Shadow Lady [Declaim]

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Blood... Blood... I can see lots of blood. "Sandra, where are you..." No! His here again chasing me! "Sandra... I can see you now" I need to escape! I need to run so that he can't see me! No! No! No! I run and run and run but he saw me! His chasing me again! I need to run again! I need to run fast so that he cannot kill me... but... Argh! I stripped. I cannot move my feet... His near! Please somebody help me! His going to kill me! Please someone... help me! Help!

I wipe the sweat flowing down on my forehead. That nightmare again! It's still chasing me from now. It's been a year yet it's still fresh in my memory. Hey! Why are you looking at me? Do you think I am crazy? No! I'm not, because you don't know me.

I am Sandra, an extraordinary girl, why? Because God give me talents, I can sing I can dance, I can do what you can do, I can even memorize everything in a second but all those things are useless. Because I am nothing, I used someone to be me. I used to be a shadow of that woman. I am afraid, that I can hurt those people who love me. Just like what happen to my parents.

I was young back then; everyone loves me, adores me, and feels envy towards me, because I am lucky... I am smart and talented at the young age. Until one night, I was alone, standing in front of our house waiting for my parents but I saw someone... his looking at me like I'm a prey, I feel scared. He come towards me and smiled- a creepy smiled. I saw a knife, his holding a knife so I run, I run and ask for help but no one can hear me! Until I saw my parents, I saw how he digs that knife in my parent's heart. He killed them! With my eyes I can see. He killed them, he laugh and that's the start of my nightmare. That's the reason why I choose someone to be me. And that's the reason why I am known as a shadow lady. The extraordinary woman that choose to be a shadow- a nothing, an invisible.

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