Chapter 9

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"I'd be honored" Anna replied in a soft voice as she looked towards Aro who clapped his hands together in delight.

"How wonderful!" Aro exclaimed loudly as he looked upon the girl in front of him. Jane felt her heart explode in happiness as she looked towards her old friend before racing over to her and pulling her into a tight embrace. The leaders and some of the guard who had not left yet to Italy looked on in astonishment; Jane had never once shown such affection to anyone. Anna couldn't control the large smile that etched across her face as she hugged the other blonde, Jane always used to shove her off whenever she tried to hug her when they were human, so this meant a lot to her.

"I missed you" Jane whispered softly in her friends ear as she pulled her even closer towards her, afraid that if she let go Anna would disappear all over again. As if Anna knew what Jane was thinking she pulled away, placing her hands firmly on Jane's shoulders.

"I missed you too, now stop worrying. I'm not going anywhere" she assured her friend, giving her another smile. Anna was sure she hadn't smiled this much in her whole life.

"I sure hope not" a male's voice broke through her thoughts. Anna snapped out of her reverie to see Alec standing a small distance away behind Jane. He looked as handsome as ever to her, his brown hair still fell over his eyes in a messy fashion and his eyes although red, were still just as soft and gentle as they were once before. A small smile had situated itself on his face as he looked at the blonde he now knew he was in love with, he just never thought he would see her again; although, here she was standing in front of him looking even more beautiful than she did the day he lost her.

"Alec" she breathed out before running towards him and latching her arms around his neck as he lifted her off the ground, spinning her in a circle. A small chuckle left his lips as he hugged her body closer to him, allowing her sweet scent enter his senses and he could have sworn he'd never been so happy. Jane couldn't help the smile that came to her face as she watched the pair; her life had never felt more perfect and more complete.

Pulling away from Anna, Alec looked into her striking gold eyes. The world seemed to stop for the two of them as their eyes stayed locked with one another, communicating a thousand different emotions all at once. There was a thousand years' worth of words wanting to spill between the two of them but nothing came out. Realizing that there was group of people watching Anna stepped away from Alec, shaking her head lightly in embarrassment.

"We should probably go, I'm sure you'll all be wanting to get home" she spoke to the group, giving them all a smile before the group took off towards Italy. The group arrived in Italy in no time, Anna marveled at the sight in front of her. The Volturi castle was certainly a sight to see; it was grand and had an almost gothic style to it.

"It's quite a sight isn't it?" Jane stated, coming to stand next to her old friend as they looked upon the castle in front of them.

"It's beautiful" Anna murmured quietly as they walked into the historic building. The inside of the castle was dimply lit, no windows to allow any natural light in. Anna couldn't help but smile as she walked along side Jane as she talked about life in the castle and how wonderful it would be to have her with them. Although, their chat was interrupted by another voice.

"Anna, dear, may I speak with you for a moment?" Aro asked in an unusually soft and caring voice. Anna directed her attention towards him as she smiled lightly, giving him a glimpse of a smile.

"What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Anna asked the older vampire kindly, she would speak kindly to him unless needed otherwise, she refused to judge the Volturi based on others words; she would never have become friends with the twins if she had listened to others.

"I wanted to discuss the vision our dear Alice showed me" he replied carefully and after a nod from Anna to continue he began to speak once more "in that vision there was a battle, in this battle you died trying to protect both Alec and Jane. I think of the both of them as my own children and knowing that you would die for them is something I could never thank you for enough. I remember now where I've seen you. It was in the minds of the twins, I know the pain they felt when they had woken up from their transformation knowing that they had lost you. I want you to know how happy I am that they've found you and I am grateful to have you with us. I know we may come off as cold and uncaring but what we do is how we see is the best way to insure the future of our kind" he finished. The two had stopped walking down the long corridors of the Volturi castle as the man had spoken, the two now staring at one another intensely. Anna immediately broke into a kind smile as he looked up at the man before her.

"Aro, I will always be there to protect both Alec and Jane, as for how I see you and this coven, do not worry about me judging you on what others have said, I have never been the kind of person to do that. I also want to thank you for your hospitality in taking me in. I have been alone for a very long time and it will be nice to have somewhere to call home" Anna spoke to the man, placing one of her delicate hands on his shoulder as she smiled up at him.

"You definitely are a special one aren't you my dear, we are very lucky to have you. Welcome to the Volturi my dear" Aro said to her as he pulled a Volturi crested necklace from his pocket and placing it in her hand which was once on his shoulder. 

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