Chapter Thirteen D*mn It

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Hermione's Point of View

     I knock on Ginny's door as I decide that I should at least tell someone that I was leaving. "Who's there? It's like five in the morning," Ginny says. "It is five in the morning Gin, come here. I need to tell you something." The door opens, "What is it?" "Follow me." Ginny and I walk down the hall to the bathroom. When we step inside I say, "I'm leaving for a little while I'll be back by morning. If I'm not trust me that I have a good reason." "Promise that you'll be back." "I-I promise I'm leaving now. No one else knows that I'm leaving, I'm leaving a note for Draco, and he'll probably read it to everyone when he realizes that I'm gone. Good-bye Ginny," As I promise I cross my fingers, I can't come back anytime soon, or that's what I tell myself. "Please don't freak if I'm not back, if I'm not back I have a good reason." "Alright just try to let me know if the plan for being back in the morning changes." "Alright, good-bye Hermione. Be careful." I just nod as I walk out the door. I walk back to my room to write the note.
        As I pen the words to my good-bye note I look at Draco's sleeping form and then the ring on my finger. I slip it off and slide it under my pillow as I put the note on top of the pillow, I read the note one last time,  I am leaving, for how long I don't know. I just know that I need to leave. I won't do anything stupid or rash. I will be back don't worry. I have something of a lead as to where my parents are. I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye in person, I just thought it would be too hard. I love you Draco. Tell the rest of them I'm sorry and that I love them too. Even Theo and Pansy, I love them too. Please don't be mad and please don't come looking for me. I'll be back when I'm ready. Make sure you keep functioning and make sure that everyone else keeps functioning too. Don't let Ginny go off the edge. Tell Fred I'm sorry that I didn't talk to him yesterday. I love you all! Goodbye for now. Love, Hermione Tears fall down my face as I apparate away. I land in a muggle diner, it's open 24/7 so I don't look out of place. I sit down and order a coffee when I get my coffee I get up and leave. I think about my ring and the inscription inside that made it so special, I can't believe I left it behind. Forever and Forever. Right now I hate myself for leaving Draco and my friends like that but it was the only way. I leave the little 24/7 diner and walk quickly towards my escape. I walk in and the wizard behind the bar looks shocked but gives me a room for the night. "Thank you for letting me stay here on short notice." Tom, the owner of The Leaky Cauldron, nods and walks away. I settle into the bed and cry myself to sleep.
When I wake up the news is on in the bar room about a group of witches and wizards searching for someone. They don't say who is looking or who they are trying to find they just show a picture of me. And a picture of all of my friends, my face is circled as if to say. She's the one we're looking for. I rush back to my room grab my money and pay Tom for the room and then I apparate away. I land in Sirius Blacks old house. I haven't seen it in ages. Harry owns it but no one leaves in it at the time being. For now I think I'll make it my temporary home. I settle in and turn on the TV when I do I see a newscaster standing next to Ginny, Harry and Draco, Draco is in the middle being supported by the other two who are crying silently. So much for keep functioning. "My wife Hermione Malfoy, previously Hermione Granger, is gone. She left a note but I'm not sure that it's real I think someone kidnapped her and then let her write the note as a false lead to make us think she was safe." I turn the TV off and think that maybe I should go home and then say good-bye in person and apparate to the picture of my parents in Australia and start looking from there. No one knows that I have that photo so they wouldn't be able to follow me. I make up my mind. If I go home I won't be able to leave, but my friends won't be able to function. I'll go home and say good-bye then leave, in the dark of night the day that I tell Draco good-bye, not for good but for a few weeks.
I gather my things and apparate home to my bedroom.

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