When She's Gone

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Levi's Pov

It has been about a mouth and a half since Mio went outside, and I can't do anything but worry about her, all the time.I know that she is strong women, even stronger them me, but that doesn't stop the terrible feeling I get all the time.

I can tell that everyone is scared about what could and what might happen, but they try to hide it and pretend that everyone is alright.That's what gets me, pretending that everything will happen just as planned, she'll go out and she'll come back just as fine, it really pisses me off to think about it like.

I guess that they just don't understand my side of the story, but how could they?

I don't show them anything of my past, nor any emotions.I keep it all locked up to myself, and I'm not going to lie in saying that sometimes that's not the best thing to do.It really restricts me on a lot of levels, but when Mio does come back alright, then and only then will I show the others my other side.

I groaned as I saw the amount of paperwork on my desk, I purposely didn't do it yesterday as I was just to tired, but now I'm stuck with more.If only Mio was here, she would storm up to Erwin's office and dump it back on his desk and walk out, I can't do that for reasons, but she can as they want to kill each other and she's not even an actual member of the Survey Core.I swear sometimes she gets the good end of all this, but then again she does have to do that every year, so I guess not then.

I read over the fifth letter stating that my sister had to go outside and the agreements that came with it, before throwing it away.I really don't know why I read over it, I just did and now it's starting to annoy me.

Time Skip A Mouth Later

It's been two and a half mouths since my sister set out and I'm getting more paranoid by the minute, it's also starting to show on my face and in my actions.The other trainees are also starting to get worried.At first she would send us a letter every other week but that stopped half a mouth ago, and I'm really worried about her.

I've been stressed lately and the bags under my eyes are showing up more.Any person who talks to me, I snap at, shouting this and that.I'm not the only one though, that Eren kid and all his friends aren't as lively and shitty glasses, is well not shitty glasses.My squad have also been more quiet recently.In fact you could hear a pin drop sometimes with the sound level it has become.

At the moment it is the sixtieth of December, so in nine days it's mine and Mio's birthday, not to say that I'm thrilled, I would rather be spending it with my sister but you know.Usually every year Hanji plans something and I want nothing to do with it.I doubt that she has something to do this year though, she's been worrying to much to plan anything.

As the twenty-fifth grew closer and closer, I showed up less in the mess hall.I couldn't take the silence that it bung with it, it was too much for me to handle along with all the other things that I've got on my mind,I've also fell ill, so much for being 'Humanity's Strongest Soldier'.I don't know why people call me that, honestly.

Hanji seems to have brightened up a little bit, but tries to hide it, note tries, she fails miserably.So that means she has something planned, don't ask what, with her it could be anything from pranking me the whole time to going out for a meal.Sometimes I do enjoy it, but only a little, and that was only three times.I must admit that it is better then staying indoors all the time.

I wonder what Mio is doing right now, is she safe or is she dead?

That is something that I always ponder on, and it tends to not carry a answer for me.Sometimes I wish that I could just have powers like Mio, she probably knows what I'm thinking at the moment or some weird shit like that.

With only two days left till my birthday, my fear only grew and grew.I knew that if something had happened to Mio then I would be told on the only day that I don't mind.It always does, always will.To be honest I've got the worst timing of the year, being born on the twenty-fifth.I also have the worst luck to any man.

I was not allowed out of my room on Hanji's orders, so I was stuck inside on my lonesome, not that I don't mind, it gives me time to think about everything that is happening as of now.

I sat down in my office, before sighing to myself.I looked at my open bedroom door, it showed me straight to hers.Now I know she promised me, and she has never broke a promise, but I can't help but to worry about her.It's a bit like if someone has never not answered you for a while, or if someone has been gone for a long time without a explanation.It truly is a horrible feeling, if you have ever felt that way, then you would understand my pain.

I walked to her room and opened the door, it was near enough empty apart from a few things.Inside was her bed, her wardrobe and set of six draws.Her wardrobe and draws where made out of wood.I walked up to her the set of draws and picked up the old photo of me and her as a child, we were actually happy for one, we were free from our parents and all our worries.I remember she stole the camera from a young couple who chased her down the streets to our little home.


Mio came running around the corner and straight into a confused Levi.She smiled and held up the camera as a young couple came around the corner she just did, she put Levi behind her as if to protect him from them.The man of the couple shouted out to her.

"Hey you little thief, give us the camera back!"she stood her ground and held her hand up before apologising.

"I'm sorry, I really am, I just wanted to get a photo of me and my twin brother, that's all, but if you want the camera back, you can have it back."the female took the camera and Mio twiddled her thumbs, looking down ashamed of what she done.The couple felt sorry for shouting at her so the female stepped forward and knelt down to the twins, they backed away in fear but the women's eyes held gentleness and kindness.She said in a kind way.

"Don't worry about it, if you wanted a picture of you and your brother, all you had to do was ask."Levi popped his head around from Mio's side and they both looked at the women with wide eyes, they had ever only known people to be cruel and annoyed at the two of them, so this was much more then a surprise to them.Mio and Levi nodded at the same time causing the lady and male to laugh lightly at them both.The male put the camera up to his face and pointed it at the two, Levi came out and stood next to his sister and smiled a really big smile, his sister had the same cheeky but adorable smile on.You could see the simulates between the two.The man took the photo and showed the two, he gave Levi the finished copy for safe keeping and walked off with his wife.

So she kept the photo with her the whole time, never once left it behind.Well it was the only time that we were actually happy.I just hope that she comes back soon.



So to all you people who like this book, I hope your happy with me, I've updated this book for like a lot more then I used to(that made no sense, but you know).I'm happy with myself, I think that I'm just going to focus on some of my books and finish them, and then go onto my other ones

The books that I'll focus on are:

Levi's Sister

The Fighter!(AoT FanFiction)

The Black In The White (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler FanFiction)

Doll(Tokyo Ghoul FanFic!)

My Darkest Part

Stitched Together (Tokyo Ghoul FanFiction!)

And that'll be it for now.

See Ya Soon!

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