Court Trail

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Emi's Pov

I just looked at the people in front of me,smiled and said.

"Take me away officer,I'm sure my crime of coming back to my home from previously being kidnapped at the old age of four is such a crime that I would be hung."I told him sarcasm in every word.I even put my hands up in front of me and walked forward.He fell for my trick,he grabbed my hands but I threw them up and gave him a powerful uppercut.I put on a shocked innocent face and said with fake empathy.

"Ooops,I'm sorry I guess my hand just slipped."And with that said I turned back and was about to walk back to my brother but some smart idiot pointed a gun at my back.I laughed a cold laugh,one that could be compared to steel,and my eye glowed a dangerous colour that only happens to us Ackermans when we are pissed,annoyed or angry.I put my hand on the barrel of the gun and pushed it back into the guys gut.

"Now I will be there at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning so scram,or I will have to personally escort you out and I'm not exactly the nicest person when I have to deal with assholes."I warned them and walked back to Levi,who just looked at me for a quick glance then turned back to the soldiers in front of me.

"You heard her,get out before she seriously does some damage,because when we was younger she managed to take out a group of older men when she was three,so if you want to possibly die then stay,otherwise go."they all looked at me,while I returned the favour showing my sharper teeth.Yes my teeth are shaper then others,what when you are outside for so long you have to have stronger teeth to eat certain things.They nodded and went back to the fucking building they came from.

I clenched my fist and Levi saw this,he knew that I was suffering,when I don't let off steam for a while I tend to fell pain as my powers come overwhelming.

"Levi.I.Need.Something.To.Punch.Now."I struggled out,he nodded and came back with a couple planks of wood,he held them up higher then his head but not to high as I was still shot.I punched straight through it and it was sent flying out of my brothers hand and into a tree where it dug it's self a deep hole.I done this to them all and by the end I had calmed down a bit,I was still a bit annoyed and would snap at people sometimes.Levi told them a bit about it but missed out my powers part as they will be shown tomorrow at the court house.

Time Skip

I woke up and done my daily routine before sitting on my window sill.I looked out onto the light sky and glanced at my clock before sighing and standing up,it was nearly time for my trial as I came over from the wall.

I trudged down the hallway and to the courthouse,it was close so I just walked it.

As soon as I got in the doors I was lead to a room where I got my hands cuffed and then walked to the trail room,or whatever you call it.

The doors where pushed open by Hanji and I walked in,I had my cloak on.So my hood was up and for some reason they let me keep my swords,don't ask why,they just did.I sighed and shook my head before sitting down with my back against the pole that they put in to keep me tied down,almost like a wild animal.My right leg was up of the floor and my left was flat on the floor.I laid my head against the pole and looked up at the ceiling through my hood.I smirked at the judge as he came in and sat down.

"I am Judge Zackly,and I will be deciding the fate of  Emi Ackerman."the court house calmed down to a hushed silence and I laughed almost inaudibly,to myself.Ignoring the stairs and glares I was getting from the MPs and the normal people(people who are not in the army).

"I have heard that you have come from outside the walls.Right?"he asked me,I moved my head in a up and down motion saying that I understood what he was going on about.

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