Commander Erwin!

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Mio's Pov

"Hey Mio do you still have your different colour eye i did not see it earlier?"questioned Levi catching eveyones attention

"Yea do you want to see it?"i ask back and he noods.I had not take down my hood yet 

"Of course!"then i reach out my pale skinny hand and touch my hood and tug it down and move my silky smooth long black hair out the way of my right eye and look at Levi and just stares at it and says

"It is even prettier then i remember i still hate 'them' for what they did!"he shouted happily at first then aggressively at the end.

"Dont worry about 'them' i will be sure to do 'that' to 'them'!"Levi nodded in agreement

"Ok what is so pretty that it would make Levi happy?"questioned Eren

"Oh you mean this i was born with two different coloured eyes one blue to purple the other light grey to dark grey!"i explained while turning around and showed them my face and eyes.Erwin came through the door,i pulled up my hood and stood behind my brother while the others did the salute i just stood with my hand on my brothers shoulder and looked at Erwin.

"Erwin."i spoke he looked at me and said

"Mio."everyone was looking at me with wide eyes as i said the Commanders first name

"Hello Smith."i spat i full out hated this guy and do you know why,well when i was younger he found me in the forest surrounded by titans and what did he do looked at me then rode back to the walls.

"Hello Ackerman."he said back like nothing ever happened.He walked towards me with a smirk and questioned

"Was it nice being left alone?"to which i replied with

"Best experience ever." you could practically feel the hate coming off of me in waves at least as big as the sea.Levi put his hand on mine and questioned

"What do you mean?"i answered with

"Oh,let me explain when i was about four-five-ish what did he do,why he found me in the forest surrounded by how many was it,oh yea eight titans and what did the oh so great commander do look me in the eye and ride back to the walls,not even killed one titan."i said to everyones shock he said

"Oh so you do remember our little meeting."i just looked away from him and said 

"You did do something good that day though and do you want to know what it is hmmm?"i watched him out of the corner of my eye and he nodded

"Oh,you showed me how much of a selfish bastered you are."i said it like it was a fact i read from a book not even caring about the fact that was walking up behind me with a sword in hand.I knew he was coming up and when he went to strike me down like a match.I flipped over him and had my two black as night swords around his neck and spat out.

"You also got me these and i thank you for that,but i must really be going now,good to see you again,Smith."and with that i put my swords back in my sheaths walked towards Levi,but not before getting a cut on my arm.

"Oh,you should know by now that a single cut wont do anything for example if would heal right about now."when i finished the cut that was there regrew to its original form.Everyone was shocked and scarred at this while i just said.

"Night Levi im going out see you tomorrow"and with that i left,not wanting to talk to Smith any more.He had seen me more then once and left me outside the wall.He knew i was Levis sister and he knew i had been taken as he was one of the people who took me that night.He was the one i beat up the most.He was also the one who tried to harass me but with my powers i easily escaped his grip.He was the one who came after me the most but i had to leave my dear brother for that 'man' if he can even be called that.I still remember the sadist look in his eyes,not regretting what he done.

That day was the day that i became stronger not just physically but mentally as well,not even caring about anything but my dearest brother and now that i have him in my grip i will not let go so easily.I will not let him go without a fight not in a million years i will protect you brother even if it means my life.Even if it means my body and soul are put to their eternal slumber.I made a promise the day i found my brother and that was to

'Never let anyone important leave me,i will protect everyone with my body and soul,especially you,dear brother,dear Levi'

I will make sure i never leave him alone in this place we call home,the war has just begun,and i plan to win it for not just me and my brother sake,but the sake for humanity,for the sake of mankind and for the sake of hearing and living with my friends laughter.To see the outside world with them,to breath in the intoxicating smell of fresh air  and to live my life with them.To morn their deaths and to celebrate their birthdays and marriages.To be able to make sure they are happy and know what it mean to be free.That is the one thing i wish for.The one thing i make sure will come true with my help and my dearest friends and family,the one thing that will make them happy for the rest of their dull,blood fuelled lives.I want to shed tears of happiness and sadness with them.Show them what it is to be loved and teach them the ways of living in peace away from any threat.To let them fell the sea breeze on their skin,to let them smell the delicate smell of flowers and to them live the life everyone dreams of,the one where no one fights and everyone lives happily ever after.And as long as i have the air in me and my blood flowing throw my vain i will make this their life,the one we all dreamed off will become a reality,and im here to make it become that reality,with my life or not everyone will live their own kind of happy fairy tale.


Well that was deep,but i really do hope you love it,cos that took a lot ok,i have not got a really big brain so that took a lot to stop me writing random thing down.I was listening to the English cover of 'Reluctant Heroes' while writing this and i think this helped as it does have a lot of emotion in it and it shows you the struggles of the Scout Legion has to face.To be honest i think this song has a deeper meaning to it then it seems to put off with the words and sounds that play together.They fit like puzzle pieces and all explain what it is to live in difficult times like they do.I think that the song will not only show you the true meaning to the Scout Legion but i think show you the meaning of lifes struggles.I think the deeper meaning to this song is the fact that what ever you are put up against just fight back not only for your happiness but the happiness of others as well.

Ok i will stop blabbering but i hope you get my point and i hope you enjoyed my story well chapater but you know what i mean.Anyways See Ya~~! ^.~

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