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Mio's Pov

"So the game begin now."i heard Levi say

"You bet it does!"i shouted out from where i was and climbed closer to the top of the tree i was in.I heard quite few footsteps coming closer and i peeked my eye out and saw someone strange.

The people i saw had on black trousers,a dark blue top and red high tops.They were walking towards the trainee grounds,so i followed them.I have never seen them before so i thought i should check on what they are doing.They walked up behind the new Survey Core members.I wanted to shout out a warning when i saw something silver shimmer in the sunlight,but i decided not to and instead i jumped from the tree and made my knee hit the persons back.The person hit the floor and everyone turned around just in time to see me step on the persons back.

"What do you want here!"i demanded making sure that he knew i meant business by pressing harder on his back.

"Whos askin?"he asked back trying to act all cocky.I pulled his head(i found out when he spoke)up of the floor.I pulled on it so hard it made it look like his neck was going to break.

"You sure you want to know?"i asked again making sure i was properly understood.

He grunted out a small"Yes"so i leaned over him so my face was above his and pulled my hood of and said

"Sister of humanities strongest so i suggest you get off your high-horse,pack your bag and go back to wherever you came from."i saw him shake his head so i stood on it and shoved him further into the ground.I looked up at Levi and questioned

"Levi,what should i do with scum like him?"Levi looked to be in thought before saying

"Whatever you want,i guees you caught him so you go play."he smirked at me and i smirked back,he knew about my lil sadist side and i havent played in quite a while.

"You hear that,we can go and play,what game do you wanna play first?"i asked now getting of head and pulling him of the ground.He looked terrified of what i would do next

"You know its not nice to keep a lady waiting."i reminded him and he looked up at me and tried to make a run for it.I sighed and shook my head.

"Back in a min."i informed the rest before i run off after him at a very fast speed almost inhuman.

I caught up to him easily and said

"nice try but i wont let you go that quickly,not yet anyway."he looked to his and saw no one.He looked back forward and saw me in front of him.He tried to make a sharp turn but he was to late,he colided straight into me.I did not move but he fell back onto his butt.i stalked forward and grabbed his collar.

I had to drag the boy back to the camp,personally i found it a bit more fun this way.

When i got back to the camp no one was outside.So i took a wild guess and chose the mess hall.As i was walking closer i could hear a lot of noise coming from inside,confirming that i was right.

I strolled up to the doors and pushed them open.Everyone looked up and i threw the boy to the floor.I walked forward to him.I bet knelt down so i was in font of him and said

"You belong here now,try to run again and i will personally kill you,got it."he nooded his head frantically and i stood back up.Levi came forward and said in his cold voice.

"Your name brat?"the boy looked up at him and said.

"Sebastian."it took me no more then a spilt second to kick him and say.

"Nope,dont like it."everyone looked up at me and Levi said.

"Name is horrible,what you gonna call him Mio?"i thought about it for a minute before saying.

Levi's Sister(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now