Chapter 14

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 The soft footfalls of Jane were the only thing that could be heard as she made her way down to the throne room. She knew that Alec had asked Anna to marry him and that she'd said yes, and she was very excited, knowing that today they'd have to announce their engagement to the rest of the Volturi. Lost in thought, Jane continued her way to the throne room only to stop abruptly, caught off guard by her brother appearing in front of her.

"Well, what is it?" Jane asked, curious as to what her brother needed so urgently.

"Have you seen Anna?" Alec asked his sister frantically; he hadn't been able to find Anna all morning and it was now nearly two o'clock in the afternoon.

"No, I thought she would have been with you" Jane replied quickly before a sudden dread filled her. Without saying another word Jane dashed upstairs, heading to Anna's room.

"Anna!" Jane called out as she burst into the room. There was no response and the room was eerily quiet. Jane's red hot gaze swept over the empty room in suspicion –something wasn't right. Anna's jewelry was placed delicately away in their rightful spots and her silver sparkling heels sat next to her dresser. Everything looked as it should be except for one thing –there on the floor was Anna's hairbrush. Jane walked over to it quietly, picking up the small object which was out of place in the seemingly perfect room. Jane analyzed the object in her hand before letting her enhanced eyesight kick in, allowing herself to look around the room for anything else that could be out of place. Everything seemed fine until she looked towards the carpet by the window, it was a small amount but it was there; right under the window was a dirty footprint in the carpet. You wouldn't have been able to see the small mark without the vampire's senses, but it was there.

"What is it Jane, what's wrong?" Alec asked frantically, noticing the displeasured look upon his sister's face.

"Someone's been here" Jane replied softly, once again allowing her senses to kick in, only this time her sense of smell, looking for anything unfamiliar. Alec stood tense as he watched his sister; why would someone have been in Anna's room? Before Alec could ask himself anymore questions Jane shot up from her crouched position on the floor, a worried look in her eyes.

"Three different vampires have been in here and I don't recognize any of them" the petite blonde spoke quickly before calling for Demetri.

"You called?" Demetri asked in a bored tone as he reached the twins. He honestly didn't feel like having to deal with them today as it was his day off from any duties, but before he could complain Jane snapped around sending a deadly look his way.

"I told you to keep an eye on her!" Jane raged as she looked at the tracker in front of her.

"I-I did she was fine, I watched her go into her room early this morning after the ball" Demetri stuttered out quickly, in all these years he'd never seen Jane so angry.

"Why did you want Demetri keeping an eye on her?" Alec growled out, a hard expression set on his face as he looked towards his twin.

"Because Anna was worried, she thought someone had been following her for a while..." Jane sighed out, now getting more upset by the minute; blaming herself for not keeping a closer eye on her friend.

"And you and Anna didn't tell me this, because?" Alec fumed; feeling almost betrayed that neither of them would tell him something of this importance.

"I didn't want to ruin your evening and Anna didn't want to worry you!" Jane snapped as she began pacing the room. Alec let out a deep sigh as he ran his hand through his hair. The room was in a tense silence for a few minutes before Jane burst.

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