Chapter 2

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Why now? The girl thought; why was she thinking of them now? She'd always tried to ignore those memories as they caused her the most pain. She knew her friends were dead, she'd watched them die that night; she'd watched everyone she knew die that night –the night she turned into this monster; the same monster that killed her parents and younger sister.

Walking into a small café, the blonde sat down to order a coffee she knew she would not drink as she hauled out a sketchbook. She flipped through the books many pages; looking over the drawings of her mother and father, even drawings of her younger sister Rose. She would have thought that she would have forgotten what they looked like after over a thousand years had passed but she could not. She could still picture everyone's faces clear as day; even the face of the red headed boy that was teasing Jane and Alec that day long ago.

Flipping to a blank page the girl's hands moved gracefully across the page, sketching a picture of her friends. She always attempted get their eyes right but never could; she simply couldn't express Jane's piercing eyes through the paper, nor Alec's soft blue ones.

Looking out the window in front of her, Anna couldn't help the sad smile that came to her face as she watched the rain pour down outside. The rain reminded her of a memory –one she didn't think she'd soon forget as every time it rained she thought of it.

"Come on!" the cheerful blonde nagged the boy in front of her, taking his hands in hers and pulling him from his house. Outside the rain came down on the small village, everyone sat in the warmth of their homes; everyone except for the two youngsters.

"It's raining Anna" the boy stated, slightly annoyed about getting wet.

"So? All the more fun if you ask me!" the girl replied a large smile on her face as she began to run and dance through the rain. The boy couldn't help but smile at the sight, her smile always seemed so infectious to him; it was as if her smile could push all the clouds from the sky, it was as if her smile was brighter than the sun itself.

"Come on Alec, dance with me!" the girl of only fourteen exclaimed as she grabbed his hands once more, pulling him around in circles. Alec couldn't help but let out a chuckle, his blue eyes lighting up as he looked at his friend. The two teens dance around under the dark clouds, the rain pouring down on them. Anna spun around giggling furiously as Alec chuckled before a voice came from Alec's house.

"What are you two doing?" the voice of Jane ran through the air, her blue eyes looking accusingly at the pair "you two will get ill out here, now come inside!"

"Coming, Jane!" Alec responded to his sister, grabbing Anna by the hand and pulling her inside.

The girl's thoughts were once again interrupted although this time by a voice.

"An artist, I see" the voice came from beside her. Anna looked to her left to see a boy around the age of sixteen smiling down at her. She smiled back politely and responded to the dark haired boy.

"Yes, it's more of a hobby though" she replied quietly, looking down at her drawings.

"Well, they're beautiful" the boy complimented her, sending her a charming smile. The boy had never seen anyone so beautiful. Her blonde hair seemed to sit in a perfect mess on the top of her head; her eyes were a dazzling gold that stood out against her pale ivory skin. She wore studded heels, blank jeans and a slightly pink jacket over top of her dark purple shirt. A pair of beautiful black earrings dangled from her ears.

"Thank you" Anna relied softly as she closed her sketchbook, focusing on the boy in front of her. The boy was tall with a mess of brown hair on his head, his eyes were a deep brown to match; his smile was polite and charming and to most girls it would be irresistible, although when it came to Anna every time she looked at a boy her mind seemed to drift off to Alec.

Anna sat on the grass down by the stream with Alec; Jane was out getting groceries for their family. The grass was soft under her feet and between her toes, the girl giggled at the small tickling sensation. Alec sat next to her gazing up at the sky above; Anna looked up as well, the blue sky was beautiful and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. As she gazed up into the air a thought occurred to Anna.

"I wonder who I'll marry one day" she voiced as she continued to gaze at the blue sky. Alec seemed to be in thought for a moment before he looked down at her; Anna turned to face him as well, her hazel eyes meeting his blue ones.

"Well, whoever he is will be terribly lucky" he responded in his usual quiet voice.

"You're just saying that" she spoke in the same quiet tone, looking down at her feet.

"No I'm not. Whoever they are will be very fortunate because well, you're kind and intelligent which is everything a man could wish for, not to mention that-that you're beautiful" he finished his small ramble looking down as well, his cheeks taking on a light pink tint. Anna was sure her face was pink as well as she looked up at him, a small smile coming to her face.

"Thank you, Alec" she spoke quietly, hesitantly placing a small kiss on his cheek.

Anna noticed she'd gotten lost in thought once more as she looked back to the boy in front of her, who seemed to be expecting her to say something.

"Sorry?" she asked quietly, wanting him to repeat himself.

"I said does this lovely lady have a name?" he questioned, smiling at her.

"Anna, my name is Anna" the beautiful blonde replied, giggling softly at herself for having to make him repeat himself.

"Well Anna, my names is Ian. I must go now but I do hope to see you around" the boy smiled once more before walking out of the small café. Anna watched the boy leave before once again another voice interrupted her.

"I do believe I've heard that line before" I deep voice chuckled from behind the girl. Anna's head snapped around to see who had spoken.

"I believe I've heard it as well, although I'm quite sure that was over a century ago" she replied seeing the blonde man who was now standing sitting next to her "long time no see, Demetri"

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