Chapter 13

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The Volturi castle was decorated exquisitely for the ball that would be held in just a short couple of hours. Anna was thankful for the distraction the ball brought her, as all she seemed to be able to concentrate on the last few days was the red blur she seemed to see constantly. The blonde sat in her room taking the time to curl her luxurious blonde locks. Her hair seemed to shine vibrantly in the candle light which illuminated the space as Jane walked in to check on her friend.

"Good evening, Jane" Anna greeted softly at the sight of her friend.

"Hi Anna" Jane spoke just as quietly, walking up behind Anna to help with her hair. Jane's hair was done up in its signature bun, tightly pulled back away from her face. Twisting Anna's hair into an elegant up-do, Jane began to speak.

"You've seemed very distracted lately, is something wrong?"

"N-no, everything's fine. Just have a lot on my mind I suppose" Anna replied hesitantly. She wasn't sure if she should tell Jane or not, she didn't want to worry her.

"Like what?" Jane pressed on, knowing something wasn't quite right with her friend.

"I just..."

"Yes?" Jane continued to question, seeing her friend's hesitation to tell her.

"I don't want to worry you with something silly" Anna finally spoke, letting out a sigh as she looked down at her hands that were placed gently in her lap.

"Just tell me, I want to help you. Like you said; kindness can go a long way" Jane spoke, letting a small smile grace her features. Anna couldn't help the grin that spread across her face at her friend's words; she couldn't believe Jane had remembered what she'd said all those years ago.

"Well, it's just... I keep feeling like I'm being followed and every now and then I see this red blur that looks just like..." Anna began telling her friend, trailing off at the end as a flurry of worrisome thoughts plagued her mind.

"Like who Anna?" the red eyed girl demanded, looking her friend in the eye through the twos reflection. Jane felt very protective over her friend and if someone was following her she wanted to know.

"Oh Jane, it's like I'm going crazy" the blonde spoke whipping around to face the other girl, her golden eyes wide and frantic "this person looks just like him"

"Like who?" Jane demanded again, a new fierceness in her voice along with a sense of curiosity.



Jane stood in the main hall or throne room as most people would call it dressed in an elegant dark blue dress. The beads of her dress sparkled brilliantly in the light of the hall as she stood watching the guests arrive. She had been very tense since her talk with Anna, just the boy's name made her furious and to think that he may still be alive and hunting Anna made her want to explode with fury. Her life was finally settling in to a happy one and this may just make it come tumbling down. She hadn't told her brother as she didn't want to ruin his night but that wouldn't stop her from dragging someone else into it.

"Demetri" Jane spoke in her usual monotone voice as she approached the tracker, determined to make sure Anna stayed safe.

"What can I do for you Jane?" Demetri asked in a casual manner as the girl approached him, quite curious as to why the hot tempered blonde needed his assistance.

"I want you to keep an eye on Anna, make sure she's safe" the girl demanded, her piercing red eyes boring into his own.

"And why wouldn't she be safe, might I ask?" the man asked in his usual almost teasing voice.

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