The Movie

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In this chapter they will have a little connection in this one hope you like it!



I wake up my alarm blaring I don't remember being in my bed. I get up and get dressed and eat like my regular each day. I go to Nathan's door I knock he opens it. "Hey" he said "hey" I reply giving him the granola bar. "So I was thinking let's go watch a movie tonight" he said "um ya" I say we enter the room. It's not the worst it's actually the cleanest one "wow it's not so bad" I say. "Ya it's probably the cleanest one" he says I start the washroom.

We finish the rooms "so when's the movie" I ask "at 7:30 it's only 1:30" he said we go and through out the garbage. And we walk back we sit on the chairs by the pool. "Well I'm gonna go and take a shower" I say "ok see you at 7" he says I go to my condo.

"Hey tutor girl how was cleaning" Brooke asks "good I need to talk to you after I take a shower" I say. I get into the shower.

I finish the shower and change "Brooke come here" I say she walks into my room and closes the door. "So first Nathan and I are going to watch a movie tonight and second his shoes size is 14" I say her eyes go wide. "Oh my god first that's big second yay" she says. "Ok well I'm helping you find out what you're wearing" Brooke says "it's only a movie" I say "I don't care when is it" she asks "7:30" I say ok. She looks into my closet and gives me my jeans that I wore to the party and a nice top it's white loose tank top. "There and now your makeup" she does it. She doesn't over do it which is good it light.

It's 7:20 there's a knock at the door I open it is Nathan. "You ready" he asks I nod "bye guys" I say "bye tutor girl" Brooke says. We leave. We get into his SUV and drive off.

We arrive at the movie theatre. "Do you want popcorn" he ask "ya sure" I reply. We get the stuff and go to the theatre. We sit waiting for the movie to start. "So this is a little scary" he says "I hate scary movies Nate" I say he laughs. "I'm here you're fine" he said the lights go down and the movie starts. "I don't like this" I say "the movie hasn't even started" he laughs "I know" I say. "You're fine hales" he laughs "I know this better not have clowns" I say "I don't know about that" he says smiling "why are you smiling" I ask "cause you're cute when you're scared" he says I blush and look away.

  The movie starts. We're already about 30 minutes in and it's scary "no I don't like this" I say hiding my head in Nathan's arm. He laughs "hales really it's fine" he says "easy for you to say I hate scary movies" I whisper. "Ok this is not ok" I say closing my eyes he laughs "stop laughing" I say pushing him. "Sorry but this is just funny to watch" he smiles.

    The movies finished and we walk out. "I hate you for taking me to see that" I say "I didn't know you didn't like scary movies" he says "well now you know" I say we get into his car and go. "Well any ways thanks for taking me" i say "no problem" he says.

We arrive at the condos "thanks again for tonight" I say "it was fun any ways to watch you" he laughs "ya ok" I say he leans in and closes the gap between us. We pull away minutes later. "I should go" I say and walk into the condo ya you played that so cool. "Tutor girl is that you" I hear Brooke walk out of the room. "Hey" I say "I need to talk to you" I say dragging her to my room. "Wow what happened" she asks "he just kissed me" I whisper yell her eyes widen "yes I love it was it good" she asks "yes but that's not the point he kissed me it will be so awkward tomorrow when we clean" I say. "Calm down" she soothes me "ok but what do I do" I ask "just act natural" she tells me I check the time 8:40 "what movie did you see" he asks "a scary one I hated it it was scary" I say. "Ok well I'm gonna go with Lucas good night" she leaves I change into my pajamas and go to sleep.

This wasn't my longest chapter hope you liked it!

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