When She Comes Back

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I'm dedicating this to Bluewolf260 as he is always so patient with my updating times and has been helping me to update this book quicker with his small little, but nice and sweet comments! ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ

Levi's Pov

Tomorrow is the day that Mio comes back to me, and I can't wait.I probably sound like a crazed lover or something at the minute, but you need to understand that this is my sister we are talking about, my only loving relative left for me.

Tonight I was feeling a mix of emotions, fear, excitement, happiness, worry.What if she never came back/What if she was hurt and injured pretty bad, to the extent that she was in a coma?What if she was eaten?What if she was lost and couldn't find her way back before the titans got to her?

I was really paranoid about everything.I know that she may be fine, no she is  fine and she will come back in one piece.

That night I couldn't sleep, at all.Not a bit, just like the rest of the time that she was gone, knowing that my own blood and flesh was outside the walls and could die at any moment, was no ease feeling.Now I know that feeling anywhere as from the time she was missing, but it gets worse, especially when you know where they are and what they are doing.It puts me off, a lot.

I kept pacing the mess hall, everyone was looking at me, but I could care less.I paced to and fro all the time till it was nine.I slammed my hands on the table and said to myself.

"She should be here by now, where is she?"Hanji came up to me and said.

"It's still early, maybe she just got caught up."

"No, don't say that!"I shouted at her, my head was down and my eyes shadowed, she stepped back in fear and confusion.I had never shouted at Hanji like that before, although I had wanted to a load of times, I never actually did it before now.

My fist clenched up on the table, till my knuckles turned white.I stood up and paced the room again walking up and down, up and down, it was the only thing keeping me from going crazy, and, or breaking down in front of the trainees, and I can't do that.As she might be fine, she might just like Hanji said be held back, and if I was to break down like that then they would see my soft side.

As the day drew on, I struggled to keep it together, sometimes just stopping and my mind wondering to the worst of situations that she could be in, but them I told myself that she would never be in that type of situation to begin with.Or sometimes I would have to scream and shout at someone to help me stay calm, they all took it after they figured out that it was the only thing that I could actually do at the moment to keep myself, well...myself.

I even went out to the town with a couple of trainees, we were still in town now actually.The group consisted of me, shitty glasses, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha and the other new trainees and even her helper Hiroto came along.(sorry sorta forgot about him (*≧∀≦*)People pointed and whispered at me and t started to get annoying, but I kept my cool.It also helped me to get Mio off my mind for a little but then when I looked up at the walls it all came back to me.

Her going outside for the first day was tough, I didn't want to let her go, but I had to.Now I know that I may sound really overprotective, and yes I won't lie, that I am, but we both are very overprotective of each other.It works like that, one goes and the other become paranoid about it all, or we lose each other and we both become emotionless and work to the top so we came find each other again, it's a bit like if you ever lost a friend, then you would do your own things to find each other again, right?Well me and Mio are a bit like that, but we both do that certain thing, till we find each other.It's our way of doing things.

As the night got closer and closer, it started to sink in that maybe, just maybe she had died out there, but the often sound of titans feet, reassured me that she hadn't just died on me yet.I was still worried about her, for all I knew was that the titan feet on the floor could be because they were just walking around near the wall and the lazy ass MPs were doing nothing about it, like usual.

As the night sky finally took over, the absolute feeling off dread kicked in and that was all I felt.'Bang,bang,bang!'It went on my walls door, and it kept knocking, getting louder and louder every minute, until it finally broke down the door, that I oh so tried my hardest to keep in place.

The world seemed to speed up.People walked past unaware of what just happened, and who we(maybe)just lost.No one seemed to care but me and the trainees.I bet to them, they didn't even bother to care about her, it really broke me and I couldn't handle it properly like I should have been able to.

I walked to the gate, almost falling a couple times from the new about what just happened.Yes we did not actually know f she was gone, but she promised that she would be back before nightfall so it only meant on thing to me, she had been killed.

Her dead was the only thing going through my mind, I think it's called intrusive thoughts and right now it was bugging me and bad.I also think that her not being here for so long drove me to have these thoughts about her dead.

As the door got into my view, and all the others caught up to me, I fell to the floor and just looked up at the gate, my eyes flashing with newly made tears and anger, for ever sending her out there.My hands went up to my hair and pulled it forcefully.This was all my fault that she died, if I had fought for her then she would never be out there in the first time, or maybe if when when were younger I hadn't ran away when I had and stayed and helped her, then she wouldn't be dead.

I drowned myself in my guilty thoughts.They consumed be and there was nothing that I could do about it.The whole street looked at me confused about the way that I was acting, they just didn't get it did they?They just didn't understand that even the so called 'Humanity's Strongest' had their week points, and I had just reached mine.

In the whole street my almost silent sobs where the only thing that  could be heard.Well that was till the bell went for the gate to be opened, I looked up at it in disbelief and unease.What if what was on the other side was something that I didn't want to see, what it was just to confirm my thoughts and was just something that the MPs could use to rub in my face?

As the gate was pulled open what came through was something that I was not expecting to come through, it was my sister but not in the way that I had expected her to come in.

Mio was thrown through the door and was now rolling along the floor till she stopped just a little bit before me.When the gate finally got to the top you could see why she was thrown, through the door was three fourteen meter tall titans, everyone seemed to freeze and look at them, but Mio didn't.

She stood up and limped forward, before speaking to the titans.

"You don't seem to understand that a broken leg, or a broken arm won't stop me from the task at hand, to kill you."the weird thing is that the monsters actually looked at her as she spoke to them.She pushed herself off the concrete floor before running off into a full on sprint, and going through the doors.The first titan went to squash her under it's palm but she jumped up and ran along it's arm till she got to the top, one of the other two got to her before she could cut the nape and pushed her off.She was heading to the wall but she used it as a bounce pad before bringing her swords into a formation similar to mine and spinning, successfully killing all the titans in the way of the gate.

She dropped to the floor and staggered back to the wall opening, before walking though it.I stood up so fast and took of into a run that I nearly fell over, I got up to her and caught her before she fell.She smiled as I looked down on her.

"I promised*cough* that I would *cough* come back.I'm here*cough*now."my now happy tears fell onto her pale face as she helped herself up only using one arm, the one that was not broken I assume.She leaned against my figure and sort of made a waving motion to them.They all looked at her with wide eyes and smiles on there faces before running over and asking about a million questions a minute.I'm not going to lie, but I felt sorry for her poor stressed soul, shes nearly just died and being asked the amount of questions that she was but have been stressful.

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