I'll try

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There they were, two teens on a couch, a brunette covering a bright blonde in bandages. The girl had blood oozing out of her right arm whilst being parallel to the boy nonchalantly wrapping a cloth around her wounds.
"I seriously don't know how you get into this much pain." Sighed Marco Diaz "Pain? Marco, this isn't the worst pain I've been in!" Star smiled as the boy rose his eyebrow. "Really?" Marco questioned in disbelief. "Really!" Nodded Star. How could he believe her? She was practically thrown into the wall by Ludo's henchmen and then stepped on by the biggest one there! "Alright," Marco said confidently

"Name three times you have been been in pain that's worst than this"


A slight pause was brought to the teens.Finally, someone spoke."What are you waiting for?" Marco questioned impatiently. "Do you want them in chronological order or....?" She procrastinated "Just name three times you have been in pain more than today!" He yelled impatiently. Star took    a deep breath like she was about to reveal a dark secret.

"1. I was 6. It was the first Mewman war and...I watched m-my b-best friend    jump off a high cliff and die."

"2. I was 11. It had been the second Mewman war, which me and my older brother was in. I-I...He...He told me to stay and protect myself as he did something. He protected his friend...As for him...L-Let's just say that I only had two siblings left."

At this point Marco had heard enough, he watched a depressing tear gracefully descend down his best friends face.She wiped it away like it was nothing and continued his aching nightmare.

"3. 13. Only 13. A-After losses a-and betrayals my two sisters had enough, and I could tell.One unforgettable morning, my mom,dad and I woke up to see th-that m-my sisters, t-the only ones I had l-le-left!"

Multiples tears streamed down her face as she frantically and violently swiped her hands left and right across the brims of her eyes.Yet she still continued,

"T-They disappeared, with out me! I don't even know where they are, THEY COULD BE DEAD FOR ALL I KNOW!" She began to yell.

With out warning,she dashed upstairs and slammed her door shut.The 16 year-old male teen eyes were mirroring saucers, he glanced up the stairs and bit his lip. She had actually been in that such pain! He had no words.Nothing.

--------------/few hours later/------------

After many paces around his medium sized room, he finally walked up to her door and raised his hand whilst in a fist shape and was about to knock until he heard her muffled sobbing, the sobbing that was rare and made his heart feel like his heart was being stabbed thousands of times.


Her muffled sobs turned into chokes as he faintly heard a metal object being gently placed on a counter.Reluctantly, the door creaked open to reveal her red,puffy face. Marco could see right through her forced smile."Star, please let me in,I want to help you and comfort you! I don't like seeing you like this and you know it!" "Marco, I don't need help, I'm fine!" Marco took a step closer "Can I at least come in?" Marco asked as he another step closer. "N-No! D-Don't come in I-I'm fine really!" She protested whilst Marco rose his eye brow. "Star, there something your not telling me." "S-Seriously! I-I..."


"T-There's absolutely no reason to come in, I mean we can have our conversation out here in the hallway!"


"I mean Mr and Mrs Diaz aren't home yet so we won't disturb their peace and..."


The Mewman girl widened her ocean blue eyes as she saw the brunette boy push past her and turn on the light to her overly huge bedroom. All she could hear was his horrified gasp and his two palms cover his mouth.Marco stared horrifically at the sharp knife soaked with ruby red blood on her counter and the amount of tissues of dried blood scattered on the floor.

"I-I guess those cuts and scars weren't just from the monster battle." He choked out,

"Nope" that was all she could say.

"Why?" He asked

"To remind me, of them. And how much pain they caused me"

All of a sudden Marco engulfed her in a huge hug.Of course she returned it! Who couldn't?

"Please don't do this again." He whispered in her ear

"I'll try." She replied as Marco gently kissed her scalp.


First ever one-shot! Hope you enjoyed it!

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