Chapter 3

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It was the year 1713 in France; Anna walked into the castle her long blonde hair done in an elegant braid down her back, small jewels scattered through it. Her light pink ball gown shimmered in the candle light of the Palace of Versailles. The palace was beautiful, chandeliers hung all the way down the hall. She smiled at the sight of all the people in their finest clothes.

Many men asked her to dance that evening, even the king himself –Louis XIV. They were all entranced with the young girl's beauty, her flawless porcelain skin and her shimmering gold eyes drew them in. Her smile was soft and kind, all of the woman envied the seemingly perfect young lady. She danced the night away with many different suitors but only one caught her eye in particular.

"Does this lovely lady have a name?" a smooth, deep voice asked from behind the beautiful blonde. She turned abruptly, had she been breathing the breath would have been caught in her throat. She stared at the young man in front of her, his deep red eyes meeting hers.

"Anna, my name is Anna" she replied softly, still caught up in his eyes.

"Well, Anna, would you care to dance?" he asked, sending her a charming smile.

"I would love to dance, if you would tell me your name" she responded, smiling back at the charming male.

"My name is Demetri"

Demetri laughed as he looked over at the blonde vampire he'd met all those years ago.

"It certainly was centuries ago, the seventeen hundreds I believe" Demetri spoke, reminiscing in his time with the girl.

"1713, at the Palace of Versailles" Anna answered him, her too lost in her thoughts of their time together. She smiled at the man she considered a friend, taking in his appearance. His blonde hair was styled neatly, he wore a black jacket. What caught her eye though was what hung from his neck –the Volturi crest. She'd never looked much into the Volturi, they never bothered her so she didn't see the need to; although she was quite sure every vampire new what their signature crest looked like.

"The Volturi crest" the blonde spoke, gesturing to the necklace that hung around his neck "I see you've done well for yourself"

"That I have" Demetri replied, fiddling with the crest "I'm sure that they'd love if you joined, it would be nice to have an old friend there with me"

"You don't even know if I'm gifted, isn't that what the Volturi want? Gifted vampires?" she replied smoothly, not liking the idea; she was fine on her own.

"They do but not all of the guards are gifted" he replied, trying to convince the blonde to join him.

"I'm sorry Demetri but it will have to be a no" the girl sighed deeply "besides, I like being alone"

"No one likes being alone, Anna"

"Well I do, I prefer not to get attached to anyone; it only causes pain"

Demetri frowned as he looked at the girl before him, there was always this aura of sadness around the girl, but he couldn't imagine someone as kind as her having been through so much pain.

"You have a painful past, I can tell" he spoke softly, placing his hand delicately on top of hers. She smiled slightly, looking up at him. There would never be a day that she'd be used to his piercing red eyes; those eyes only reminded her of her family's death.

"A story for another time" she spoke quietly "I hope to see you again, you are the closest thing I have to a friend" and with that the girl walked back out into the rain to journey on elsewhere.

Anna travelled to France –to the Palace of Versailles to be exact. Once she'd arrived she took the next available tour of the castle. Once she knew she was close to her desired location she sped off unnoticed, and there she was; standing on the balcony where she talked to Demetri that night back in 1713.

The seemingly perfect couple dance gracefully across the ballroom as everyone watched in awe. They seemed to move in perfect sync with the music, the blonde beauty's dress swept delicately across the floor as the mysterious man spun her around the room. As more couples began to join in on the festivities the couple ceased their dancing and took a stroll down the grand hallways of the palace.

"Your eyes certainly intrigue me" the man names Demetri voice as the pair walked down the long hall, stopping on a large balcony that overlooked the palace gardens "I've never met a vampire with eyes such as yours" Anna let out a sigh at his words but turned to smile at him.

"I detested what I'd become, I had turned into the monster that had killed my family and everyone I knew. I refused to feed on human blood when I'd realized what I was; I chose a different path to see if I'd be able to feed on the blood of animals, it's how I've been living ever since" Anna told him as she looked over the balcony at the beautiful flowers below.

"You can't surely be as strong as you could be living like that" Demetri stated, looking at the young blonde next to him, wondering what she'd all been through; it was obvious by her words that her family was killed by vampires but surely there had to be more to it than that.

"I'm not as strong, but it's a small price to pay to no longer be the thing I despise most" she replied to him, looking down at her feet, her thoughts consumed with the memories of her parents death.

"I suppose" Demetri concluded, not wanting to push the girl who already seemed upset. The rest of the night the two talked of their adventures, Demetri told her of how he was born in Greece to a noble family and now lived with a coven of Egyptian vampires and that he had travelled to France for some time alone. Demetri had said he was unsure of his life with the coven and he was attempting to learn new things and decide whether or not he wanted to stay with them.

"I have been alone all of this life, I believe it is better to be alone" Anna voice her opinion to the vampire next to her, although she wasn't completely sure her own opinion was correct; hearing of Demetri's adventures with his family made what was her heart ache, all she wanted was for her friends and family to be with her.

"I believe that is something we will have to disagree on, I don't believe anyone is better off alone" he spoke to the girl, wondering how a young girl such as herself found it better to be on one's own; never having someone to find comfort in.

"I suppose" Anna agreed, but not wholeheartedly as she looked up at the night sky above; the two falling into a comfortable silence as they listened to the music that drifted from the ballroom.   

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