Why Not?

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It was the next day. It was in the middle of lunch. Nick wasn't there. I saw Krysta earlier, but she avoided me. I was in the table with Tiara (my ex) and Melody (the one crushing on me).

I watched as Tiara talk to her new boyfriend. Why did she even think bringing him here in the first place. What an inconsiderate idiot.

I just let my mind wander. I wanted Krysta, but there is no way Nick would let me near her.

"Kai." I turned seeing that Melody called me.

I replied with a smile, "What's up?"

She asked, "Did you hear about... my... my offer?"

I guessed she was talking about her wanting to go out with me. To tell the truth, I wanted nothing to do with her or anyone else.

I wanted Krysta.

"Kai?" Tiara called that time. "Why don't you give her an answer?"

I didn't want to. I knew that they thought they could control me when they couldn't. I wished they could just get off my back.

"Kai?" It was Tiara again.

I scowled, "What? How many times are you going to call me? It's irritating like your mouth on the daily basis."

Everyone at the table seemed to gasp.

Tiara scoffed, "What's wrong with you? You been acting not like yourself lately." She seemed to look like she smelled something stink, i.e. my attitude.

I didn't know what snapped, but it was irritating having them think they know everything about me. I scowled, "You just don't know me. You just assume you do, and it's just so irritating. All of you are."

Tiara sighed as if to seem sympathetic. "If this outburst is from me breaking up with you, you need to stop. Just be you. The nice, innocent you."

The more she talked, the more she irritated me. I didn't want to hear another word. I scowled a name under my breath and stood up. "I didn't want to go out with you in the first place. It was all for your 'experience'" -yes, I did air quotes- "for you and your buddies that passed me alone."

The table was dead quiet then.

A girl asked from the table I was at, "Is that true?" She was one of my exes.

I replied, "What do you think? You all felt the same way anyways."

The table stayed quiet.

On the outside, I was fuming. On the inside, I was jumping with happiness at how ashamed that looked. I loved the look of sadness. All I needed to add was one more thing.

I sniffed and wiped a nonexistant tear from my eye. "Sorry, I'm just not having a good day. Especially, after what I hear. It just hurt so much."

Melody, Tiara, and the rest of the girl looked even worse. I could they didn't know what to think. They probably thought what I said about myself was bluffing.

A few of the people got up to hug me and apologize.

I needed something to make me feel better, so why not?

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