Mio! Mio!

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Levi's Pov

I caught her before he fell, she looked up and smiled at me before making a hand signal to the others.She tried to stand up and walk but her leg stopped her from walking, so she just feel again.I sighed and shook my head before picking her up, she was a lot lighter then I remembered her to be.Heck what am I saying, of course she'll be lighter, she barely eats as it is, and with her going out like that she had next to nothing on food!

We, as in me, Mio, Hanji and the rest all went back to the HQ in a comfortable silence, they all took glances at my sister, as I just kept looking at her, I felt that if I removed my gaze, then she wouldn't be here, or her condition would get worse.

As soon as we got back, I jumped off my horse and just left it there, I had over matters to attend to, and my sister was all off them.I shoved past people as they stopped and looked, some from shock and some from happiness, but they all had one look it was confusion, and it was all from my sister.

The nurses and doctors were rushing around in the small hospital we have at base, obviously news had gotten around faster then I had hoped it would and near enough the whole barracks knows something is wrong, so everyone is sent into a faze of worried faces and mopey moments.(nice, yes I did just 'nice' at my own words!*sassy hair flip*)

I set her down on the bland, metal bed and I was nearly shoved out the room, I fought back till they said that they might have to get Erwin to forbid me from going into her room, of course he would do it with a sickly sweet smirk on his face.I swear watching me suffer brings him joy, I knew that he was sadistic from the first time I set my eyes on him, but was he really that bad, asylum bad?

I really don't know and to be honest, I could really care less.

I sparred my sister one last glance before walking out and storming into the mess hall.It seemed that my biggest fear had become a reality and now I didn't know how to handle it well, no in fact not at all.

I sat down and thought about what I would do, if she died, I also though about what would happen if she didn't die.At the moment though the badder side was winning this fight.I really tried with all my might to see if I could collect my thoughts, but I just couldn't seem to.My head started to hurt from all the force thinking I've put myself through for the months that she was gone.

I blocked everyone out and just starred at the wall, just thinking, about what, I'm not quite sure now, it was all nonsense at the minute, just a blur to me.This whole experience was just a blur to me, I had no idea that everyone was looking at me, someone must have said something and everyone was waiting a reply, but I wasn't giving one.

I had no clue as to why she wasn't healing, she should have been all better before we got back to the base, but she was still passed out in my arms.

Did something else happen while she was out there?

Did she use to much power?

Did she have a limit to her power?

If she did, did she reach it?

Did she get more hurt then we all thought?

Or is she just lacking in human needs?

Question after question seemed to pop up in my head, one after the other.I think that it was something more then paranoia, if you can even get something more then it.I was worried and scared.

Me worried and scared.

That was an understatement to how I actually felt about it all.

"i...vi...EVI...LEVI!"someone screamed.I would've jumped if I wasn't used to that voice, I looked up to see a discomposed(yay I used a big word!)Hanji.She looked different to her normal self, and that scared me even more then anyone thought it could.

"Yes?"I asked her, I had a feeling that it was about Mio.

"It's Mio..."she started.

"What is it?Is she alright?What happened?"I shot the questions at her.She was taking to long, and I won't lie in saying that I was annoyed about that very fact.

"She's,um...she's,um...um...not...waking up."she blurted it out to me, and it seemed like the whole world stopped spinning, the room feel silent, and me, I was frozen in my seat, eyes widened in disbelief.

It took me a minute to take in her words, before I got up, so quickly that the table I was leaning on scrapped across the floor and toppled over.I shoved Hanji out the way, maybe a little to forcefully, but right now, nothing else bothered me.

I sprinted down the hallways, turning all the god dammed corners, why is there so many?

Pushing myself into the room, I flung my nervous body into my sisters room.It turns out that all her friends where there behind me, I was just in too much off a rush to notice.

I looked over at her still body, it frightened me on how pale she was at the moment.I always knew that she was a very pale girl, but this was ghostly pale.

It took me a while to overcome the shock that I was feeling, and for me to actually process what I was seeing.

My sister knocked out cold, possibly dead.I stumbled over and put my hand on her shoulder.No her eyes where still closed and I got no response from her at all.I started to shake her shoulder slowly and gently, while softly saying.

"C'om Mio, it's time to wake up.You have things that you need to get done today, people want to see you today.Please wake up."I sounded like a little child, but it was what we used to say to each other when we were younger.She didn't move at all.

I shook her shoulder harder and my voice became more desperate.

"Mio wake up, I know that you hate lazing around all day, so you have to get up.Otherwise if you don't I'll make Hanji throw the biggest prank she has thrown on anyone to you.You wouldn't want that now would you?"nothing happened.I was practically shoving her shoulder and begging her now.

"Mio, wake up please.I want you to get up, I need you to get up.Mio we all need you to get up, it'll be different, very different if you don't get up!"the nurse came up to me with a very glum look, that was all I needed before I knew the truth.

"Corporal, I'm very sorry, but your sister sustained to many injures to undergo a surgery, if we did try we would only make her condition worse.I'm sure that you don't want her all damaged before she takes her first step somewhere else."I looked down and I felt my eyes get wet.My tears slowly seeping through my hair and down my face.My shoulder shook and quiet sobs escaped me.I tried my hardest to keep them in, but they fought back and broke out.

My head laid it's self on her death bed, and I cried and cried, forgetting about the other people in the room.

I must have been in there for hours on end as when the nurse finally came up to me and told me to leave, I refused.I wouldn't leave her along, not after what I done to her, it was my fault that she died, so I have to stay with her with the only time that she has left, it really hurt to see her like this.

Third Person's Pov

She never deserved any of it.She never deserved anything that had happened to her in her life.She was the meaning of a good person in his eyes, all she ever done was protect her only loving family.Was that really a sin?Was that really a sin to people who have it all?What did she ever do to get this served to her on a silver platter?

The nurses and doctors couldn't sift the man, he was unmovable to them.Hanji and a few others came to help them, and they struggled to, it was like he unlocked all his feelings and they were now weighing him down.After finally some struggle they got him to move, but he screamed and kicked to be back where he was.

Anyone who knew him, would be shocked at his display, but then they all thought about the time that they lost someone, it was always a wife or husband, or friends, it was never a sister, the closest thing that the man had felt to family all his life.No one could go and try to help the depressed man, they didn't know how to, they wanted to, but they couldn't do anything.

They were all afraid that if they said something wrong, he would go into more depression.

The already broken man, finally cracked.

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