I Got Tagged

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I got tagged by my friend chocolatecupcake1423, and in that tag I have to roast myself, just like toast, yay!

She done seventeen so Ima do ten as I hate odd numbers and I'm a lazy ass moutherfudger!

1.Why do you like all that Japanese shit, it's for children who have no lives to live!(my sister actually said this to me, and boy did I go off on one)

2.Your some really sick ass bitch, as you only really like animes and shows that show blood and guts and all that shit.

3.Your really dark and sadistic, you laugh when people die in movies and when your brother fell over and cuts himself pretty bad.

4.Your writing is the worst thing I've ever seen, and that the best thing you can do!?(it's actually true, I'm not very good at doing much else ;-;)

5.You alright down there ant, or do you keep getting stepped on?(my height is so not call!)

6.Stop being so depressing and just get over that petty anime character dying!(Hide! *waaaaaaah* ;-;)

7.I can't believe that you one a MSP account!And that the name for that account was mysticsky04, the only thing mystical about you is how you think!

8.Kuromiko_Akumu is the right name for you, just get rid of miko!(If you don't know Kuro means black and Akumu means nightmare, so it means 'black nightmare')

9.You have such a weird taste in music, what the hell is 'Sippy Cup' and 'Cry Baby' about anyway!(If you know where this is from then you are amazing!)

10.What the hell is wrong with?All you do is listen to shitty music and watch anime and read fanfictions, all day!( I actually do this, my life is sad :P)

Im tagging random people of my followers list, you don't have to do it, but just there.(can't think words?Also can't english!)

JR_Stark(Just cos your awesome!)
CelestiaGoddess(Just cos your awesome!)
CielxAloisxBooty(just cos you got that awesome name!)
ChemicalGalaxy(because your books make me laugh, 'It was raining fucking tree trunks and butler knives!')
randomspazz(you also have an awesome name)
Marky-kun(I love that one book that I've read by you!(I'm sure all your others are good to!))
Crazy_Bout_Levi(I absolutely love your books!)                                                                       KitKat3693(Just cos your awesome!)
Summy_Dummy(Because you were the second person to follow me, I didn't put first as well it was my friend chocolatecupcake1423 who has already done this)

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