Chapter 20

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Nerves – that's what Anna felt that morning. It was her wedding day and although she was happy she was also scared; this was it the day she finally married the love of her life. She lay in a warm bath filled with bubbles as she smiled to herself. She felt like she'd been waiting forever for this day and she needed it after all the trauma she'd been through the past month. She'd spent the whole day before shopping with Jane and Heidi to celebrate and today they would help her get ready. Smiling to herself Anna got out of the bath, wrapping herself in a white satin robe. She exited the bathroom only to find a small box sitting on her bed, a note attached to the top. Walking over she took the small letter and opened it.

Dear Anna,

If you're reading this it means I didn't make it through the battle and I'm sorry for that, I know I said everything would be fine but I guess it wasn't. On the bright side however it is your wedding day, congratulations I know you and Alec will be very happy together. You know, Alec and Jane were never quite happy until you came along and I thank you for that. I also thank you for being a great friend, you've grown to be like a sister to me and I love you very much. Please don't grieve for me too long and take care of Felix for me.

Now for the gift, in this box is a necklace. I don't remember too much from my human life but I do know this was my grandmothers. I have a vague memory of my mother telling me to give it to the woman I loved. I never found that woman but I figure if I was going to give it to anyone it would be you. I hope you cherish it as much as I cherished you. I love you Anna, be happy for me.



Anna wished she could cry as she read over the letter, opening the box to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace. The blonde immediately took the necklace out of the box, hooking it around her neck.

"Demetri told me to give it to you on your wedding day if anything happened during the battle" Jane spoke as she entered the room "you meant a lot to him"

"Thank you Jane" Anna thanked her softly before sitting down so that Jane could do her hair. The other blonde braided the front of Anna's hair up into a beautiful low bun, adding a crown of white flowers and letting two small pieces of hair fall to frame her face.

"There, perfect" Jane stated as she stepped back to look at her work "now let's get you in that dress"

"I heard dress" Heidi exclaimed excitedly as she raced into the room, the bag which contained Anna's dress in hand. The other two girls smiled at her before Jane grabbed the dress, beginning to help Anna into it. The dress was tight fitted at the top with beautiful lace sleeves, the back was deep cut and lead into a long flowy train all made with lace. Anna had never felt more beautiful in all of her existence as she smiled at her two friends. The girls looked at each other in excitement as Anna grabbed her mother's gold heart necklace adding it to her outfit along with some earrings before slipping on her heels.

"And the final touch" Heidi exclaimed as she handed Anna a beautiful bouquet of light pink roses. Anna smiled as the two girls went to get into their dresses for the event, taking one last look in the mirror before meeting the girls outside of the throne room.

"You look splendid ladies" Aro's voice came from Anna's left as she turned her head to see him "you make a beautiful bride Anna"

"Thank you Aro" the blonde replied in a soft voice, a smile playing on her lips. Heidi and Jane each gave Anna one last smile as the music began to play; Anna smiled back watching as the two girls walked down the aisle before her and Aro followed. All of Anna's nerves seemed to disappear the moment she began to walk down the aisle because there he was – Alec standing at the front with a smile on his face, dressed in his best suit. As for Alec, well he couldn't have been happier seeing the girl he loved walking towards him in a white dress. As Anna walked down the aisle she looked to all her guests who stood and watched; the Cullen's were there and all of the witnesses from Renesmee's trial, in fact vampires from all over the world had come to the wedding, it was a grand affair but as much as she tried to take it all in the only thing Anna could focus on was Alec. Finally reaching the end of the aisle Aro handed her off to Alec with a smile on his face. The two lovers stared at each other in awe for a moment before the ceremony began. The ceremony wasn't long but it was special.

"Anna, I will never forget the day I met you; the day a small girl stood up for two strangers she didn't know, the day a girl chose to be considered odd and be isolated from everyone else just because she thought that two people whom were alone deserved to have someone to love them. I'll also never forget the day we danced in the rain simply because we could, or the day I looked into your eyes one last time thinking it was the last time I'd ever see the girl I loved. I will never forget being reunited with you over a thousand years later and I will never forget the feeling of what felt like my heart beating once more as I saw your face. I will never forget the memories I have shared with you and I hope to make many more memories that I will cherish forever. I love you Anna, and I will always love you" Alec spoke with utmost sincerity in his voice as he stared at his beautiful bride with fondness in his eyes. Anna stood with the brightest smile on her face as he spoke his words, struggling to begin hers.

"Alec, I will never forget the shy boy I met that day long ago and I will not forget his smile when I gave him a homemade birthday gift or the way he told me that the man to marry me would be lucky. I do hope you still believe those words and think that you are lucky to be marrying me because I feel incredibly lucky to be marrying you. I never truly thought about what the rest of my years would bring me but knowing that those years will be spent with you brings me happiness I could never explain. The memories I make with you will always be cherished.... I'm ecstatic to be beginning my forever with you today. I love you Alec"

After the ceremony the chairs were cleared and the room was opened up for dancing. Everyone was enjoying themselves.

"Felix, I do have to ask why there was an empty chair reserved next to you." Anna questioned as she walked up to Felix later that night.

"I like to think Demetri was there" the tall man responded with a small smile on his face; Anna smiled back at him, hugging him tightly before going to dance with Alec.

"I almost forgot to mention how stunning you look today" Alec whispered in her ear as the two danced around the room, graceful as ever.

"Why thank you, you look quite nice yourself" Anna responded with a small giggle as her new husband spun her around.

"I'll love you forever, I hope you know that" Alec spoke again as the two stopped dancing, walking outside towards the gardens. The two of them stayed out in the gardens for hours simply talking about their lives up to this point and what they looked forward to in the future. Eventually night fell upon Volterra and the gardens were lit up beautifully as you could hear the running water of the fountain where the couple sat.

"This is the same spot where you agreed to marry me" Alec spoke with a content sigh as he looked over to his wife.

"And the exact same spot Felix and Demetri pushed you into the fountain back in 1886, if I remember correctly" Jane's voice interrupted as the hot tempered vampire strolled in with a smirk on her face "a gift for the bride" Jane continued as she reached the two, handing a small bouquet of flowers to Anna.

"What ever happened to flowers always die?" Anna questioned in a teasing manner.

"I changed my mind" Jane responded with a shrug. Anna laughed at her friend's response before setting the flowers down next to her, a smirk of her own growing on her face as she looked towards her husband. Before Alec could question the girls look the blonde had splashed him in the face with water from the fountain before getting up and running away, leaving her husband to chase after her. Jane laughed as she watched the two with fondness.

"Have they always been like this?" Ian's voice came from beside Jane.

"Always" Jane responded with a smile as Ian placed his arm around her.

"I suppose it will make for some good memories" Ian replied with a laugh of his own.

"That it will"

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