Chapter 10

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Anna had now been with the Volturi for a few weeks and she had never felt more at home. Herself, Alec and Jane had been inseparable. Anna would sit with Jane in the gardens as Jane braided flowers into her hair and Alec couldn't help but stand to the side watching in admiration. Alec had never once seen Jane so happy in his lifetime and to have Anna back was a miracle in itself. Alec looked at the two girls as they sat on a bench in the gardens, both in the Volturi's signature black clothing. He couldn't help but to admire Anna's beauty as he watched over the two; she wore a lace black dress, her feet clad in black heels with gold embellishments and gold accessories adorned her wrists and ears. She sat with perfect posture looking serene as Jane laced blue flowers through her hair which was now done in an elegant up-do. As Anna turned her gaze towards the handsome young man she sent a charming smile his way and as Anna's golden eyes caught his ruby red ones Alec smiled shyly, looking down towards his feet. Every time she smiled at him he swore he could feel his heart come alive, beating like it once did many years ago.

"Anna?" Jane spoke up, breaking the calm silence which had been amongst the three of them. Anna hummed in response telling the girl to continue. "Why do you refuse to drink human blood?" Jane finally asked the question she'd been wanting to since they'd first arrived back at the castle a few weeks ago.

"I just can't become the monster that killed my parents" Anna replied after a moment's hesitation "I can't drink human blood without thinking of my parents or Roselice, I wouldn't be able to look at myself without seeing the monster that took them from me"

"But you don't see Alec and I as monsters" Jane spoke softly, adding another flower to Anna's golden hair.

"That's because it's a lot easier to see the monster within yourself than to see the monster in other people. I know you two aren't monsters but I still wouldn't be able to see myself as the same person, all I'd be able to see is the monster" Anna answered her friend, getting lost in her own little world as she spoke.

"I suppose I understand" Jane replied softly, her too getting lost in her own thoughts. Alec stood a little ways away from the two, furrowing his eyebrows as he picked a flower into his hands. He couldn't understand how Anna could ever see herself as a monster, she was the kindest person he'd ever met; she was the only person to ever give him and his sister a chance. Looking back over at his old friend he let out a small sigh, he only wished he was brave enough to tell her how much she meant to him and tell her how there was no way she could ever be a monster; that she was perfect in every sense of the word.


The Volturi stood in their positions around the throne room, Anna standing in her new position next to Marcus. She looked around the room, smiling at Demetri who stood at his position near the front doors. Demetri noticed Anna's gaze and gave her a small wink in return causing her to roll her eyes lightly. Alec caught sight of the pairs exchange and felt a pang of jealousy and pain. He still didn't know how the two knew each other and he worried he'd lost Anna to someone else before he'd even known she was still alive. Jane on the other hand glared at Demetri, feeling protective over her friend; she knew how much of a ladies man and player Demetri was and she refused to let Demetri get to her friend. Demetri felt nervous under Jane's gaze but quickly regained composure as a boy was dragged into the room by two members of the lower guard.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Aro asked as the boy was dragged in. The boy was tall and lanky, a mess of blonde hair sat upon his head, despite his red eyes he still looked like a regular boy of around thirteen. Anna stared at the boy in curiosity as Aro spoke with him about how the new vampires he's created were causing too much mayhem, risking the exposure of our kind. Anna couldn't help the intense gaze she had as she stared at the boy, something seemed so familiar about him and she felt as if she knew him. Without thinking twice Anna stepped forward slightly.

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