Days Without Her

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Well I promised you one, so here it it, sorry if it's shitty, really am!

Third Person Pov

Yesterday was the wonderful, yet dreadful day.The day it all happened.The day that the wonderful Mio came back and, still yet disappeared from her story.

People missed her dearly, loads and loads of tears where shed and wails of pain where heard behind the building's walls.The newbies, captains, corporals, kitchen staff, everyone missed her.

Well near enough everyone, a select few would silently laugh at the loss.The select few who did this where the ones that commander Erwin could brainwash into thinking that she was a bad person.The few who he had under his control where all the all the medical staff, and that was why they didn't do the surgery, if she had had it done then she would have lived like any other, but they never liked her anyway.

First off she comes here and everyone loves her, secondly she knows how to treat other people, and the only people the medics got where the ones that she wouldn't have the time to fix up.Well that was what they thought anyway, and every time a new soldier would come in, they would complain and say how Mio was better, or Mio was faster, or Mio was more gentle with them.

Of course there was the very few medics who actually liked the girl, they would go and see her when everyone was asleep, she was usually in the yard out front.They would go for many of things, help with certain things to just talking about life.They were the ones who admired her the most out of everyone.

Everyone at the HQ knew how much the other medics hated her, so when they called her names and made fun of her, she would always turn her back to them and carry on with what she was doing like nothing happened.They also admired her for her bravery, never had anyone gone outside the walls for the amount of time she had, and if anyone ever did they would usually come back dead.

The new recruits again loved her a lot, because of the way she seemed to not care about much, but yet at the same time she was determined to kill all the titans.She was also like a mother to a lot of them, taking care off them and talking about whatever they wanted to tell her, she listened to all that had to be said and thought off a way out of it.

Many friends became best friends,many people got to go out with other people thanks to her.She had only been with them about seven mouths, and in them seven mouths people become more useful, more productive, and a hell off a lot more cheerful.

But now with her gone, all the support carrying them had gone from under them, just like a storm blowing a couple trees.It was so easy that they missed it all, it happened in the blink off an eye, and nothing they could do was to bring it back.

Have you ever heard noises at night and not know what it was, it kept you up for hours, and you was to frightened to move, it was a bit like that, they were too frightened to move.

The only support they had left was gone and with that disposed off, they where scared that if they moved the rest would fall with it.Of course they were sad and upset about the whole ordeal as well, nothing could compare with the emotions they where feeling.

But one person was taking it so bad that they struggled to eat what was in front of them, one person was taking it so bad that he struggled to walk whenever he had to do something, someone was taking it so bad that they froze and sobbed at the sound of her name, someone was taking it so bad that they found themselves weak at the knees.

That person was her only family, her only brother.He took it like a knife to meat, ripping his already damaged heart to shreds and throwing it violently into a container.It really broke him, seeing his once happy sister like this, all pale and thin, no life in her once vibrant eyes, not one single speck.

Off course he took everything to heart, he relieved every happy memory he once had with her, not that there was very many, but he took them and cherished them in his mind, he etched them into his very being, till it hurt to see them again and again.

No one said a word for a few days, just weeping and mourning for their friend, she wasn't going to be cremated like the other fallen soldiers, she was going to have a proper funeral for all that she done in the small time that she was there with them.

The funeral was going to be three days from now, so six actual days from her death, for the first three days people where allowed in to see her, they all spoke to her, even though they knew she couldn't hear them.The other three days she was sent to a morgue,  where the undertaker there took great care into maker her look pretty again, he had the help of a women with him, so she made it her duty to make her look like a princess on her last day on this wretched planet.

As the day got closer, more and more people went out and brought what they would need for the funeral, there was no will so all her belongings went to her only relative, being Levi.He kept them in a special chest in the corner of his room, he looked at them each day and remembered when she told him what it was and how she got it.They all brought a small sad smile to his face accompanied by his salty tears.

He would always sit and listen to the others talk about how much of an amazing person she was, and he would always agree with them.Sometime on very special occasions he would tell them how she was even better then they thought she was, of course each time, they would cry but would just learn to admire her that little bit more. 

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