Chapter Twenty-Three Choice

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Pansy's Point of View

"I need to tell everyone something." I say once everyone, including Theo, are gathered around the table after supper. Hannah and Ernie were back, and she was pregnant and Ginny kept saying how awesome it'd be if we were all pregnant at once and Hermione would glare and Ginny'd shut up. It was funny to watch. "See I got a note the other day it said: I know that you're pregnant but I want you to know I'm back. You still have a choice. It was signed by R." "You still have a choice. He doesn't know that you're engaged! He knows that you're pregnant! But he told you that he was back and offered you a choice doesn't he know you're happy!" Theo shouted. "Baby I love you! I just you told me before you'd still love me no matter what my choice was when we went to the Land of the Dead." "That was the different we weren't engaged and you weren't pregnant!" Theo screamed at me. "You said you would always understand, you said you'd always understand please, don't make me feel even shittier for wanted to think about it and choose!" "I'm leaving, I'll see you all later." Theo said and apparated away. Everyone ran over to me and engulfed me in hugs. I cried into their chest but I finally felt the arms I was seeking, "Draco." I mumbled and wrapped my arms around him. I glanced at Hermione's face and she looked like she didn't care. "Hermione?" I asked. She nodded at me. "Draco, help me, I don't understand his reaction but I want you to help me choose." "Okay as long as Hermione doesn't care." Hermione nodded again. I smiled at her, "Thank you." I shoved away from everyone, "I'll be back down in a little bit, I need to be alone." Everyone nodded and I ran up to my room.

Hermione's Point of View

I was shocked when Pansy asked me but I agreed, she wasn't trying to steal Draco, she needed help. I ran over to Draco when she went upstairs and grabbed his hand. He looked at me, "Are you okay?" "Yes I'm fine. It's okay, she won't steal you from me." He smiled at my poor attempt at humor. I left the room then, and go to mine. I sit down on the bed and roll my ring around on my finger. I take it off and read the inscription for the millionth time. Forever and Forever. I see Draco walking in and I smile at him. "Do you care to?" He tapers off. "Not now, because you need to go help Pansy." "I knocked she said we can talk tomorrow." "I need to go talk to Ginny." I say. He pouts, "Hermione please, she and Harry went to their room already anyway." "I need sleep." I say. "Why?" "I didn't sleep last night, or the night before. I haven't been sleeping well." "Neither have I." "Draco!" I say smacking him. "Well it's true." I smack him again, "I can't ever fall asleep, I cuddle with you and I talk to you but you don't hear because you're asleep. It's amazing, and I can't help it I never fall asleep until early and then I wake up with you every morning." "Draco," he looks at me, "Shut up and kiss me." He smiles and his lips land on mine. We don't get to far before a knock lands on the door. I stand up and quickly pull my shirt over my head blushing as Draco, unabashedly, opened the door without putting on a shirt. I went to stand beside him as Ginny laughed herself silly. "Oh shut up will you." I say smacking her. She nods, "Can I come in?" "Sure, get out Draco." I say shoving him through the door, he pouts, "Can't it wait until tomorrow?" I glare, "Out go talk to Harry." Draco nods and walks away without a word.

        "I can see how you fell in love with him." "Ginny! You're married!" "And, Harry looks too, doesn't see much cause he loves me but he stills looks and so do I." "Ginny!" I roll my eyes, "You know what whatever what'd you want?" "I wanted to tell you that that I can't have kids. Harry and I went to St. Mungo's yesterday before Hannah and Ernie went and we had a test done and I won't be able to have kids without a lot of help from Healer's and yeah. Harry and I go back tomorrow to start the procedures, I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in what you're going through not being able to have kids and all or having a low chance of it happening." "Oh Ginny." I say pulling her into a hug. She lets me hold her but she doesn't cry. "I want you to know that I"m here for you and so is everyone else. I won't tell anyone unless you want me too." "You can tell Draco, I'll tell everyone else." Ginny said, her voice muffled by the fact that her face was pressed into my chest. She moved away from me, "I can send Draco back." Ginny said wiggling her eyebrows, "Go away, and send him back, but don't even think that." "Too late," Ginny says and leaves before I can hit her.

        A few minutes later Draco came back in, "I swear I'm going to kill Ginger." "You haven't called her that in forever. What'd Ginny do?" "She marched in and said, 'You can go, Hermione's waiting, with nothing on.' And Harry's face looked like a mask of pure shock and I left after swearing at her of course." "I'll help you kill her." I say. "I just kinda wish it was true." He says and kisses me softly. "Not in the mood, I'm going to sleep." "Hermione." He says softly. "Draco." "Hermione," his voice gets deeper. "Draco." I say and some him away from me. I lay down on the floor and say, "I'm sleeping here." He smirks, "Fine, I'll sleep here too." He says and lays down next to me. "You're impossible!" I screech. He stands up and then he pulls off his jeans. "Not moving." He smirks and leans down to pick me up. "Draco." I say beating his chest, "You sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." I grin at him, "Awesome." He sets me down and I spread my arms and legs across the bed so he can't lay down. He grins, "I'll just lay on top of you." He says with a wink. "Shut up!" I scream playfully at him. "Hey you know maybe I can just go and sleep in Pansy's room." "Don't you dare, that's not even funny." "I know. Goodnight Hermione. I love you." "I love you too." I say scooting over to my side of the bed and rolling onto my side. He pulls my shirt over my head and unzips my jeans and pulls them off. "Isn't that bit mor comfortable?" "Yeah," I mumble crawling under the covers. He throws an arm over me and holds me tight against him. I roll over and shove my head into his chest. I fall asleep and for the first time in days I get a good nights rest.

        I wake up to a scream in my head. Pansy can you please shut up! I shout back. Theo he came back and he said he'll accept my choice and I got another note from Ron he said I should choose him because Theo's hiding something and I think I'm going to choose Theo because he would never do that. I need to ask him about that though just in case but I'm pretty sure I'll still choose him. Pansy shouts. Good for you. But I'm going to sleep again. I say. It's already ten you need to get up. Everyone's meeting in the dining room in ten minutes. I groan and open my eyes to see Draco getting dressed, Fine. I stand up, "Did you sleep good?" Draco asks. "Yeah until Pansy started shouting. I had a good rest, it was quite nice actually being able to sleep." "Yeah, I was able to sleep too." "It's okay not to sleep sometimes but God do I need sleep." "Yeah, so do I but it's okay not too. I need you to promise me that no matter what happens you'll always love me." "Draco, I can't promise but I can guarantee that I'll always do my best to understand." "I love you Hermione. I love you." "I love you too." I pull on a new pair of underwear and Draco just stares. I pull on a pair of skin tight blue jeans and strapless green top. He grins at me and I smile, "Come on let's go." He says grabbing my hand. We walk downstairs and see Theo kissing Pansy fiercely, we all know her choice now.

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