Favourite tag and update!

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I was tagged by the amazing giddyinsanestar14

1. Favourite Song

I have two.My favourite songs are Phoenix by Fall out boy and Mrs Potato head by Melanie Martinez

2. favourite sport
3. Favourite Band
Fall out boy, followed by TØP
4.Favourite show
Svtfoe, Gravity falls and Steven universe ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
5. Favourite movie
Star Wars VII and Zootopia
6. Favourite colour
Black and blue
7. Favourite food
Cake and cookies *flips table*
8. Favourite drink
Hot chocolate with marshmallows ( ^ω^ )
9. Favourite video game

Now I shall tag the victims ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
starcofanfics StarDiazButterfly StarMarco4ever IanaThePacifist MadPorter jemma-is-life Powermotion101 Wolf-Marks Ben2398 animation_lover_0418 sparklesing123 SummerGirl972 tns_for_life023 Catalyst56 tinyisfat

☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆
I shall be taking requests! And I will be updating a new story today or tomorrow! Who knows? I may do a part 2 to Star vs the forces of gravity. But, that up to you

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