Chapter 12

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It was amazing to Anna how quickly time went by; a year had past and she couldn't be happier. The Volturi castle was really starting to feel like home to her. Although, she was far different than most of those whom stayed with the Volturi, she cared for them as a family. The blonde still looked like the picture of innocence; she was still gracious and kind and felt slightly shaken after any executions. Most who stayed with the Volturi cared for the girl but still thought she wasn't as strong as she should be as she still refused to drink the blood of people and felt uncomfortable as an execution took place. Anna knew what everyone thought of her and tried not to let it bother her but she couldn't help the worrisome thoughts that plagued her mind; the only thing that did stop those thoughts from bothering her was a whole other problem of its own. Lately Anna couldn't help but feel as though she was being followed, seeing glimpses of people watching her every time she left the castle and every now and again she would see a face that was oh so familiar but attempted to push any troublesome thoughts behind her.

Anna now sat in the gardens of the castle after an earlier execution had taken place –another vampire whose newborns were out of control, just like with Ethan. Thinking back to Ethan she still couldn't help but wonder if anyone else had survived that night over a thousand years ago. It had been a year since Ethan's death and she was happier than ever with Alec lovingly by her side and having Jane to keep her company but these thoughts still never left her head. Anna always had a bad habit of overthinking; since that night of fire and blood she couldn't help but overthink everything, it's all she'd done for the past thousand years –was think. Therefore, there she sat, twirling a blood red rose between her fingers as she gazed upon the gardens lost in thought. However, a slight movement caught her eye. Her golden eyes looked quickly in the direction of the rustling noise where she noticed a flash of red and then nothing else. The blonde then felt a small breeze behind her causing her to stand from her position on the bench to turn around only to be faced with nothing. The now cautious girl looked at her surroundings in suspicion before she felt the touch of someone's hand on her shoulder. Turning quickly she let out a sigh, coming across Alec.

"Are you alright mi amore?" the dark haired boy questioned as he looked upon the slightly frightened girl.

"Yes, I'm fine" the blonde replied, shaking her head lightly before looking into her lovers eyes. Alec wasn't completely convinced but nonetheless smiled, adorning a small kiss on her lips. His smile only grew wider as he took in her appearance; she was dressed in a simple black dress with a pair of heels and a decorative pink necklace added a soft pop of colour –she looked radiant. Alec couldn't help but admire the beauty before him questioning how he ever got so lucky; he had forever to live with the girl he's loved since he was small and no one could ever take her from him –or so he thought.


Later that night Anna sat in her room, staring at her reflection in the crystal embedded mirror. She curled her soft blonde ringlets delicately around her finger as she stared into her own golden eyes reminiscing about her day.

The couple had spent all day roaming the flourishing gardens of the Volturi castle. The flowers bloomed brilliantly in the large square courtyard which held the gardens, the castles large walls creating a barrier from the outside world, the world in which people believed the like of Alec and Anna did not exist.

Stopping next to the large grey fountain in the middle of the gardens, Alec held his hand out in front of him bowing slightly to the girl that which is whole existence seemed to revolve around. The girl laughed joyfully as she took his cold hand in her own as they began to dance gracefully around the enchanting fountain, the water which was flowing like its own small waterfall seeming to create the music to which the couple danced so peacefully to. Getting lost in the red eyes of the boy she loved so much Anna couldn't help but think of her younger sister and mother.

"Mother and Roselice loved to dance" she spoke quietly as she tore her gaze from Alec's ruby like eyes and down towards her feet. A pained expression came across Alec's features as he looked towards the young girl. He knew how much she missed them and he couldn't help but feel her pain.

"I know they did" Alec spoke just as softly "and I'm sure they miss you just as much as you miss them but they'd want you to be happy Anna"

"I am happy" Anna spoke again looking back at him once more "I'll always be happy as long as I'm with you"

"And I you" the boy responded with a smile on his face as he leaned own to kiss the girl he loved.

Anna sighed in content as she looked back at herreflection, undoing the braid in which she had done her hair. The girl hummedsoftly to herself as her delicate fingers weaved through her hair before shecame to a sudden stop, silencing her voice as she looked into the mirror oncemore. There in the reflection was once again a flash of red as she felt abreeze from behind her. Looking around frantically Anna became nervous,wondering if she was going crazy. She'd been seeing who she thought that flashof red could be outside of the castle all year but she refused to believe hewas real. He couldn't be.     

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