Chapter 18

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Brandon had been leaving notes around the castle all week, giving hints as to where the battle was to be held and when; some of the notes were simply to taunt them. Anna stood alone on one of the castle balconies. The blonde wore a beautiful one shoulder, black dress and black heels to match as she looked over the small Italian city that was Volterra. There was only one day left till the battle with Brandon, and she was terrified, she hadn't been able to stop worrying –each note the red head left made her more and more anxious.

"I can almost hear you worrying" a voice broke Anna out of her daze as she turned around to see the familiar face of Demetri. The girl simply gave him a small smile and turned back to face the city.

"You know, I remember talking to you that night on the balcony in France" Demetri began speaking after a short silence as he walked to stand next to Anna, leaning against the edge "I would never be where I am today if it wasn't for those words you spoke to me – when I spoke of how I felt about the coven I had been staying with and how I wasn't truly happy, you told me that if I wasn't happy there wasn't a point in staying; you told me that they weren't my true family if they didn't make me happy. Those words were the reason I went to the Volturi – the reason I found my true family" Anna beamed at his words, before the smile fell off her face as she looked down to her feet.

"Tomorrow, Demetri; we have to face Brandon tomorrow and I'm afraid I'm not ready" the girl spoke in a soft yet painful voice "I can't lose anyone else, not so soon after losing my mother"

"We'll be fine Anna, we can beat this Brandon fellow" Demetri spoke in attempt to comfort her, pulling her into a tight embrace as he let a hand run through her hair. They stood like that for a while before they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Turning to see who was there they came across the almost annoyed face of Alec, his red eyes swimming with jealousy. Anna noticing the distaste on her lover's face gave a small smile to Demetri before taking Alec's hand and leading him back inside the castle.

"I should have been the one comforting you... why didn't you tell me you were upset" Alec grumbled as they walked down the corridor hand in hand.

"Because I don't want to worry you with my silly problems" Anna replied with an ashamed sigh. Alec immediately stopped in his place, grabbing his love by the shoulders and turning her to face him, a very serious look upon his angelic like features.

"Your problems are never silly. I am soon to be your husband and your problems are also mine. I am never leaving your side Anna and you must tell me these things – never be ashamed of what you have to say, I will always be there for you" the boy rushed out as he stared into the blonde girl's now red eyes before pulling her into a passionate kiss. Their lips molded together perfectly and all of Anna's fears and worries seemed to melt away; all there was was her and Alec and she never wanted that moment to end, she never wanted to leave his comforting embrace, she didn't want to face what tomorrow would bring, she just wanted everything to be as it was in that moment.

"I'm going to have to get far more used to this" a voice broke the couple from their moment "you'd thought I would have by now" it was Jane who'd snuck up on them, a sly smirk spread across her naturally pink lips.

"Well, I don't know about you but I'm never going to get used to it" Felix joined in on the conversation as he walked into the same hall the other three were gathered "you haven't seen Demetri by any chance have you?"

"He was on the left balcony last I saw of him" Anna answered the burly vampires question with a smile, laughing at his previous statement, and with that said, Felix sped off in look for his friend.

"Those two are inseparable I swear" Jane stated with a shake of her head as she watched Felix disappear "now, come on we need to spend some quality time together before this big battle. I need something to distract me from getting too angry at the thought of Brandon's face" she added as she linked arms with her brother and her friend, leading them down the hall.

"Where have you been all day anyways?" Alec questioned his sister as they wandered farther down the hall. Jane froze at the question, a nervous look crossing her features.

"You've been with Ian, haven't you?" Anna spoke up quickly, already knowing by the look on Jane's face.

"No" Jane snapped quickly.

"Yes you have" Anna replied with a smirk of her own.

"No I haven't" Jane snapped again.

"Yes you have" Alec added, amused to see his sister finally taking a fancy to someone.

"No I haven't"

"Yes you have" a fourth voice broke into the conversation. The trio looked up only to find Ian standing with a big smile on his face "hello again Jane"

"Ian" Jane spoke, surprised "how are you?"

"I'm well thank you" the brunette replied, the smile never leaving his face as he stared at the beauty in front of him.

"We'll leave you two" Anna broke the awkward silence as she took Alec's hand in hers and led him to their room.

"Alec, if something happens tomorrow-"Anna started, now lying in bed with her lover after and intimate few hours together.

"Don't think like that" Alec immediately stopped her from continuing that sentence, turning the blonde around in his arms so she was facing him.

"It's just that I want you to know how much I love you" the girl spoke as she looked into the boy's deep red eyes, for once liking that her eyes now matched.

"I do know, and I hope you know how much I love you in return" he answered, caressing her face with his left hand, a delicate and loving smile etching slowly onto his mouth.

"I know how much you love me; I'll never forget how much you love me because the memories of the love I've shared with you are the most prominent memories in my mind. I never stopped thinking of you all those years I thought you were dead – I loved you then and I love you know. Never forget that"

"I will never forget that for the rest of my immortal life, and I will never forget that even after that because you are the biggest part of me. The memory of you will never fade, even after death" Alec spoke as he pulled Anna closer to his bare frame. 

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