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~Emi's Pov~

I sighed as I sat down next to Levi,my head rested on my hands,on the table.Levi looked over to be but shook his head knowing what I was thinking about.

~Flash Back~

After I told everyone that I had powers,the room exploded into chaos,citizens screaming things like I should be dead and the lark,MPs saying that I should be tested on and the Survey Core wanting me to stay with them.

Me and Levi just stood there looking at one another.I sighed and he shouted out.

"Listen up,Emi will be tested on,over my dead body,she will not be killed or put in harms way,after all she has probably saved more lives then the Survey Core have.Whilst she was outside the walls she killed titans all the time,just think that titan could have been the one to eat you,or a family member.She knew that she could be killed when she faced her first one at a young age,yet here she still stands.She has more bravery then all of you put together,so give her a bit of credit won't you."the court room went silent and the only sound after a few minutes was the jury's hammer signalling that he made a decision.

"I,here by give,Emi Ackerman permission to join the Survey Core,on one condition,she will have to be going back into the outside for three mouths every year,to gather information on the titans and ways to get rid of them."everyone faced me and I just nodded saying.

"If that is what it takes,then so be it."

~End of Flash Back~

So I have to go back outside for three mouths every year,they don't have to all be at the same time,it can be any time of the year but it has to be for three mouths.It'll give me something to do,but I won't particularly enjoy it.I have been out there for a full twelve years and now I have to go again for three mouths every year,just my luck.

I picked my head up from the table and grabbed my cup of black coffee,I quickly finished it off and played with the cup.I'm going out next week,it starts this year,and there are only three mouths of the year left so I have to stay out till next year,I'm also doing the first mouth of next year so I'll be out for four mouths in a row,yay for me.

Last night I started to pack my bags,but I still have to take a lot more for the full four mouths.They refuse for me to hunt what animals are outside as they can carry diseases,it's not like I already knew that,and yet here I am still alive.So I have to take food for four whole mouths,just imagine the size of my bags.I'm taking my food,some gas canister if they run out,some new blades if they brake and even a new 3DMG if I am attacked and it fails on me.I refuse to take new cloths though,I won't be needing that.

I have to carry this on me for the whole time as well,yes it will slowly get smaller,but I still have a lot to carry for the first few weeks.It won't be easy for me,but I guess I just have to get used to it from now on.

I stood up and went to my room,I need a nap,I haven't been sleeping properly lately and need some shut eye.

When I got in my room(I have to go through Levi's room to get to it),but when I got there I locked the door,had a shower,cleaned up for a bit then feel asleep in my spotless bed.

When I woke up the next morning,I released that I had been asleep for the whole day yesterday and it was now nearly twelve,I guess I needed more sleep then I had thought so.

I stood up from my bed and I was stiff,I clicked my neck,fingers,ankles and such as,just so it meant that I was able to move in the morning.I put my cloths on and walked out into the hallway.I went to the training grounds where I saw Levi and the trainees training,for gods knows what,I'm not sure.

I walked out into the blazing heat and stood next to my brother,he handed me a cup of coffee and said.

"Morning,sleeping beauty."I grunted and said.

"That's been the longest I've slept for twelve years,give me some luxury."I yawned and drank my coffee,my hair was in a messy bun,which I hated,yes,but I was to tired to change it now,so I'll have to put up with it.Or Levi might change it when he gets annoyed with it(he more then likely will).

My cup of coffee really woke me up,so I undone my hair and sorted it out before Levi had a go at me.Me and Levi even had a small fight between ourselves that everyone wanted to watch,so we had to really.I was just pulled into it,I never really wanted to fight him,I just had to.We finally called it a draw,but if we went on I would've won just like old times.Sometimes I miss the old times,but then I remember my parents and am happy that I've pasted it.

For the rest of the day,I just helped out here and there,talked to a couple people,and packed my bags more.Most people said bye now,as they thought that they might not see me before I set out on my four months mission.I knew that I would see everyone before I actually set out,but some others seemed to not believe that.

It seems that people don't mind me having powers,they all still talk to me and such.No one has particularly stayed away from me either,but a lot of people have wanted to see what I can do,which I show them happily,I don't mind people who want to see what I can do,it makes me feel happy that people still like me even though I am different from normal people.Eren has showed me his titan form and I showed him and his little group all my powers,they were fascinated by them,I laughed at their faces and told them how I found out I had powers,and when I showed Levi I had them.They laughed at my little story,and it made me happy.I really liked it when people where laughing and being happy in this hell we called home.

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