Please be ok

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Haley's POV

I wake up my alarm going off I shut it annoyed that it Monday I groan. I turn to Nathan. "Wake up" I say lightly he groans. I start to get up when his arms go around my wait and pulls me down. "No I don't want I to be monday" he groans. "I know but it is and we'll be late if you don't let me go" I say. "Whatever" he shrugs. "No" I say he kisses me. I of course I kiss back. But then I pull away. "C'mon Nate" I say. "Nope" he says pulling me closer snuggling into me. "Nate we can't do this" I say. "We can do whatever we want" he says and flips us so I'm under him. "Not unless I tell you so off" I say he chuckles. "Hales the weekend was amazing why does it have to be over" he says. "Because we have school we're teenagers with a life so it has to be over" I say he kisses me. Then pulls away "you're so lucky you're hot" he says I giggle he gets off an I go to the washroom do my things and he does his and we leave.

We get to school I go to my locker and get my things. "Hey tutor wife...what happened this weekend you didn't text back or call" she says. "There's reasons me and Nathan were just having a weeknd to our selves" I say she nods. "Ok I thought you died" she says should I tell her. "Nope just celebrating about me going to be a mom" I say plainly. "Oh that's great....wait what the HELL Haley oh my god you're pregnant?" She says. People look at her. "Shut up...yes" I say she smiles widely. "Don't tell anyone ok" I say she nod. And squeals. "Oh my god I'm gonna be an aunt I'm saying I'm an aunt because I'm close enough" she says I laugh and nod. "Yes I know Nathan was so nice about it" I say. "He better be" she says I laugh. "Yeah he was totally fine I thought he'd just walk away" I say she chuckles. "Yay ugh yes I love it tutor mom now oh god I was waiting" she's says I shake my head. The bell rings and we go to class.


It's lunch I sit with Brooke and Nathan. "So you guys when are you gonna get pregnant you know since you're married you should have a kid" she says I shake my head. "You told her didn't you?" Nathan asks. "Yeah sorry" I say he shrugs. "I told Tim" he says. "You and Tim still talk I never see that" I say. "I know but he kinda forced me to talk I him and it came out and he thought I was lying so that ended well" he says. "So boy toy tutor wife slash mom how far along?" She asks "well we have to make a doctor appointment...but I think I'm a month" I say he shrugs. "Yeah I guess because that's about when it happened" he says. "Ok gross I don't want to here when it happened" she says I laugh. "Shut up you talk about Julian to me" I say. "Ok all of this is uncomfortable so let's stop" Nathan says I laugh more. "You started it" I say. Soon the bell rings and we all go to our classes.

It's the end of the day I go to my locker to get my things. "Ok so is the appointment today?" She asks. "No we still have to make one" I reply she nods. "Text me right away when you know how far!" She says and leaves. I chuckle to myself and get my things I close my locker and turn and scream an then punch because someone was there. "What the hell Haley" I hear Nathan's voice. "Oh my god sorry you scared me so it was my fastest reflex" I say. "Yeah...Jesus who knew a pregnant women could punch so hard" he says with a chuckle. "Sorry" I say. "It's fine" he says "you ready?" He asks I nod and we leave. "Where did I punch you?" I ask "my stomach why?" He answers. "Just asking!" I say he chuckles shaking his head. I drift off thinking about my life this past who knew it could be that crazy. I got married and then I moved in with Nate and now I'm pregnant this is all happening so quickly without thinking or looking I bump into something and stop to the ground. "Haley" Nathan say and comes up to my. "What the hell just happened?" I ask myself. "I don't know you tell me are you ok" he asks. But I panic and worry about my stomach and the baby. "Y-yeah d-do you think the babies fine" I say in a panicked tone. "I-I think so does anything hurt..." He says and as he says that a pain shoots through my stomach and I nod vigorously his eyes go wide.

