Chapter Twelve A Dead Place

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Draco's Point of View


We landed in a dull looking place. I looked at my body and realized that I was transparent. The sight gave me the creeps, and when I looked at my friends I realized that they didn't look much better either. Hermione shivered and moved over to me, I saw the rest of my friends moving to there respective partners and I looked at her, "You okay?" Just then Hermione and Ginny collapsed screaming. When they stood up Harry asked, "What happened?" I had a feeling I knew what the answer would be, but I hoped it wasn't true. "I felt it leave," they said together. "What leave?" "The baby, it left my body," they said together. Harry and the rest of us nodded but there were no tears yet. Or maybe we couldn't produce tears, maybe we would be crying if we were in the real world. We floated through the air slowly looking for the people we needed. When I saw them I cried out. "What?" Hermione asks. "I see them come on let's go. Well I see one of them, I think they will be easiest to convince."

We float over to them, "Dumbledore, we need you to come back and help us." "Hermione, Ginny, Harry, Draco, Neville, Luna, Hannah, Ernie, Pansy, Theodore, what are you doing here?" "We need help, it's Blaise." "Ah yes, I suppose that is a problem. But why are you talking to me? What do you need?" "We need you to come with us, back to the world, then you can leave as soon as we are finished." "I can't, there is no way that I can without dragging others with me. I'm sorry kids, but I can help from here I think, if someone comes back at times. I can tell you what to do. No one can leave, but I suppose you will try to get the other person to come with you, he might agree." "Well bye Dumbledore." We all answer, as we had been the whole time. We turn and float around until we see the other person, "Snape," Harry calls, "Thank you for the memories, your death wasn't vain." He turns, "But now you want me to come back with you to the real world, no thanks, I can help you from here all of us can help you from here but not one of us wants to leave." "No, please." "No I'm out leaving. Now get out before someone notices you." We walk towards the spot we can leave from slowly. We are almost there when we here a voice, "I'm coming with you," it was Fred Weasley. "George will be so happy to see you!" I respond. Fred nods and gets to our circle. "Do the honors Draco, quickly," Hermione says, "I can't be here anymore." I apparate us away from the dead land and Fred Weasley gets pulled with us. We all start crying, the loss of the babies finally hitting us. As we sob Fred gets re-accustomed to his body. He also walks around and learns the lay of the house.

We sit down for dinner and no one speaks except Ginny to say, "We are on our own. They won't help us we have to kill him on our own." I nod along with everyone else. No one responds, no one offers advice. It was a sad day. When Hermione and I crawl into bed we talk. "Hermione, I can't do it, how are you not sobbing, I"m barely keeping control." Hermione laughs, a short humorless laugh, "I'm not holding together I'm losing it. I'm just losing it calmly." I nod as I roll over to kiss her soft lips. She slowly responds and I am reminded, for some reason, in that moment just how fragile she is. I was shocked that we made it back alive, with one dead person but she must be in a complete and totally hysterics at the fact that she was no longer pregnant. I slowly roll over on top of her and she shoves me off, "No," she says softly, but forcefully. I don't answer I just roll over and go to sleep.

When I wake Hermione is gone. I don't think anything of it until I see the note. I read it out loud to my friends after calling an emergency meeting. "It says; I am leaving, for how long I don't know. I just know that I need to leave. I won't do anything stupid or rash. I will be back don't worry. I have something of a lead as to where my parents are. I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye in person, I just thought it would be too hard. I love you Draco. Tell the rest of them I'm sorry and that I love them too. Even Theo and Pansy, I love them too. Please don't be mad and please don't come looking for me. I'll be back when I'm ready. Make sure you keep functioning and make sure that everyone else keeps functioning too. Don't let Ginny go off the edge. Tell Fred I'm sorry that I didn't talk to him yesterday. I love you all! Goodbye for now. Love, Hermione." I collapse onto the couch and try to remember her words not to go looking. I hate myself, I hate her, I hate everyone at that moment. I don't know what to do as the rest of my friends collapse. Ginny screams and for I don't know what to do as she says, "You promised me last night that you wouldn't be gone long." So she had told someone just not me, "You promised you can't do this no, you said that you would come back by morning. You lied!" I can't speak and no one can as tears stream down our faces, I'm sure, for all completely different reasons. Hermione isn't coming back anytime soon, I think, and I collapse into tears, unable to stop. Our house was a house fit for the dead, because that is what we may have well been; dead.

I'm so sorry! I've been so busy and I haven't been able to update. I've also had some writers block. Hope you liked this chapter and again I'm super sorry.

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