The First Step Is Always The Hardest...

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Edited 5.5.17

Sorry, it took so long, I really am and I have no excuse. I have tried to update many times before but was interrupted. Oh, by the way, I will be rewriting the whole thing, it'll have the same storyline but I just think that my writing has improved a bit since I joined so it has to be re-done, I'll try to make the chapters longer as well(but there are no promises). What would you guys think of a Maze Runner fanfic? -Jinxx

Hope you like it!

_Mio's POV_

I stared at the grey mass of bricks before me. Was I really ready for this? I have no idea, I could only hope that I was.

I sighed and thought of all the possible conclusions in my head. Nope, I was not ready for this! But I had to go...right. Would he want to see me? Or will he be fine without me seeing him?

I guess there only is one way to find out right?

I sighed again and looked to the lush greens behind me. The trees are so free out there, not being restricted behind walls, do I really want to give that up? I don't think I could even if I wanted to. Spending most of my life before the walls are all I've ever know.

I smiled as I started at the greens and blues of freedom around me, this was my life, not being cooped up in some walls like he is! Isn't it? Yes, yes of course it is! I've never even been behind the walls, but I have...

I looked to the sky for help, the blue hues shining down on me as I huddled on the branch. After a long silence of thought and disagreement, I came to my decision, I would go inside. I'll only be in there a little bit, just to see my brother then I'll leave. That's all right? I mean it's not like I'll stay long enough to die inside, right?

I giggled to myself on that point, I'll just hop in and have a cup of tea or coffee(considering what Levi likes) and a catch-up and then I'll be out of their like the sun on a winter's day.

I smiled and turned back to the stone brickwork before me, my smile faded as I again had second thoughts. It will not be like a sun on a winter's day. I can't lie to myself, this world already has enough of the, I won't become one just for myself comfort, I refuse to!

But still, the inner voice in me ranted on about me being an outside girl, and my thought soon continued to spiral downward. What if when he sees me, he doesn't remember me? What if he has someone else to lean on now and I'm not needed anymore? That seems like Levi, after all, I did tell him that is something ever happened to me to move on, but I also stupidly told him that I would try to get back to him.

Another thing to point out is that this Levi fella is my brother, we're blood-related, and I'm freaking out about just seeing him again, what about normal civilians? I would just melt under their gazes of judgment.

I knew this was a bad idea from the very beginning, I should just turn back and forget about my brother, hey, maybe we'll meet in another titan-free life. Yeah! I know we will, I'll just have to make sure we will, after all, we are Ackermans, it's what we do.

Just as I turned my back and took my first step, I thought about all the times we had laughed and cried as children. Our fights and quarrels, and morals and rights, and I laughed. I looked to the sky for help, the blue hues shining down on me as I huddled on the branch. After a long silence of thought and disagreement, I came to my decision, I would go inside. I'll only be in there a little bit, just to see my brother then I'll leave. That's all right? I mean it's not like I'll stay long enough to die inside, right?

I giggled to myself on that point, I'll just hop in and have a cup of tea or coffee(considering what Levi likes) and a catch-up and then I'll be out of their like the sun on a winter's day.

I smiled and turned back to the stone brickwork before me, my smile faded as I again had second thoughts. It will not be like a sun on a winter's day. I can't lie to myself, this world already has enough of the, I won't become one just for myself comfort, I refuse to!

But still, the inner voice in me ranted on about me being an outside girl, and my thought soon continued to spiral downward. What if when he sees me, he doesn't remember me? What if he has someone else to lean on now and I'm not needed anymore? That seems like Levi, after all, I did tell him that is something ever happened to me to move on, but I also stupidly told him that I would try to get back to him.

 I looked at the stars as I rested my tired body on the cold stone below me, I would go to sleep but I knew better than to do that. At the moment I was in enemy territory until I found my brother I was a tick on a cat, an uninvited guest, an outcast to society.

I hoped up as I felt the earth awake, silence becoming more distant and sounds becoming more and more frequent. I knew that if I didn't' move fast then I was going to be dead meat for the eyes to ogle at.

I sighed as I hid from passing men and women, using the shadows was my best bet now. I ran down back alleys and ghost streets before I knew what was going on.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I entered a dead part of town. I guess something big was going on in another part of town or something as I again laid my body down to rest.

Have you ever had that feeling of sudden exhaustion but you know that if you close your eyes you'll be scared, scared of what some people know, others don't, right now I didn't so I could only assume that I was scared of being found or maybe it was because I thought that this was all a dream and I didn't want it to end. Whatever it was, it kept me up for hours on ends, not letting me keep my eyes shut for a second.

As the day drew to an end people started making this part of town lively as doors were closed and locked, windows pulled to and washing strung up. I guess out of all of this it showed me that even with the titan's humans will still function somewhat normally, even with all the fear and horror so close to home, they can understand that they only live once. I guess that is the on good thing about mankind, they know when to not give up, as well as knowing when to give in.

I wonder what Levi is doing right now? I probably should have thought about all of this before I jumped into a different reality, but where even is he does he have a house with a happy family or maybe he married someone rich(I highly doubt that though). Worst case scenario he died when the titans broke down the walls. Maybe if I ask around tomorrow I'll find him?

First of all, I'll have to get a change of clothes so I don't stick out like a saw thumb, maybe then I will be able to approach people and ask for directions? I can only hope really.

I got up again and walked further into my little corner, if I really wanted some sleep then I would have to hide.

When I awoke the next morning I glanced at the street and it was bustling with life, I guess I was just lucky then yesterday.

Okay now to get the clothes, for this, I'm going to have to steal(not that I want to!) from some poor old woman. I spied the washing line next to me and I watched as the family went out to do god knows what. With much hesitation on my part, I jumped the fence and swiped the white blouse and the tan skirt. I jogged back to my corner and changed without a hitch, I put everything in my bag and stored that on the roof of the house along with my beloved ODM gear.

Right now I looked a lot more like a normal teenage girl. As I walked through the town I listened into over people conversations to see if I could hear the words 'Levi' or 'Ackerman'. Unfortunately for me it just wasn't said, I sat down on a small bench and sighed before hearing just what I wanted, sort off.

"The jackasses of the Survey Core left yesterday, they are wasting our money!" some older man yelled, his granddaughter(assumption) tried to calm him.

"Yes, yes I can agree with you, but you must admit that Corporal Levi Ackerman will try his damnedest to save us from the titans! Plus it's only for two days." he looked at her before spitting on the ground and waddling away, his granddaughter in tow.

So my little brother is in the Survey Core, I've heard of them. Apparently, they go out and kill titans, they are the only other people who have been outside the walls apart from me. And he'll be back in two days. Okay so I just have to wait till Thursday then I can see my brother and choose whether I want to stay or say goodbye probably this time.

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