Chapter 4

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The castle of Volterra was quiet as usual, the regular guards stood on duty; although, one of the most trusted guards sat alone in his room. Alec sat alone, a small charm dangling from his wrist. He gazed intently at the bracelet which circled his left wrist; it was made of a dark brown leather, a simple silver charm with the letter 'A' carved into it hung from the center of it. The brown haired boy had never taken it off, it had been over a thousand years since he'd seen the joyful blonde who'd given it to him but he still refused to take it off. To Alec taking off that bracelet was as if he was losing his memory of her; he knew he could never forget her, but this was the last physical thing he had to remember her by, and he swore to never lose it.

Jane stood near the door to her brother's room, watching as he fiddled with the small charm that hung from his wrist. She felt a pang of sadness and pain as she too looked down to her left wrist; she clenched her fists and took an unneeded deep breath as the small charm with the letter 'J' swayed back and forth from the leather bracelet. She quickly stepped out of the room rushing to a small secluded hallway and sat herself down, placing her head in her hands. Although, they were now apart the two twins drifted into the same memory; the memory of a time long ago.

Jane and Alec walked silently to the spot by the creek where they always met Anna; flowers bloomed beautifully in the grass, the sun was high in the sky and there wasn't a cloud to be seen. The twins jumped in surprise as their quiet walk was interrupted by Anna jumping down from a nearby tree.

"Happy birthday!" the cheerful blonde exclaimed loudly as she pulled her two friends into a tight hug.

"I don't like hugs Anna!" Jane screeched, pushing the other girl away from her.

"But it's your birthday" the other blonde retorted, sending Jane a large smile as the girl rolled her blue eyes "speaking of your birthday, I have gifts for the two of you"

"Gifts?" Alec asked quietly as he gazed at the small blonde he'd grown so fond of.

"Yes, gifts. I made them myself, sorry if the letters are a little messy but I tried my best" Anna replied as she pulled out two bracelets, handing one to each of the twins. Alec smiled an actual large smile for once as he looked down at the bracelet; a charm with the letter 'A' carved into it. Jane also couldn't help the smile that came to her face as she looked upon her own bracelet with a matching letter 'J'.

"Thank you" Jane mumbled softly, looking down at the ground; she wasn't often one to say thank you and always looked down at the ground uncomfortably as she did so.

"You really like them?" Anna asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"We love them, Anna" Alec replied, sending a charming smile her way. The bright blonde beamed in excitement pulling her two friends into another tight hug, earning a groan from Jane before the three of them continued on with their day as normal.

Oh, what Jane would do for one of Anna's hugs now, she missed the girl terribly although she would never admit it.

"You never cared for anyone like you cared for Anna" Alec's voice came suddenly from next to her, she hadn't noticed he'd come to sit next to her. The two sat in silence, looking at each other; both of them deep in thought. Alec knew his sister missed Anna just as much as he did.

"You loved her didn't you?" Jane broke the silence, staring at her brother as he turned away from her. After all these years, Alec realized he did love the girl. There was something about her that always made him happy; he'd never felt that happiness since the day Aro saved them and he didn't think he'd ever feel that happiness again. Jane didn't need a verbal answer, she knew by the look on Alec's face that the answer was yes. She let out a small sigh before standing up.

"Demetri should be back soon, we should go" she spoke, turning back to her usual self; no emotion shown on her face, no matter how upset she was. Alec nodded in response before getting up to follow his sister down the hall.


"Ah Demetri you've returned!" Aro exclaimed from his throne at the end of the room as Demetri walked through the doors "I do hope you've found out where our dear Toshiro is"

"I have, master. He is in London" Demetri replied softly as he bowed his head to the dark haired vampire in front of him.

"Well surely with your gift it did not take you that long to find him, do tell us why you're back so late" Aro responded, genuinely curious as to what had taken the tracker so long.

"I ran into an old friend of mine, a girl I'd met before I joined the Volturi. I'm terribly sorry for the delay" Demetri answered the curious vampire.

"And who is this lovely lady who has seemed to take up your time?"

"Her name is Anna" he replied calmly. Jane tensed at the name and looked over nervously at her brother, his jaw was clenched and he held fury in his eyes. Before anyone knew what was happening Alec had rushed over to Demetri, throwing the vampire across the room.

"I told you never to mention that name!" Alec roared, glaring at the blonde man across from him.

"Now, now Alec. He was only answering my question" Aro spoke, placing a hand on Alec's shoulder. Alec bowed his head in response, trying to calm himself down.

"I'm sorry, master" he responded softly before returning to his position next to his sister. As he stood next to her; Jane grabbed his hand giving it a tight squeeze. Alec was always sensitive when it came to Anna, the mention of her or anyone with the same name angered him; saddened him. Both twins were furious when they found out that everyone in the village was killed, they were happy about the death of most of them but knowing that Anna was amongst them was too much for them to handle; Anna had stood up for them and protected them when they were only ten years old but they could not protect her even when they were fifteen. Jane grew angry at herself as these thoughts consumed her head; Anna had tried to stop an entire village to save her, and she had done nothing in return to save Anna. Ignoring all conversation that was occurring Jane stalked down the stairs, storming out of the room leaving everyone confused.

"Alec, do go consult your sister for me and tell her that we leave for London tomorrow" Aro ordered, turning his head to face the boy. Alec merely nodded before rushing out of the throne room to find his sister.  

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