"O-ok c'mon let's go to the hospital and see what's happening" he says and it just keeps shooting through my body. I look at my legs to see if there's blood not that I see I slowly get up the pain getting worse. He helps me get to the car and then he quickly drives to the hospital.

We walk in he goes to the front desk saying stuff and he comes back with an annoyed expression on his face and kinda angry too. "She said we have to wait" he says annoyed. I feel light headed and dizzy...what's happening. He sees that. And holds me up. "Hales what wrong" he says "you look really pale...we have to get you a doctor quick" he says. I feel myself getting droopy and I faint.

Nathan's POV

She faints I catch her...what the hells happening I walk up to a nurse. "We have I get my wife a doctor...she's p-pregnant and she just fainted she bumped into something and she had pains in her stomach help her" I at that quickly. "Ok, ok calm down I'll take her and bring her in ok it'll all be fine" she says I nod vigorously she takes hers and goes down the hall to a room I'm in panic and shock what's happening will this baby be ok will hales be ok please let everything be needs to it was just the side of a wall it can't be that bad oh god I should've payed more attention...please let her and our baby be healthy and fine. I sit down and rub my hands across my face and through my hair. I sit there.

An hour later the nurse comes up to me. "Hello you are that girls husband right" she asks. "Haley yeah" I say worriedly. "How is she" I add in. "She's fine you can go see her if you'd like" she says. "What took so long is the baby ok" I ask. "Oh she fainted she was out for an hour everything's fine and I was gonna wait for you to be with her when we check out the baby" she says i nod and she walks me to the room I walk in and Haley's just laying there she turns to me an smiles. "Hey" she says her voice raspy. "Hey" I reply with a smile I sit next to her. "Are you ok?" I ask she nods. "Ok so we'll get a doctor to do the ultrasound on you to check the baby" she says we both nod I look at haley I know she's worried I can see it. "Everything will be fine hales" I say she looks at me and gives me a weak smile and nods.

Soon the doctor comes in with all the equipment and she sets it up. "Ok so Haley how are you feeling?" She asks. "Fine" she replies. "So this gel that I'm putting on you will be cold so prepare" she says and puts it on Haley's stomach you can see she has a small bump starting to form I smile to myself. She puts the other thing on her and moved it around Haley's grabbing my hand I kiss hers.

Haley's POV

She looks around for a heart beat and moves it around then I hear thumping on the ultrasound I look at Nathan with tears of happiness and smile he does too. "There it is" she says I nod Nathan kisses me. "Um do you know how far along you are?" She asks. "No I'm guessing a month" I say truthfully she nods. "Would you maybe know how long" I ask "I'm actually thinking 2 months almost 3...would you like to know if it's a boy or girl?" She asks. "We can fine that out?" I ask. "I can try to see" she says I look at Nathan h nods and so do I she moved it around looking. "Ok I can't seem to see anything but if you make an appointment and see maybe in two months you might be able to see it or next month go check it out" she says I nod a little disappointed. She wipes the gel off of my stomach and leaves. My actual doctor comes in and says we can leave now that I'm fine. I change and we leave.


We get to the apartment. "Nathan I'm fine I'm not gonna faint again" I say. "Just don' where you are going" he says I laugh lightly and I sit down. "Um I'm gonna go take a shower" he says I nod and he leaves to take a shower. I sit on the couch and my phone goes off I pick it up. "Hello" I answer. "Tutor wife Nathan texted me an hour ago I was busy and are you's the baby?" She asks. "I'm fine I bumped ino something and I fainted everything's ok so is the baby she couldn't tell the gender yet but I'm 2 months almost 3" I say I know she's smiling. "Oh my god that's pretty far" she says. "Anyways I gotta go be safe bye" she says. "Bye" I mumble and hang up. I laugh to myself...god Brooke's crazy. Soon Nathan comes he sits next to me I lean on him he puts his arm around me he kisses my head. I sigh. "I love you Nate" I say. "I love you too hales" he says.

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