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Sorry if I got your hopes up about uploading a new chapter, I'll say it once and I'll say it again, this book is finished!


But lets get to the point of this authors note!

Okay so my brother just started(meaning I told him about Wattpad and persuaded him to) to make an account on here!His name is Gladiator4123 and although he hasn't and may not write a book for a while (as he is younger then me) could you maybe follow him?

I know I may be asking a bit too much of you but could you at least help him out a little?

BUT now the part that you have all been waiting for!





































































(totally not sorry)


It may not be up for a while as I still need to update my other books!(awkward laugh)hehehehe....-_-'

But yes there will be a sequel!

Here's the bio!

It's been five years since she...she...died.It's still a very touchy subject for me and the people who knew her.But it was like her death was for the greater good.I don't mean it in a mean way, no not at all!She is dearly missed by everyone.I just want her to remember us all in our own little ways.

Remember, your not allowed to forget us...I love you always.


Ever since then, the titan numbers have gone down, people are starting to have faith in humanity again.But with the upcoming 109th graduation a change will come, a change that no one can do anything about, human nor titan.

There you go guys the sequel to Levi's sister!

Well the blurb for the most part!

For the name I'm not to sure.But so far I have at least four names.

-The lonely war

-Years have passed

-People change

-For the greater good

There so if you can tell me what one you think is better then that will be greatly appreciated, or if you have your own, so much better!

Levi's Sister(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now