Chapter Ten Tag

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Draco's Point of View


              I laid on the bed after Hermione had found that I had a large cut on my inner thigh. She had sighed and forced me to lay on the bed. She had just left the room when I started to cry lightly at the pain. When she got back I forced myself to stop crying and look like nothing was wrong. She wasn't buying it. "Draco Malfoy," she scolded. "Yes Hermione?" I asked innocently. "You don't have to act like nothing was, or is, wrong, I don't care if you cry because I love you," she said it tenderly. "Hermione," "What?" "I love you too. I'm just used to hiding my emotions." "Well get unused to it," Hermione snapped. Then we both started laughing because it sounded so stupid. She fell onto the bed next to me and wrapped her arms around me. "So when are we going to go on our honeymoon?" I asked trying to get her to stop worrying, even if only for a moment. "When Blaise is gone, I'm sorry but it really wouldn't be safe, even Harry and Ginny haven't gone on their honeymoon yet." "Yeah, okay. How're you feeling?" "I'm feeling fine, why?" I sighed, for the smartest witch of the age she was so simple sometimes. "Must I spell it out?" I asked. "Spell what out?" Now she was just playing dumb, I think. "The baby! Do you feel okay?" "Oh, yeah." "Good grief I hope you didn't forget you were pregnant." "No I didn't I just wanted you do say something about the baby." I laughed. Then she got serious again, "Now let me tend to your leg." I nodded, "Yes, mom." "Shut up, Malfoy." "You know you can't use that as an insult anymore because you're Mrs. Malfoy." "Shut up," Hermione said with a laugh.

           Two minutes later after she had assessed the damage she was groaning in despair, "Draco, how long has your leg been like this?" "Since Blaise took me away, why?" "Because it's getting infected, if it doesn't get better soon I'm going to have to take you to St. Mungos." "No just take care of it!" I screamed, I hate St. Mungos. "This is going to hurt." "Just take care of it." She leaves the room once again to get some muggle, and magic, remedies. She comes back in a second later with a first aid kit and I ask the question that I can no longer contain, "Do you want to be a nurse?" Hermione looked down at me bashfully, "Would I make a good one?" "No," I say honestly and she looks crestfallen, "Why not?" "You didn't let me finish, no because you'd make a great one." She grinned, "That's a lie." I shake my head and she leaves it be. She turns back to my leg and says, "This might hurt," before reaching down with some form of ointment and rubbing it on my leg. It burns and stings relentlessly as I try not to cry. When the ointment stops burning it makes my leg feel a lot better. "Sorry I had to get the infection out," Hermione said apologetically. I nod and she wraps her arms around me before she wraps my leg. It is tight and sealed and doesn't feel very comfortable but I know that it is neccesary. I look at her with her hair over her shoulder and falling down her back like little waves she looked absolutely stunning. "Hermione," she glanced up and I caught her caramel colored eyes for a second, "You're stunning." She blushed, "Draco it's not nice to lie." I smiled, "I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth." I gave her a big grin. "Whatever," she said, "I'm finished, what do you want to do?" "I'd like to do a lot of things," I said grinning again. "Don't be so childish," she said brushing the comment off, "Why don't we cuddle?" "Or," I began. She glared at me and I laughed. "I meant or we could go outside and play tag, like you said things I want to do are childish." "Fine, then we'll cuddle." I nodded. She helped me get ready to go outside and when I was ready we called to our friends, despite that fact that they were probably asleep since it was one in the morning. They all came out with us.

             Twenty minutes later we were all gathered in the backyard as we tried to decide who would be 'it.' When it was decided that I would be the person that was 'it' i had to count to twenty while my friends started running. Hermione ran away as I started counting. When I got to ten my friends were spread out over the yard, when I got to twenty they were trying to get farther away. When I got to twenty I knew my friends had been trying to give themselves time to move if I came towards them. I ran towards them and no one moved. When I set course for Neville he moved over towards Luna. I turned that way and they both started moving towards Harry. I turned towards Harry and I saw what was going on as the three turned to run towards Ginny. I turned as if to run towards Ginny so she started running and the others didn't have a chance to regroup with her. When I turned towards Harry, Luna and Neville they didn't have time to scatter. I tagged Harry on the shoulder as I ran past. I moved with Neville and Luna to run away and he tagged Neville. I realized this problem in the plan the others would have been grouped closely if I would have followed the plan making it easier for them to tag one another. We ran around the yard until about five in the morning. When we went inside we sat down and laughed at our foolishness. We all drifted off to bed and when Hermione and I went to our room we laid down and cuddled until we fell asleep. 

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