Chapter 6

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Jane had spent the last two weeks in the castle gardens, only leaving to feed; the gardens were Jane's favourite place to be, especially now. She sat on a small stone bench, a group of flowers clutched in her hand. Her piercing red eyes stared at the flowers in her hand, examining them with her enhanced senses, seeing every detail. She never understood Anna's love for flowers, she always thought they were flimsy and delicate but now she cherished them, for whenever she saw a flower she thought of Anna. Anna was the complete opposite of Jane, she was kind and loving and she always looked out for everyone; she was so full of hope and wonder whereas Jane was always angry and cold, always pessimistic about everything. Closing her eyes, Jane fell into a memory.

"Kindness can go a long way Jane" Anna's soft voice spoke as the two girls sat by the small stream. The stream flowed gently, providing a calming sound as the wind tossed the girls hair around softly.

"Kindness?" Jane asked in a harsh tone, rolling her eyes as she spoke.

"Yes kindness" Anna replied with a sigh, picking a flower from the grass and lacing it into Jane's hair which was done in her signature bun.

"Alec and I tried being kind and it got us nowhere" Jane snapped, pulling the flower from her hair and throwing it to the ground. The girls sat in silence for a while, listening to the sounds around them. Anna gently tossed stones into the stream before letting out a sigh and looking towards her friend.

"I know I can't change the way you think Jane, but do keep in mind what I say"

Keep in mind what she said; that's all Jane ever did but she just couldn't find any kindness in her, the little bit she had while she was human was gone.

"Jane" the girl snapped around at the voice, seeing one of the guards, Felix standing a short distance away from her. Angry about being disturbed she sent a sharp jolt of pain towards the vampire, letting him fall to his knees.

"Leave" Jane commanded loudly before releasing him from the power of her gift and allowing him to walk off. Once he was out of sight Jane noticed she had crushed the flowers that were in her hand and that they were now scattered on the floor. Jane's eyes widened in slight panic before she bent down and picked up the crushed flowers in her hand. She was appalled by what she'd done, in her mind it was almost as if she'd hurt Anna. She let out a ragged breath as she sat curled up on the stone path of the gardens, clutching the now dead flowers against her chest. She sat there in silence before feeling a gentle hand brush against the side of her face. Looking up she found her brother crouched in front of her, the twins simply looked at each other as Jane brought a hand up to see what Alec had tucked behind her ear. The blonde felt her hand touch something soft as she grasped it gently between her fingers and pulling it in front of her; she allowed her blood red eyes to gaze down at the small blue flower that was balanced gently between her fingertips.

"I think she would have liked it" Alec spoke in a soft voice to his sister, gazing down at the flower in her hands; the flower was a light blue snow glory "it matches your eyes when you were human"

Jane let her eyes gaze slip from the flower to her brother as she looked into his matching red eyes that were once a deep blue, a blue that could rival the deepest depths of the ocean. Letting a small smile grace her angel like features, Jane slowly tucked the flower back behind her ear before her brother stood from his crouched position offering a hand to her. The blondes smile widened slightly as she took Alec's hand.

"We're leaving to Washington in an hour, we should get ready" Alec spoke in his usual soft but deep voice.

"Wasn't I always the one telling you and Anna what to do?" Jane asked with a small smirk playing at her lips.

"Yes, but now it's my turn" Alec replied, returning her smirk with a small one of his own.


The bright raging fire reflected in Anna's deep gold eyes as she sat on a log in front of the fire. Benjamin and Tia, two of the witnesses sat across from her next to the wolf –Jacob.

"That's what I'm talking about, pre-battle bonfire, and telling war stories" Jacob spoke loudly, clapping his hands together. Anna let a small smile grace her features as she shook her head slightly before continuing to gaze into the fire.

"Anna, Anna look!" a small girl around the age of five cooed as she ran towards her elder sister, a small bouquet of flowers in her hand.

"They're beautiful Roselice" Anna smiled down at her sister, taking the bunch of flowers into her own hand "sit down and I'll put them in your hair" the small girl did as Anna said, taking a seat in the grass in front of the girls' home. Anna couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she braided the delicate purple and blue flowers into her sister's hair. Once the girl was done, Rose stood from her seated position and began skipping around.

"Dance with me Anna" the small girl giggled, grabbing ahold of her sisters hands. Anna giggled along, as her blonde curls blew around her face as the two spun in circles. Anna couldn't help but think of how she'd done this, only days prior with Alec while it was raining. Shaking her head of her thoughts the fourteen year old girl continued to dance around with her sister, looking down at her with absolute love and fondness.

Anna sighed as she snapped out of her reverie once again, looking up to see Rosalie sitting next to her. Oh how Rosalie reminded her of her sister; Anna hadn't managed to speak a single word to her, as every time she saw her she felt only pain. The blonde let out a heavy unneeded sigh, scolding herself for her childish behavior; it wasn't Rosalie's fault her name was so similar.

"I'm sorry if I've been cold to you" Anna spoke softly to the blonde beside her. Rosalie turned to face the girl slightly shocked that she'd spoken to her "your name is very similar to my sisters and I can't help but to think that had she had the chance to grow up she would've looked somewhat like you" Anna explained quietly. Rosalie looked at the girls pained expression and felt intensely upset, Rosalie always complained about the life she was given but at least she had had the chance to at least grow up a bit and at least she had Emmett, this girl was so young and she was all alone.

"It's alright, I understand" Rosalie spoke sincerely, holding the girls hand in her own, squeezing it lightly. The young blonde gave Rose a soft, enchanting smile before tuning into the conversation around her. Everyone spoke of their different war stories and Anna couldn't help but be interested, all of these people had been through so much, seen so much. Anna wasn't particularly fond of the Romanians that were there but she couldn't help but sympathize with them, everything was taken away from them as it was for her, although she couldn't help but feel a tad bit jealous that they at least had each other; her life would have been at least slightly happier if she had had Jane or Alec by her side. And with those thoughts the night continued, their conversations going on through the night; nothing was said by Anna but listening was perfectly fine with her, she simply sat and enjoyed having company for once. The blonde vampire sat smiling to herself as she thought of how she'd made a few acquaintances over the past few weeks but her smile quickly faded as she thought of what could become of tomorrow.    

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