chapter 12 - The Wendigo

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Day One

Night - Park

A nearly full moon was shown rising in the night sky.

Piper's car had broken down in the park. She was on the phone with Poppy and Parker, who were at home. "Of course I know what a jack is, Parker. I just don't know how to use it. It's not like I've ever got a flat tire before. I mean, this doesn't happen to me every day."

"Piper, relax," Parker told her. "You remember how our old friend Lucia Alizon's dad was a mechanic?"

"Yeah," Piper answered. "Man, we haven't even heard from Lucia Alizon in years, and yet, we were more like family than best friends to Lucia while growing up. Lucia's aunt was best friends with Grams."

"And Lucia's mom was best friends with our mom," Poppy added. "Yeah, we haven't heard from Lucia in a while, but she's still like family. Alizons were like family."

"Oh, and since Lucia's dad used to be a mechanic, he taught me, Lucia and Poppy how to change a tire way back when," Parker explained. "We will walk you through it. Okay, you put the jack under the jeep, then you put the handle in the base and ratchet it up and down. Okay, it's very easy."

Piper looked around. "Handle... I don't think I've got a handle. Wait, there's a long wooden spook in the back."

"That's not gonna work," Parker told her.

Piper found the spoon. "Okay, okay..." She stuck it in the jack, but the spoon broke. "Oh, it didn't work."

"Okay, stay there," Poppy told her. "We'll call Prue and Phoebe. We can come and get you."

"No, I can do it," Piper disagreed. "I can figure it out."

"Piper, you're stranded and you're all alone, and the only thing you have to protect yourself with is a wooden spoon that's broken," Poppy told her.

"And I have the power to freeze," Piper added. "I'm fine, it's better than mace. Okay, I gotta go before my battery dies. I gotta call the Auto Club. I'll meet you at home in a little bit."

"Piper, wait," Poppy told her.

Piper hung up.

"Hello?" Parker asked. She looked at Poppy. "She is out of her mind."

"All right, we'll give her 15 minutes, then call back," Poppy told her.

Parker nodded in agreement. "Okay."

Piper was now calling the auto club. "San Francisco, auto club, please."

There was something lurking in the bushes.

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Prue and Phoebe were talking.

"Now, back to what we were talking about," Phoebe told her. "What do you think?"

"Well, I think it's a good idea," Prue answered.

Phoebe smiled. "Great."

"And I think it's a bad idea," Prue finished.

"How?" Phoebe asked. "How is it a bad idea? You need extra help for the auction, and I need a job."

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