chapter 5 - Dream Sorcerer

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Day One

Night - Quake

Parker walked in, her jacket slung over her shoulder, walking through the crowd. She walked toward the table where Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Poppy were sitting. "Oh, I'm so glad you guys are still here." She sat down. Her sisters were looking behind her. "What are you staring at?"

Prue pointed behind her. "They have been going at it for almost an hour."

Parker turned to see that they were watching a kissing couple. "Hello." She looked away, putting a hand to her head. "I can't even look."

"I know," Piper told them. "I hate being single."

A waitress walked toward their table. "Waitress, coming through." She set out a glass in front of Poppy. "Special delivery."

"Hey, Skye," Piper told her.

"Hey, Skye," Poppy told her.

"Hi," Skye told them.

"Um, I think there's been some kind of a mistake," Poppy told her. "I didn't order this."

"I know," Skye told her. "You have a secret admirer." She pointed out a guy across the restaurant named Whitaker Berman. "He ordered it for you."

The sisters followed her gaze to Berman.

"Who is that?" Phoebe asked.

"I have no idea," Skye told them. "I'm just following the bartender's orders. And, apparently, he's been eyeing Poppy all night."

"Skye, can you do me a favor?" Poppy asked, handing her the glass. "Um, tell him thank you, but I don't really accept drinks from guys unless I know them or they introduce themselves first."

"Sure," Skye told her. She looked at the other four sisters. "Smart girl."

"Wisest of us all," Prue told her.

Skye carried the glass back toward Berman.

"She didn't want the drink?" Berman asked.

"I'm sorry, no," Skye answered. "She's flattered. She's just cautious when it comes to meeting new people."

Skye set the glass in front of him.

"Yeah, sure, she is," Berman told her. "How about you?" He slid his wheelchair back a little bit. "Maybe you'd like to have a drink with me sometime?"

"Oh, um, well, that's really sweet of you, but, uh, I'm not allowed to date the customers," Skye told him.

A man called for her. "Skye!"

"Uh, an order's up," Skye told her. "I've got to run."

Berman nodded.

Skye walked away, leaving.

    ° ☾ °¸.●¸.★° :. . • °     

Skye's Apartment

(Song:) A Ticket to Death - Miss Trip

Skye was asleep.

Berman appeared in her dream. "Hello, Skye."

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