Chapter Twenty-Two Big Announcement

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Hermione's Point of View

        We were sitting around the table eating breakfast when Theo smacked his fork on his glass. "What?" We all asked. "Pansy and I have an announcement to make." Pansy stood up and put her left hand out. The band glittering on her finger was gold and had a diamond. We all smile at her, and congratulate them. Then she says, "In other news, I'm pregnant." "Finally, you never used to get pregnant I guess you just had to meet Theo." Draco says. Pansy glares at him and I hold back a smirk, "Draco." I say fake scoldingly. Pansy smiles at me. Draco turns to me, "Well it's true." "Whatever be nice." I say. He smiles. Pansy smirks, "Well maybe it was just because you weren't all that good." I held back a grin. Theo looked appalled, "Pansy the rest of us are trying to eat." She ignored him, "Or maybe you just needed to meet someone who hadn't ever," She stopped when I glared, "and that wasn't good, no offense, maybe that made you better." Draco glared, "You're trying to tell me," I stopped him," Please I've now lost my appetite continue this somewhere else." He growled something nasty under his breath and sat down, "Congratulations Pansy, I'm sorry." "Thanks, I'm used to it." She says I smile. The rest of them are fake puking into their bowls. We roll our eyes. "Anyone else care to pick a fight." "No but I need to say that I'm also pregnant." "Congratulations." We all say with enthusiasm. They nod and sit down, no one dares comment anything. We eat in silence for a while before Ginny pipes up, "What no one else is pregnant." We all shake our heads confused, "Well maybe we should be and then we can make sure our kids are best friends." Draco gags into his bowl. I'm laughing, "Ginny!" She smiles. I laugh and start cleaning up the room. Pansy disappears with Draco, presumably to finish their argument. Ginny walks over, "They're so childish." "Tell me about it, I deal with him every night." "So you do have..." I glare, "Yes and it's really none of your business and no that's not what I meant." She smiles, "I know." I glare, "Somehow I don't believe that you were all that shocked that they were arguing." "of course I wasn't," Ginny mumbles, "It's not that hard to understand that they'd argue they're like best friends, and they used to be...." "GINNY!" She grins. I walk out of the room and up into mine. Draco comes in a few minutes later, "She just got a note," his eyes were wide. "What did it say?" "It said, I know that you're pregnant but I want you to know I'm back. You still have a choice. It was signed by R. She burned it but the words they were burned into her brain she'll never forget them. She told me not to say a word to Theo." "Oh my god. Draco, it's okay. She'll be fine. She's smart, she's engaged she won't leave him. She loves him." "She loved him too." "I know, Draco. I know. Come here." He nods and lays down next to me. "Two of them are pregnant, that leaves you, Ginny and Hannah." I smacked his arm. He smiled at me, "I'm just saying, I kinda like Ginny's idea." I glared at him before leaning forward and kissing his cheek, "Me too." I whisper in his ear. He smiles and kisses my lips. "Did you know," he murmurs, "that I love you?" "No, I don't think I did. What was that?" He smiles. "I love you, Hermione Malfoy." I smile at my name, as odd as it sounds, it sounds right. "I love you too Draco Malfoy." "You know. I've never actually been this in love." "That's kinda the point of true love." I say laughing. "I should go check on Pansy." I say. He nods, "I don't know what she's gonna do." "I do." I walk to Pansy's room and knock, "Come in." I walk in and see her laying on her bed her makeup smeared. "It's okay Pansy you'll be fine. You're smart. Draco didn't know what to do he told me. It's okay I won't tell anyone. I promise." She turned to me, "I don't know what to do." "You're pregnant with his child, you're wearing his ring, you're in love with him. You should choose him but you also love Ron, and I know that but it's okay to be with Theo because you love him the most, and if you tell him he'll understand. I know he will. Theo's the nicest person ever." "Which makes me feel bad to even have feelings for Ron. I love them both, but I don't know who I love more." "You'll make the right choice. I know you will because you are so smart." "Thank you, can I just be alone?" "Sure, Pansy. We're all here for you. You don't have to tell Theo but you can tell any of us." She nods and turns to cry.

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