Setting out

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~Emi's pov~

I sighed as I walked down the stairs with all my luggage behind me.Today was my last day in the walls before I set out for four mouths.

As I walked into the mess hall,everyone looked up at me and I saw that Petre and some others were slightly crying.I sighed again and put my bags down before opening my arms and letting them run into me.I'm not gonna lie,there was a lot more then I thought at first.I smiled and looked at them all.Who knew a girl like me could have so many people who care about her?

Certainly not me.

Anyway when they finally let go,I picked up my bags and walked to Levi's table.I sat down in my usual seat and waited for my brother to come to me with my lunchtime coffee.

As he came in,he handed me my cup and sat down next to me.He grabbed my hand and slid something in it.I picked my hand up and opened it,I looked down at the object with shocked eyes.It was a small ring,it was a silver band with a topaz blue jewel in the centre.I smiled at the ring and looked at his hand,he had the same ring on his finger.I grabbed his hand and looked at him,I could see the smile in his eyes,but not on his face.

Me and Levi both had promise rings.

My promise to him,was to come back alive and his promise to me,was to stay with me forever.They could never be broke unless one of us dies,and we don't plan on dying anytime soon.

I drank my last cup of coffee for a long time,slowly.Making sure to savour the taste.Me and Levi talked a bit before I spoke with the other trainees,before speaking to Levi again.

I smiled as I rode on the back of Levi's horse.We were going through town to get to the gate before I left him for four months.

As we rode through the town in Wall Rose,people kept looking at us but we didn't mind.I played with the ring on my hand as I got a good look around Wall Rose for the first time in twelve years,a lot had changed since I was last here.The houses are much better looking and people get on better.What do I mean by 'the people get on better' is that the last time I was here most,if not all of the people were fighting each other.

It was havoc the last time that I was here,and now it is basically peaceful.Well I guess that it would be seeing as the titans are just next door.The bell rung and people crowed the gate as I jumped of Levi's horse,he said to me.

"Come back alive,ok."I nodded and said.

"I promise."he backed away as the gate opened,it opened up to the human empty ruins of Shignanshina.I waited for the gate to raise to the top,I put my hand up and made a wave motion to Levi,who smiled slightly.

I walked out the gate and broke into a run as I hid behind a building in Shignanshia,getting ready for staying out here for four mouths on end.The MPs at the gate had been told that I will be back in four mouths to this day,and well if they don't let me through,I'll just fly over the wall or find another way through the wall.

~Levi's Pov~

I watched as my sister walked through the wall,she hasn't changed since she was taken from me all those years ago.She's still the same strong,brave girl I knew,and that's what I love about her.She always was there for me when my parents never left me alone,she would always be the hand that held mine and the voice that brought me out of my nightmares.

It's my time to repay her now.

I rode all the way back to the Survey Core in a hushed way,I had something to do and it was to be done now so no one could get in my way.

As soon as I got back to the HQ,I ran all the way to my room,pushing past the confused trainess.

I got to my big sister's room and set it all out.I had something planned for when she comes back.That is if she comes back.


Don't think like that,she will come back,she has to came.She has to come back for the Survey Core,for me.Yes she will come back and she will be perfectly fine.

After I was finished with what I was doing,I went down to the mess hall for dinner then to bed.I kept having nightmares about how Emi could die outside,and then I reassured myself by remembering that she had been outside for twelve years.

I just couldn't stop them though,they always came back and haunted me,all the way through the night.It was enough to put a whole town into panic,but I'm just one man,and I'm stuck with it till she comes back to us,to me,and I know that she will come back to us all,and she will be perfectly fine.Not a scratch on her,she will do and she has to,or she is never going back over again.I don't care what the court says,she will not get tested on even if she does not go over the walls every year for three years.I won't let her,even if she wants to,I've lost enough people in my life,I don't need her going the pile or rotting corpse,and she will not join the pile of rotting corpse,even if it means my life.She is not dying anytime soon and certainly not dying for anything stupid.

I hate useless deaths,waste of time if you ask me,and I will make sure that Emi's death is not useless.Even if it means my own useless death.It's not something I'll do for any old person,but for my own blood,then I'll do it.As long as she live I'm happy.

~Emi's Pov~

I have only one reason that I am doing this,it's not my own life,but someone else's.

It's Levi's.

If this gets him out of then caged walls then so be it,I'll give my life for his.Have you heard of the saying 'A life for a life'?

Well that is what I'll compare it to.

My life for his free life.

If that is what it takes.

Then so be it.

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