best number of people to have when you go there but are still living is ten. Then we get the two people we need and come back. We have to do this before five months is up. Because I'm pregnant." She paused for a second as if considering her next words, "And so is Ginny. She didn't know for certain that's the only reason she didn't tell everyone. Don't be mad at her she just wasn't sure." Harry nodded, "Now can you all see why I'm frantic." Everyone nodded not shocked at all. "Let's get to work." In no time we had fine tuned the plan. It would start tomorrow since Hermione calculated that time didn't pass the same in the land of the dead.

            "Okay so let's run through this one more time," Hermione said. "Okay so first we send someone into Azkaban to get information from and kill Jason Altor. We will determine who goes in a minute. You get the location of Blaise's hideout, then we will kill the copy that is in the cell. When that happens the Dementors will start looking for Jason, too." We all nodded, this was the easiest part. "Okay once we have the location we will regroup here and start planning the best infiltration which will change once we know where they are. But let's go over the base infiltrations. The base infiltrations are two strike teams of four one team will get Draco, the other Ginny. If we go with four teams of two one team gets Ginny the other gets Draco. The remaining two teams will separate Blaise, Astoria, Crabbe and Goyle into two groups, keeping them distracted until we all can apparate away. Problems with smaller teams is getting ambushed by all four of them at once and only being two people. Problems with bigger teams no one is distracting them. Any ideas or questions?" We all shook our heads and she continued, "The final preparations will be made with Draco and Ginny for the Land of the Dead. We have a base plan but it is too feeble to even go over it. Okay let's get the person for Azkaban prepared, who's willing to go?" No one raised there hand. I glared at them and stood, "Look, I know that none of us want to go to Azkaban but we have to before they die. Harry, you died for all of us so we could kill Voldemort, you're one of the bravest people I know. Hermione, you're the brains you would be the most likely to get the information. Hannah, Ernie, neither of you would leave without the information. Luna, you would never back down, to be honest you would probably drive him crazy with your talk of nargles. Pansy, you would be the one that would look him in the eye and drive the knife through his heart without a thought. Theo, you would be smart enough to get the information and be able to kill him. I would be able to get the information." Everyone nodded but Hermione spoke, "So it's decided then." Everyone looked confused, "What?" "Theo should go because he has the brains and he would be able to kill him." Everyone finally understood and Theo stood, "I'll do it but I don't know if I'm brave enough to go against the Dementors." "Then send Harry too he'll take care of the Dementors you can take care of Jason." 

                        "That won't work you could only get one person passed the dementors and Theo can cast a patronus so we shouldn't worry. I'm sorry Theo but if we don't do this it will mean Ginny and Draco and two people that close to me I think I'd die," Hermione said. Theo nodded and said, "Well I'll be in my room trying to think of a way to defeat him." He left wordlessly and Pansy looked like she wanted to go after him but decided against it. "We'll determine the strike teams later," Hermione said as she stood, "I'll be in my room if you need me." As she rounded the corner I heard the tiniest sob and then she was out of earshot. I stood, "I'm going to turn in early if you need me you know where to find me." No one objected and everyone slowly came into there rooms. I was just thinking that she would never show up when she did. "Hey baby," I said softly. I walked to my bathroom turned on the shower and magically locked the door before I apparated us away. When we landed she kissed me on the lips lightly then giggled. I sighed contentedly, "What do you want to do tonight?" "I don't know but I hope that she doesn't open the bathroom door and realize you're gone." "I feel the same way Lavender, I just hope that I can always count on you." She pressed her lips to mine and I slowly transformed. I gave a deep laugh and apparated back to my room at the manor. When I landed I changed back and with a flick of my wand the shower turned off and the door unlocked. I heard the door from the hallway click open and I kissed her fiercely, when I heard Luna's crying I laughed and pressed my lips harder to Lavender's.

A.N. I bet you didn't see Neville as the cheating type, you were wrong. Didn't you remember that Neville was acting odd and that he was transforming, if not forget I said anything. Hope you like my story!

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