chapter 7 - The Sixth Sister

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Day One

Day - Jackie's Apartment - Aviva's Room

A young teenage goth witch was sitting in the middle of black, lit candles in a circle around her, with a black cloth with more candles on each four points of the cloth on the floor in front of her. She put a small statue on the cloth in front of her, sitting in front of a mirror. There was only one white candle, which she lit, getting into a mediating position. "Come to me, Kali. I conjure thee Kali. Come to me, Kali. I conjure thee Kali."

In the mirror, Kali appeared. "I'm here, Aviva."

"It's been over a week," Aviva told her.

"I know," Kali told her. "Be patient, Aviva."

"But I've done everything that you've asked," Aviva pointed out. "I've followed the Halliwell sisters. I know their every ove."

"Which will all become valuable in good time," Kali told her. "You must trust me. You must make them want you as badly as you want them."

Aviva looked at the closet. "I talked to my mom today."

"How is she?" Kali asked.

"I don't know," Aviva admitted. "She's better... I think. I miss her."

"She's going to be so proud of you," Kali told her.

"Yeah?" Aviva asked. "I hope so."

"Are you ready to receive your power?" Kali asked.

Aviva chuckled. "You know I am."

"Remember, it's a sacred power," Kali told her. "If I give it to you, you must use it only as I say."

Aviva nodded. "I will. I promise."

"Very well," Kali told her. "Reach for the mirror. Put out your hands. Feel the power." Aviva reached her hands toward the mirror. Her hands began to glow as she received the power, then stopped glowing, so she put them down. "You know what to do. Go to Parker, Poppy, Piper, Phoebe and Prue."

Aviva grabbed her coat, leaving. Flames suddenly appeared in the mirror as Kali appeared as her evil demon self.

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Halliwell Manor - Living Room

Poppy was sitting in the chair, holding REWARD flyers for the missing Kit.

Leo walked in, moving the fireplace screen from the fireplace, looking inside, sticking a tool up at it. "Uh, well, I think I see... Yep. There's definitely something here."

Poppy looked from the flyers to Leo. "Definitely."

Parker walked in with coffee, walking around the couch, looking at Leo. "Oh, my. Santa, you've changed."

"He's looking for Kit," Poppy told her.

Poppy and Parker were looking at Leo's ass.

"The cat," Parker told them. "Right. Four legs and fur. I remember." She looked at Poppy, mouthing her words. 'Oh, my God.'

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