Chapter 19

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There was a crisp wind blowing as almost all of the Volturi guard walked towards the open field outside of Venice. Anna fidgeted nervously with the end of her black flowy tank top as she walked in between Alec and Jane. She had no idea what Brandon was planning and it terrified her. It wasn't a long travel to the large clearing but it was long enough to give Anna time to think – which was a very dangerous thing in Anna's mind. She tried to remember her most important memories as she walked; meeting Alec and Jane, celebrating birthdays with them, meeting Demetri and of course memories of her family. She thought of the simplest things such as her little sisters laugh or watching her mother and father make dinner together, her mother doing her hair, playing with her sister; she thought of anything she could think of just in case she would meet her end in the battle to come, she wanted to remember everything before she died, so finally she thought of one of her new favourite memories. You'd think it would be the memory of Alec asking her to marry him or simply seeing him for the first time at the battle with the Cullen's but that just wasn't it – it was a memory of him yes, but not just him it was of all of her new friends.

Anna sat in a small lounge room of the castle with Alec and Jane and Demetri, even Felix was there. The five vampires sat on the two couches, each couch a deep shade of red. The group had been telling stories of the many adventures they've had in their lifetime – Felix telling many funny stories of the girls that have rejected him over the years. The group was in a complete state of bliss as they all laughed together. At one point Demetri had made a snide comment causing Felix to chase him around the castle and as they all laughed at the childish actions of the two she looked at Alec... she was completely enchanted with his smile at that moment and she looked then to Jane as she laughed as well and she felt at home; it was the first time she'd felt truly at home in the Volturi castle and it was then that she knew that those four vampires were friends that she would always cherish.

Anna finally snapped out of her reverie as the group came to a stop, knowing this was where they were to meet Brandon and his men. Taking an unneeded deep breath Anna looked to her right to see Jane and Ian and then to her left to see Alec, Demetri and Felix; this could be the last time she truly saw any of them and she'd never felt so much physical pain in her life than she did at that moment – she'd lost one family and she couldn't bear to lose another. Anna stayed in her thoughts for what felt like hours but was only seconds as suddenly there they were – Brandon and about fifty other vampires.

"Well, well, well such a big turnout just for little old me?" Brandon spoke in his usual taunting voice as he looked upon the large coven "I'm flattered"

"I certainly wouldn't consider it flattery" Demetri spat back quickly. Brandon let out a loud laugh at the comment before turning to face Aro.

"I must say Aro; I've been looking forward to meeting you. Now, we can avoid this whole mess if you just hand over the twins and their lovely friend Anna"

"It appears you've entered a state of delusion if you truly believe that I would willingly hand over some of my most valued members" Aro responded sharply, already irritated by the younger vampires arrogance.

"Well then" Brandon spoke through gritted teeth "I suppose we shall begin" the red head finished before letting out a low whistle signally his group to attack. The two groups rushed towards each other clashing in the middle as the vampire began to fight one another. Anna quickly dismembered any vampire from the opposite side she could see as she also watched out for her friends to make sure they were safe. Everything seemed like a blur as she tried to focus only to get lost in her thoughts. She was worried and couldn't stop thinking about what was to come. She didn't know how long this battle would last and how many lives would be lost and it had Anna more frightened than she'd ever been before.

The fight had raged on for about an hour before Brandon's men dwindled to nothing. Anna looked around making sure everyone was alright before her sight caught hold of Brandon holding Demetri tight against his chest, his left arm wrapped tightly around Demetri's neck.

"Well, it appears I've lost but you see I'm not going down without taking at least something from you" Brandon sneered out as he eyes Demetri with a dark glimmer in his eyes.

"Please Brandon, you've already taken enough from me" Anna cried as she looked at Demetri who struggled in the red head's grip.

"Yes, but I haven't taken enough from them" the boy answered as he set his eyes on the twins "and I happen to know that this particular guard member is a close friend of theirs"

"Brandon, please! Enough of this! You already had my mother ripped to pieces in front of me do not do this to me as well! You must have a heart left in there somewhere" the blonde continued to beg as she looked into the boys ruby red eyes that glimmered with insanity.

"My heart died the day my family died that night years ago and it's all your fault; so now I will watch your heart die as well. At least satisfaction will be the last thing I feel before I die"

"Brandon, please" Anna tried one last time but her heart broke at the final word he whispered.

"No" and that was all Brandon said before yanking his left arm up roughly and breaking Demetri's head from his body. The whole coven seemed to freeze at the sight of their friend 's decapitated body before a blood curdling scream was released into the air as Anna fell to her knees, her eyes flashing a bright gold before Brandon burst into tiny pieces like shattering glass. Everyone stared in shock at the occurrence before watching in sympathy as Anna stumbled to her feet, heading towards Demetri's dismembered body.

"I'm sorry Demetri, I'm so sorry" the blonde cried as she leaned over the pieces that remained of Demetri. Anna screamed and cried with dry eyes for what seemed like hours before she felt a hand placed on her shoulder.

"He wouldn't have wanted us to be unhappy" the strong voice of Felix cut through the air as he looked down at the girl and his old friend. Anna looked at Felix for a moment before hugging him tightly.

"We'll do something to remember him by. Demetri was a loyal guard and friend" Aro's sullen voice broke through the tense and sorrow filled air.

"Thank you Aro" Anna whispered softly as she pulled away from Felix.

"It's over now, Anna" Jane spoke to her friend softly as she looked around the field which was staggered with burning bodies "let's go home. Demetri would want us to keep on going"

"I know, it's just hard to go home when a part of it is missing"

"He'll always be there Anna" Alec broke into the conversation "we just have to remember him and he'll be there" the boy's words slowly sunk in and Anna gave a slight nod as she composed herself.

"You're right... Let's go home" and with that Anna, Alec, Jane, Ian and Felix followed behind the rest of the guard and back home to Volterra.

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