His Memories

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Levi's Pov 

I watched her figure, hoping that she would peel open her beautiful eyes(twincest!*gasp*Jk jk!)

I remember when this happened before we had escaped from...then.

Flashback Time!

Mio was lying down in her 'bed'.It was more like what what you sleep on in the wild.The 'mattress' for her 'bed'  was just a couple large rocks of rubble from the ceiling.This house was extremely old so it was no surprise when the a corner of the roof caved in.

Of course our so called parents done nothing to try and fix it, they just left it open, in hopes that me and my sister would freeze to death.If anyone was to freeze to death it would've been Mio, she forced me to take all the thick sheets that we could get so she just ended up with one thing sheet that scarcely covered her already shivering body.

Again her bed was only a couple rocks of old concrete, she laid on one of her coats with the sheet over he.She was sick from the cold winter wind and the constant 'family times' with mother and father, our 'caring' parents.

She also took mine for me today, so her pale complexion was already turning a nasty looking black, with large red specs on it.They were dotted around her like islands and the bruises looked like the ocean.

The only other colours then them two, were her eyes, one a metallic grey, whilst the other was as enchanting purple colour.Her eyes had been open slightly to look at me.

"Hey,"she mumbled"your alright, aren't you?"her voice was raspy from the screaming and all the cries.I looked at her and glared slightly.

"Me, am I alright, you really are funny.Take a look at me then take a look at yourself!"I shouted at her.They had over done it this time, she had never looked like this before and it really started to upset me.Not that I wasn't already upset to begin with, it just hurt to see her get treated like she did.

"I'm doing this for your sake!"she somehow shouted it at me, her voice was still a vocal lower then mine.

"My sake!My sake, Mio we are a few minutes apart, for crying out loud!If you want to do something for my sake then let me take what is for me and not you!"I screamed at her.

"Maybe I should!Maybe I should stop sacrificing myself for your sake, but when it gets to much don't come crying to me!"she stood up ignoring her wounds and all the blood poring out of her.She mumbled something under her breath before leaving me standing there.

I soon felt the wave off guilt as I heard her scream downstairs.I forgot she was doing this for my sake, so that I didn't feel the pain she did.She was taking all the pain away from me and keeping it to herself.She was afraid that I would die if I took what she did for me.And I just shouted at her.

That was our first ever argument.We had about six more before we actually left that hel-home off ours.

I remember when we had actually got away from there.

We ran and ran as the fat pigs(our parents) chased after us.Mio had again surprised me by memorising every twist and turn around this area of town, and she had seen many maps to know where to go in other towns.

At this point in time we had no idea how good her memory actually was.

We tuned the nearest left and it was a dead end, I looked at Mio in confusion and worry.What if we were caught?And what are we doing?

She turned and smirked at me, before picking me up and gently putting me on the roof.She pulled herself up and ran to the ledge.We watched as our tormentors looked around in confusion.Mio laughed slightly, they must have heard, because they looked our way.

She smirked at them before grabbing my hand and running across the conjoined roofs.

"Levi you need to hit harder!"Mio ordered me.This was our first fighting lesson.We had already covered stamina and she had somehow got her hands on two 3DMGS, so we had done that lesson.

My legs where bent and I had my hands on my knees.

"You've told me that many times, but remember I don't have powers like you do."I huffed out between breaths.We had recently found out about her powers, after she had broken a bone.It should've taken six weeks to fix it's self but it only took two.

I was shocked to say the least, when she stood up and walked around.She turned to me and jumped up about five feet when she saw that she was not sitting.I just stared on in wonder.And then water, wind and earth started to surround her.Also her purple eye glowed.

She was scared at first, but then she learnt that she could control it.That was how we learned that she had powers.

We had many lessons after that, but she seemed to make them tougher the more that I learnt about that subject.I guess it was her way to help me.It was like she knew what would happen in the near future.

She smiled as we ran down the road, we had just stole our first large item.Some people had seen us, and we had to make a run for it.People stopped and starred at what they were seeing.There was two young kids, one on the others shoulders and the other running and doing tricks to get away from her pursuers.

Their was a cart coming up, and I held onto Mio tightly.She ran at the wall and used it to flip over the cart.The people chasing us had to wait till the cart had moved out of their way.And as soon as it had moved they were on our tail again.We never got caught until we was near where we was staying.

The grabbed Mio by her heir and she pushed my forward, with the item in her hands.I went to our 'house' and hid the item, before going back to help out Mio.I helped her and we got away but one got me before I could turn the corner.Of course Mio came back and put herself in my place

"Run!Levi run!And don't look back!"she shouted to me.I turned to her and wanted to help her, but I knew that it was better if one of us was punished then the pair of us.She smiled at me before they took her around the corner.

That was the last time that I would have seen her for twelve long lonely years.And now that's she back and laying on her death bed, it reminds me off all the times that she suffered just for me to be happy, and it has finally, just now caught up to her.


Hey sorry for the long wait but I still got one up.The dedication up top is for the person who gave me the idea for this chappy, so thxs!Also you have some awesome stories!And sorry if there are any spelling errors!

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